Striped Bass

Sea Bass






2018 Fishing Reports

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Sunday 12/30/18: TOMORROWS 4 AM TRIP IS CANCELED. OUR NEXT TRIP IS SATURDAY 1/5/19. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Today the 4 AM trip caught 259 sea bass; 312 porgies; 37 ling; 8 pollack; 69 cunner; 7 haddock; 1 cod; 64 cape sharks and 51 pout.

Saturday 12/29/18: TOMORROW'S 4AM TRIP IS ON.

Thursday 12/27/18: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS OFFSHORE. OUR LAST 2 SEA BASS TRIPS OF THE SEASON ARE SUNDAY AND MONDAY. Today's 4AM trip caught 123 sea bass, keeping 65; kept 215 ling; caught 9 codfish, keeping 6; 7 porgies; 2 pollack; 45 capeshark; 16 cunner and 27 pout.

Wednesday 12/26/18: TOMORROW (12/27/18) OUR 4AM OFFSHORE TRIP IS ON. BUY YOUR TICKETS ON OUR CALENDAR. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS OFFSHORE. Today's 4AM trip had 30 fishermen. They caught 226 big sea bass, keeping 128; 294 giant porgies, keeping 256; kept 15 haddock; 11 ling 1 pollack; caught 6 codfish, keeping 2; caught 17 capeshark; 6 pout and 31 cunner.



Thursday 12/20/18: DUE TO A GALE WARNING TODAY IS OUR LAST OFFSHORE SEA BASS TRIP UNTILL THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO ORDER GIFT CERTIFICATES ONLINE FOR DELIVERY BEFOR CHRISTMAS. Today's 4AM offshore trip had 25 fishermen. They caught 161 sea bass, keeping 61; Kept 26 porgies; 80 ling; 4 cod; 3 pollack; 2 haddock; caught 19 cunner and 25 pout. Merry Christmas.

Today's 4am offshore trip had 23 fishermen. They caught 236 big sea bass, keeping 124; kept 6 cod; 14 haddock; 31 ling; 3 hake; 8 porgies; caught an 8lb. fluke; 1 flounder; 52 capeshark and 16 cunner.



Friday 12/14/18: Today's 4AM trip caught 464 sea bass keeping 182; 142 big porgies; 8 ling; 2 hake; 2 blues; 15 capeshark; 1 fluke and 88 cunner. SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY ARE CANCELED.



Tuesday 12/11/18: Wednesday's 4AM trip is canceled due to forecast rough seas offshore. Today's 4AM sea bass trip caught 308 giant sea bass, keeping a full boat limit; 51 big porgies; 3 bluefish; 1 pollack and 52 big cunner.

Monday 12/10/18: TUESDAY'S 4AM TRIP IS ON.

Sunday 12/9/18: Today's 4AM trip had 27 fishermen. They caught 298 big sea bass, keeping 135; 24 big porgies and 15 ling. MONDAY'S TRIP IS CANCELED. TUESDAY'S 4AM TRIP IS ON. PLEASE CONFIRM ALL SAILINGS AFTER 5PM THE NIGHT BEFORE.

Saturday 12/8/18: Today's 4AM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 147 big sea bass keeping 87; 170 giant ling; 5 porgies; 127 capeshark and one big hake.


Wednesday 12/5/18: Today's 4AM Offshore sea bass trip had 18 fishermen. They kept 108 giant sea bass up to 6.4 lbs. TOMORROW AND FRIDAY ARE CANCELED FOR COLD AND WINDY WEATHER. OUR NEXT SAILING IS SATURDAY AT 4AM.

Tuesday 12/4/18: Tomorrow 4AM offshore sea bass is on.



Saturday 12/1/18: SUNDAY'S 4AM AND 7AM TRIPS ARE CANCELED FOR RAIN AND ROUGH SEAS. FOR DECEMBER CONFIRM ALL SAILINGS AFTER 5PM THE EVENING BEFORE. Today's 7AM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 115 stripers; 75 capeshark and 1 fluke. Today's first 4AM trip had 23 fishermen. They caught 207 sea bass, keeping 92 up to 5.8 lbs.; 124 big ling; 39 big porgies; kept 1 codfish; 4 hake; 1 haddock; 1 blackfish; 61 capeshark and 9 cunner.

Friday 11/30/18: Today the 7 AM trip had 25 fishermen they caught 135 striped bass and 185 cape shark. TOMORROW 7AM STRIPERS AND 4AM GIANT SEA BASS, PORGIES AND COD. THE SEA BASS TRIP IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.





Saturday 11/24/18: Today's 6AM trip had 31 fishermen. They caught 180 stripers and 140 capeshark. Today's 7AM trip caught 237 stripers and 200 capeshark. Today the 1 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 35 striped bass and 73 cape shark.

Friday 11/23/18: Today's 6AM trip had 33 fishermen. They caught 123 stripers up to 30 inches; 7 shad and 145 capeshark. Today at 7 AM they caught 86 striped bass up to 29 inches; 1 fluke and 180 cape shark. Today at 1 PM they had 21 fishermen they caught 16 striped bass and 98 cape shark.

Wednesday 11/21/18: STRIPER BLITZ THIS MORNING. FULL BOAT LIMIT. NEXT TRIPS FRIDAY AT 6AM, 7AM AND 1PM. HAVE A GREAT THANKSGIVING. Today at 7 AM they caught 473 striped bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT up to 21 lbs.; 4 bluefish and 40 cape shark.

Tuesday 11/20/18: STRIPER BLITZ AGAIN THIS MORNING. NEXT TRIP 1PM. Today at 7 AM 30 fishermen caught 360 striped bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 9 bluefish and 223 cape shark. Today's 1PM trip had 15 fisherman. They caught 200 stripers; 5 bluefish and 40 capeshark.

Monday 11/19/18: STRIPER BLITZ AGAIN THIS MORNING! Today the 7 AM trip caught 225 striped bass up to 22 lbs.; 1 bluefish and 19 cape shark. Today's 1PM trip caught 135 stripers keeping 19 and 75 capeshark.

Sunday 11/18/18: GOOD STRIPER JIGGING AGAIN THIS MORNING. DETAILS TO FOLLOW! Today's 6AM trip caught 187 stripers, keeping a FULL BOAT LIMIT; 7 blues and 88 capeshark. Today's 7AM trip caught 191 stripers, keeping 41 and 200 capeshark. Today at 1 PM they caught 29 striped bass and 101 cape shark.

Saturday 11/17/18: BLITZ THIS MORNING. 150 STRIPERS CAUGHT SO FAR, ALMOST LIMITED OUT! Today at 7 AM they caught 198 striped bass, keeping 58 and 45 cape shark. Today at 1 PM they caught 73 striped bass; 1 bluefish and 28 cape shark.


Thursday 11/15/18: STRIPER BLITZ THIS MORNING, FULL BOAT LIMIT. DUE TO FORECAST WIND AND ROUGH SEAS OUR NEXT TRIPS WILL BE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AT 6AM, 7AM AND 1PM. Today at 7 AM 14 fishermen caught 93 striped bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 25 bluefish and 20 cape shark.

Wednesday 11/14/18: Today at 7 AM 25 fishermen caught 107 striped bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT up to 22 lbs. and 10 cape shark. TOMORROW 11/15 THE 1 PM AND ALL DAY FRIDAY 11/16 IS CANCELED DUE TO BAD WEATHER. WE WILL RESUME SAILING ALL TRIPS ON SATURDAY. Today at 1 PM they had 7 fishermen they caught 10 striped bass, keeping 5; 5 bluefish and 15 cape shark.

Monday 11/12/18: Today's 6AM trip caught 158 stripers and 131 capeshark. Today's 7AM trip caught 151 stripers; 9 bluefish; 300 capeshark and 1 big seabass. ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED TUESDAY. Today at 1 PM they caught 147 striped bass and 180 cape shark.

Sunday 11/11/18: ALL TRIPS ARE ON TODAY, TONIGHT AND MONDAY. Today at 7 AM they caught 165 striped bass; 70 bluefish and 310 cape shark. Today's 6AM trip caught 138 stripers; 27 bluefish; 157 capeshark; 15 sea robins and 2 fluke. Today's 1PM trip caught 46 stripers; 80 capeshark and 1 fluke. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 1 striper of 18 lbs. NIGHT TRIPS ARE NOW FINISHED FOR THE SEASON.


Friday 11/9/18: STRIPER BLITZ THIS MORNING. DUE TO A GALE WARNING WE ARE CANCELING ALL TRIPS FROM 1PM TODAY THROUGH SATURDAY NIGHT. Today at 7 AM they caught 184 striped bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT up to 24 lbs.; 39 bluefish and 90 cape shark.

Thursday 11/8/18: Today's 7AM trip caught 115 stripers keeping 50; 15 blues and 210 cape shark. Today at 1 PM they caught 33 striped bass and 120 cape shark. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 5 striped bass and 1 capeshark.

Wednesday 11/7/18: STRIPER BLITZ THIS MORNING!!!!! NEXT TRIP 1PM. Today's 7AM trip caught 151 stripers, keeping a full boat limit; 35 blues and 50 capeshark. Today at 1 PM they jigged 74 striped bass, keeping 29; 5 bluefish and 28 cape shark. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 3 striped bass.

Tuesday 11/6/18: TODAY THE 7AM TRIP IS OCEAN JIGGING. THE 1PM AND 6PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST WIND, RAIN AND ROUGH SEAS. TOMORROW ALL TRIPS ARE ON. DON'T FORGET TO VOTE TODAY. Striper blitz this morning!!!!! FULL BOAT LIMIT!!! Today at 7 AM they caught 138 striped bass kepping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 11 bluefish and 30 cape shark.

Monday 11/5/18: TODAY THE 7AM TRIP IS ON. THE 1PM, 6PM AND 11PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED FOR WEATHER. STRIPER BLITZ THIS MORNING!!!! NEXT TRIP TOMORROW AT 7AM. FISH IN THE MORNING, VOTE IN THE AFTERNOON. Today at 7 AM we had 29 fishermen they caught 100 striped bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT and 5 cape shark.

Sunday 11/4/18: Today at 6 AM they caught 61 striped bass, keeping 29 up to 27 lbs. and 43 cape shark. Today at 7 AM they caught 69 striped bass, keeping 49 up to 28 lbs.and 53 cape shark. Today at 1 PM they caught 75 striped bass, keeping 45 and 135 cape shark. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 4 striped bass up to 21 lbs.



Thursday 11/1/18: STRIPER JIGGING BLITZ THIS MORNING. FISH CLOSE TO 40 LBS. FULL BOAT LIMIT. Today at 7 AM they caught 134 striped bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT UP TO 40 LBS. and 8 bluefish. Today at 1PM another BLITZ. Full boat limit of big stripers. Today the 1 PM trip caught 135 striped bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT UP TO 35 lbs. and 15 bluefish. Tonight the 6 PM trip caught 2 striped bass. Tonight the 7 PM trip caught 4 striped bass.

Wednesday 10/31/18: FULL BOAT LIMIT OF STRIPERS THIS MORNING! SEE THE CALENDAR FOR SCHEDULE CHANGES. 6AM WEEKEND STRIPER TRIPS ADDED. SEA BASS TRIPS SUSPENDED UNTIL THE STRIPER BLITZ SLOWS DOWN. Today at 7 AM they kept their FULL BOAT LIMIT of striped bass up to 28 lbs.; 43 bluefish and 2 sea bass. Today the 1 PM trip had 27 fishermen they caught 88 striped bass up to 21 lbs. and 1 bluefish. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 6 striped bass.

Tuesday 10/30/18: Today the 7 AM local trip had 10 fishermen they caught 15 striped bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT and 2 bluefish. Today's 1PM trip is limited out again with big stripers, most between 30 and 35 lbs. plus giant blues. 10 fishermen caught 34 stripers and 35 giant blues. Tonight's 6PM trip kept stripers of 40.5, 39.5 and 24lbs.

Monday 10/29/18: STARTING AT 6PM TODAY ALL TRIPS ARE ON AS SCHEDULED. 7AM, 1PM & 6PM EXPECT CHUMMING, JIGGING OR EELING STRIPERS AND 7:01AM FULL DAY OFFSHORE SEA BASS. Tonight at 6 PM they had 12 fishermen they caught 11 striped bass.

Sunday 10/28/18: Today the 7 AM trip caught 1 cape shark. Today the 1 PM trip kept 1 striped bass. TOMORROW BOTH MORNING TRIPS ARE CANCELED. Tonight at 6PM 11 fishermen caught 16 stripers.


Friday 10/26/18: EXPECT THE LAURA LEE EXPRESS TO BE USED FOR DIAMOND JIGGING TRIPS. Striper blitz first hour this morning!!!!!!! Today the 7 AM Express 3/4 day trip kept 28 striped bass up to 22 lbs. jigging in the ocean; kept 4 bluefish; 2 bonita and caught 25 cape shark.Today the 1 PM Express 1/2 day trip had 21 fishermen they kept 8 striped bass up to 14 lbs. jigging in the ocean; 4 mackerel and 15 cape shark. Today the 7:01 AM offshore trip had 14 fishermen they caught 215 sea bass; 84 porgies; kept 3 striped bass up to 20 lbs.; 31 triggerfish; 15 bonita; 1 bluefish; 12 cunner and 60 cape shark. ALL TRIPS FROM 11PM TONIGHT THROUGH 1 PM TOMORROW ARE CANCELED FOR HIGH WINDS. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 24 striped bass. Tonight at 7 PM they caught nothing.

Thursday 10/25/18: 7AM & 1PM TOMORROW JIGGING STRIPERS ON THE LAURA LEE EXPRESS. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 17 stripers.

Wednesday 10/24/18: EXPECT JIGGING STRIPERS AT 1PM TODAY. Today's 7AM 3/4 day Local trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 63 blackfish. Today the 7:01 AM offshore Express trip had 14 fishermen they caught 256 sea bass; 75 porgies; 23 bluefish; 13 cunner and 39 cape shark. Today's 1PM trip had 5 fishermen. They kept 1 striper; 2 bluefish; 2 bonito; 1 mackerel and 1 capeshark. Tonight the 6 PM trip had 21 fishermen they caught 8 striped bass up to 22 lbs.

Tuesday 10/23/18: Today's 7AM 3/4 day trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 100 sea bass; 16 porgies; 10 bonito; 1 triggerfish and 137 capeshark.

Monday 10/22/18: Today the 7 AM full day Express trip had 16 fishermen they caught 520 sea bass; 353 porgies; 1 flounder; 1 fluke; 10 bluefish; 6 cunner and 17 cape shark. Tonight's 6PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 3 stripers.

Sunday 10/21/18: WE WILL RESUME SAILING OUR FULL SCHEDULE TONIGHT AT 6PM. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 3 striped bass.

Saturday 10/20/18: TODAY AND SUNDAY THE 7:01AM FULL DAY OFFSHORE EXPRESS TRIP IS CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS OFFSHORE. ALL OTHER TRIPS ARE ON IN THE BAY AND INLET. Today the 7 AM 3/4 day local trip had 10 fishermen they caught 33 blackfish; 2 sea bass and 1 toadfish. ALL NIGHT TRIPS ARE ON FOR BAY STRIPERS. TOMORROW THE DAY TRIPS ARE CANCELED, NIGHT TRIP IS ON. Today the 1 PM 1/2 day local trip had 14 fishermen they caught 57 blackfish. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 3 striped bass. Tonight at 7 PM they caught 1 stargazer. Tonight at 11 PM they caught 2 striped bass.

Friday 10/19/18: ALL TRIPS ARE ON TODAY. TOMORROW THE 7:01AM OFFSHORE TRIP IS CANCELED. Today's 7AM 3/4 day Local trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 50 sea bass; 19 porgies and 10 blackfish. Today the 7:01 AM full day Express trip had 24 fishermen they caught 337 sea bass; 1021 porgies; 15 bluefish; 37 bonita; 1 almaco jack; 4 triggerfish; 4 flounder and 18 cunner. Today the 1 PM local trip had 9 fishermen they caught 59 blackfish. Tonight the 6PM trip caught 1 striper and 1 bluefish. The 7PM trip caught 9 stripers; 2 weakfish and 1 shad. The 11PM trip caught 1 striper.

Thursday 10/18/18: OUR ONLY TRIP TODAY IS 6PM LIVE EEL NIGHT STRIPERS. ALL TRIPS ARE ON TOMORROW. Tonight's 6PM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 12 stripers up to 16 lbs.

Wednesday 10/17/18: TODAY'S 7AM TRIP IS ON. TONIGHT AND TOMORROW MORNING'S TRIPS ARE CANCELED FOR HIGH WINDS. Today the 7 AM 3/4 day trip had 13 fishermen they caught 30 sea bass; 11 blackfish; 22 porgies and 1 triggerfish. OUR ONLY TRIP TOMORROW IS 6PM BAY STRIPERS WITH LIVE EELS.



Sunday 10/14/18: TOMORROW OUR ONLY TRIP WILL BE 7AM 3/4 DAY LOCAL OPENING DAY BAY BLACKFISH. Today the 7 AM 3/4 day trip had 25 fishermen. They caught 127 sea bass; 57 porgies; 3 blackfish and 5 sea robins. Today's 7:01AM Express full day trip had 31 fishermen. They caught 833 sea bass; 630 porgies; 120 bluefish; 19 albacore; 8 bonito; 30 mackerel and 17 triggerfish. Today the 1 PM 1/2 day local trip had 27 fishermen they caught 61 sea bass; 45 porgies; 3 bluefish; 5 triggerfish; 6 blackfish; 5 cunner and 2 cape shark. Tonight's 6PM trip is canceled.

Saturday 10/13/18: Today the 7 AM 3/4 day trip had 12 fishermen they caught 117 sea bass; 82 weakfish; 20 bluefish; 37 porgies; 9 mackerel; 1 triggerfish and 10 cunner. Today the 7 AM offshore Express trip had 25 fishermen they caught 576 sea bass; 167 porgies; 51 bluefish; 5 false albacore; 7 bonita; 3 fluke; 34 mackerel and 22 cunner. Today's 1PM Local trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 80 sea bass; 130 blowfish; 5 porgies and 1 fluke. Tonight at 6 PM 23 fishermen caught 2 striped bass. Tonight at 11PM 25 fishermen caught 6 stripers; 2 bluefish and 1 weakfish.

Friday: 10/12/18: WE WILL RESUME SAILING IN THE BAY TONIGHT AT 6PM AND 11PM FOR STRIPERS. SATURDAY ALL TRIPS ARE ON AS SCHEDULED. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 8 fishermen they caught 6 striped bass and 2 bluefish. Tonight's 11PM trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 12 stripers; 2 blues and 1 weakfish.

Wednesday 10/10/18: ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED FROM 7AM THURSDAY THROUGH 1PM FRIDAY FOR FORECAST WIND, RAIN AND ROUGH SEAS. Today's 7AM 3/4 day local trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 110 sea bass; 22 porgies, 2 blowfish; 1 triggerfish and 7 cunner. Today the 7:01 AM full day Express trip caught 391 sea bass; 147 porgies; 144 bluefish; 133 bonita; 103 mackerel; 27 triggerfish; 13 false albacore; 9 alamaco jack; 7 fluke and 1 flounder. Today the 1 PM 1/2 day local trip had 9 fishermen they caught 111 sea bass; 17 porgies; 2 triggerfish; 9 blackfish and 1 bonita.

Tuesday 10/9/18: Today's 7:01AM Express full day trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 400 sea bass; 158 porgies; 49 bonito; 127 bluefish; 24 triggerfish; 17 almaco jacks; 2 fluke; 1 albacore and 12 mackerel. Today's 1PM 1/2 day local trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 105 sea bass; 42 porgies; 4 weakfish; 3 mackerel and 2 bluefish.

Monday 10/8/18: Today's 7AM 3/4 day Local trip fished the bay. They caught 220 sea bass; 180 blowfish; 5 porgies; 3 triggerfish and 1 bluefish. Today the 7 AM offshore Express trip caught 317 sea bass; 15 porgies; 1 bluefish; 12 bonita; 1 flounder; 1 fluke; 5 triggerfish and 1 barrelfish. Today the 1 PM 1/2 day local trip had 21 fishermen they caught 103 sea bass; 25 blowfish and 1 fluke.

Sunday 10/7/18: Today's 7AM 3/4 day Local trip had 28 fishermen. They caught 232 sea bass; 235 blowfish; 10 porgies; 3 blackfish; 2 fluke; 3 sea robins; 1 kingfish. Today the 7:01 AM offshore Express trip caught 1135 sea bass; 84 porgies; 16 triggerfish; 1 barrelfish; 3 fluke; 1 flounder; 31 bonita; 6 false albacore; 16 alamaco jacks; 60 mackerel; 37 cunner; 19 bluefish and 4 cape shark. Today's 1PM Local 1/2 day trip fished in the bay and 15 fishermen caught 125 sea bass; 103 blowfish and 14 porgies. Tonight's 7PM Express trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 135 bluefish; 38 bonito; 171 sea bass; 90 porgies; 295 mackerel.

Saturday 10/6/18: OUR NIGHT STRIPER TRIPS ARE SUSPENDED UNTILL NEXT WEEKEND. TONIGHT AND SUNDAY NIGHT WE WILL HAVE A 7PM TO 2AM OCEAN WRECK TRIP FOR SEA BASS AND BLUEFISH. Today the 7 AM 3/4 day local trip had 19 fishermen they caught 200 sea bass; 60 blowfish; 3 triggerfish and 1 blackfish. Today the 7:01 AM offshore Express trip caught 154 ling; 83 sea bass; 35 porgies; 4 pollack; 3 bluefish; 1 false albacore; 7 mackerel; 2 triggerfish; 47 cunner; 2 sea ravens and 1 pout. Today the 1 PM 1/2 day local trip caught 340 blowfish; 205 sea bass; 65 porgies and 1 fluke. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 144 sea bass; 27 bluefish; 21 porgies and 1 mackerel.

Friday 10/5/18: TODAY'S 7AM, 7:01AM AND 1PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED FOR ROUGH SEAS ON THE OCEAN. TONIGHT'S TRIPS ARE ON IN THE BAY. Tonight's striper trips caught nothing.

Thursday 10/4/18: OUR FIRST STRIPER TRIP IS TONIGHT AT 7PM. THE TIDE IS PERFECT. THERE ARE SOME OTHER CHANGES TO OUR NIGHT SCHEDULE. PLEASE SEE OUR CALENDAR. Today's 7AM 3/4 day Local trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 63 sea bass; 54 porgies; 6 bluefish; 70 blowfish; 4 weakfish; 1 triggerfish. Today the 7:01 AM full day Express trip had 18 fishermen they caught 513 sea bass; 216 porgies; 43 ling; 4 triggerfish; 18 bluefish; 12 false albacore; 6 bonita and 9 cunner. ALL DAY TRIPS ARE CANCELED TOMORROW DUE TO FORECAST WIND ROUGH SEAS. ALL NIGHT TRIPS TOMORROW WILL BE IN THE BAY. Today's 1PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 58 sea bass; 21 porgies; 3 triggerfish; 2 bonito; 4 weakfish; 1 striper; 1 blackfish. Tonight at 7 PM we had 13 fishermen they caught 2 striped bass.

Wednesday 10/3/18: Today the 7 AM 3/4 day trip had 13 fishermen they caught 150 blowfish; 61 sea bass; 22 porgies; 2 blackfish and 10 sea robins. Today's 7:01AM full day Express trip caught 311 sea bass keeping a FULL BOAT LIMIT; 60 porgies; 13 blues; 12 triggerfish; 5 albacore; 3 fluke and 1 bonito. Today the 1 PM 1/2 day local trip had 13 fishermen they caught 80 blowfish; 25 porgies and 5 fluke.

Tuesday 10/2/18: TODAY'S 1PM TRIP WILL BE IN THE BAY FOR BLOWFISH AND TRIGGERFISH. Today's 7:01AM Express full day trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 440 sea bass; 150 porgies; 16 bluefish; 12 triggerfish; 8 yellowtail flounder; 1 bonito; 1 albacore; 1 jack; 1 fluke. Today the 1 PM 1/2 local trip had 10 fishermen they caught 200 blowfish; 49 sea bass; 5 porgies; 21 triggerfish and 1 sea robin.

Monday 10/1/18: OUR 2018 "FREE FISHING FOR LIFE" WINNER IS SOCRATES KRITIKOS FOR HIS 8.42 LB. FLUKE CAUGHT ON OUR LOCAL 8AM TRIP ON 8/12/18. Today's 7AM 3/4 day Local trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 80 sea bass; 25 bluefish; 12 porgies; 12 bonito; 8 weakfish; 7 conga eels; 15 mackerel and 1 triggerfish. Today the 7:01 AM full day Express trip had 24 fishermen they caught 244 sea bass; 45 porgies; 50 false albacore; 1 bonita; 6 bluefish; 5 yellowtail flounder; 1 huge blackfish; 3 fluke and 1 barrelfish. Today the 1 PM local 1/2 day trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 135 blowfish; 35 sea bass; 4 porgies and 12 triggerfish.

Sunday 9/30/18: TOMORROW STARTS 3 SEA BASS TRIPS DAILY. FULL DAY, 3/4 DAY AND 1/2 DAY. Today's 7AM 3/4 day Local trip had 28 fishermen. They caught 110 fluke; 40 sea robins and 2 blowfish. Today the 7:01 AM full day Express trip caught 580 sea bass; 242 porgies; 41 bluefish; 5 bonita; 6 false albacore; 4 fluke; 12 triggerfish and 45 mackerel. Today the 1 PM 1/2 day local trip caught 191 fluke; 10 sea bass; 35 sea robins; 4 sundials and 5 cape shark.

Saturday 9/29/18: Today the 7 AM 3/4 day Local trip caught 144 fluke keeping 26 up to 5.30 lbs.; 11 sea bass and 45 sea robins. Today's 7:01 AM Express full day trip caught 962 sea bass; 925 porgies; 27 bluefish; 21 fluke; 15 mackerel; 15 albacore; 8 bonito; 5 barrelfish. Today the 1 PM 1/2 local trip caught 93 fluke; 10 sea bass; 6 triggerfish; 2 blowfish and 18 sea robins. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 430 mackerel; 70 sea bass; 75 scup; 13 bluefish; 23 bonito. Tonight's 7PM trip had 24 fishermen. They caught 471 sea bass; 151 blues; 167 porgies and 554 mackerel. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 260 mackerel; 89 sea bass; 54 porgies; 7 bluefish; 1 triggerfish; 1 fluke.

Friday 9/28/18: STARTING AT 1PM TODAY ALL TRIPS ARE ON. SUNDAY IS THE LAST DAY OF THE FLUKE SEASON AND THE LAST DAY OF OUR "FREE FISHING FOR LIFE" CONTEST. Today's 1PM Local 1/2 day trip had 25 fishermen. They caught 67 fluke; 7 sea bass; 35 sea robins and 10 sundials. Tonight at 6 PM they had 17 fishermen they caught 144 sea bass; 80 porgies; 1 bluefish and 12 mackerel. Tonight's 7PM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 165 bluefish; 201 sea bass and 96 porgies. Tonight's 11PM trip had 20 fishermen. They caught 263 sea bass; 110 porgies; 8 big bluefish; 2 ling and 1 barrelfish.

Thursday 9/27/18: TODAY'S 7AM & 1PM BAY FLUKE TRIPS ARE ON. FRIDAY'S 7:01 AM AND 7AM TRIPS ARE CANCELED FOR WEATHER. ALL TRIPS WILL BE ON STARTING AT 1PM TOMORROW. Today's 7AM 3/4 day Local trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 62 fluke; 35 sea robins; 15 sea bass and 6 sundials. Today the 1 PM local 1/2 day fishing trip had 29 fishermen they caught 88 fluke; 15 sea bass and 45 sea robins.




Sunday 9/23/18: Today the 7 AM 3/4 day local trip had 23 fishermen they caught 114 fluke; 5 sea bass and 54 sea robins. Today's 7AM full day Express trip caught 902 sea bass up to 4.65 lbs.; 1113 porgies; 26 fluke up to 6.3 lbs.; 56 bluefish; 12 albacore; 19 triggerfish and 5 bonito. Today's 1PM Local 1/2 day trip had 29 fishermen. They caught 78 fluke and 44 sea robins. ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED MONDAY AND TUESDAY DUE TO FORECAST WIND ROUGH SEAS AND RAIN.

Saturday 9/22/18: Today's 7AM 3/4 day Local bay trip caught 132 fluke; 180 sea robins; 3 bluefish; 1 triggerfish and 1 blowfish. Today's 7:01AM Express full day trip caught 555 ling; 258 sea bass up to 5.21 lbs.; 147 porgies; 2 codfish; 1 green bonito; 12 capeshark; 5 fluke up to 6.1 lbs.; and 7 mackerel. Today the 1 PM 1/2 day trip caught 80 fluke; 18 sea robins and 1 stargazer. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 455 porgies; 98 sea bass; 3 bonito; 70 mackerel and 45 bluefish. Tonight's 7PM trip caught 442 sea bass; 89 porgies; 65 mackerel; 96 bluefish and 3 triggerfish. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 330 big sea bass; 825 big porgies; 105 mackerel; 68 bluefish and 3 bonito.

Friday 9/21/18: DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS OVERNIGHT TONIGHT'S 6PM TRIP WILL BE IN THE BAY FOR PRIME TIME FLUKE, STRIPERS, WEAKS & BLUES. TONIGHT'S 7PM AND 11PM DEEPWATER TRIPS ARE CANCELED. ALL TRIPS ARE ON FOR SATURDAY. Today the 7 AM 3/4 day local trip had 23 fishermen they caught 143 fluke; 15 sea bass; 6 bluefish and 64 sea robins. Today's 7:01AM full day Express trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 543 big sea bass up to 5.54 lbs.; 180 big porgies; 6 fluke; 7 triggerfish and 3 bluefish. Today the 1 PM local 1/2 day trip had 29 fishermen they caught 238 fluke and 87 sea robins. Tonight the 6 PM trip had 11 fishermen they caught 5 bluefish; 2 striped bass; 1 sea bass and 17 fluke.

Thursday 9/20/18: Today's 7AM 3/4 day Local trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 115 fluke up to 4.5 lbs.; 50 sea robins and 1 bluefish. Today the 7 AM full day express offshore trip had 25 fishermen they caught 438 big sea bass; 180 big porgies; 5 triggerfish; 8 fluke; 9 bonito; 155 mackerel and 50 ling. Today's 1PM Local 1/2 day bay trip had 21 fishermen. They caught 154 fluke up to 3.95 lbs. and 66 sea robins.

Wednesday 9/19/18: Today the 7 AM 3/4 day trip caught 123 fluke; 95 sea robins; 2 bluefish and 1 stargazer. Today the 1 PM 1/2 day local trip had 29 fishermen they caught 188 fluke; 105 sea robins and 13 sea bass. Today the 7 AM full day express offshore trip had 28 fishermen they caught 1055 sea bass; 1 blackfish tuna; 40 albacore tuna; 26 bonito; 24 almaco jacks; 840 porgies; 41 bluefish; 28 triggerfish; 46 cunner; 10 mackerel and 2 ling.

Monday 9/17/18: Today the 7 AM 3/4 day trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 185 sea bass; 2 fluke; 3 bluefish; 3 porgies and 1 weakfish. Today's 1PM Local trip had 23 fishermen. They caught 100 fluke; 44 sea robins and 5 sea bass. ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED TOMORROW. ALL TRIPS ARE ON WEDNESDAY.

Sunday 9/16/18: Today's 7AM Local trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 129 fluke; 40 sea bass and 92 sea robins. Today on the 7 AM full day Express trip 25 fishermen caught 376 big sea bass; 290 porgies; 43 ling; 1 fluke 5.8 lbs.; 15 triggerfish: 1 bluefish and 13 mackerel. Today's 1PM trip caught 586 sea bass; 22 porgies and 1 trigger fish.

Saturday 9/15/18: Today the 7 AM 3/4 day Local trip had 29 fishermen. They caught 134 fluke; 35 sea bass; 15 capeshark and 70 sea robins. Today's 7AM full day Express trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 307 sea bass; 250 porgies; 24 triggerfish; 27 mackerel; 16 fluke and 1 bluefish. Today the 1 PM 1/2 day local trip had 32 fishermen they caught 78 fluke and 40 sea robins. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 305 sea bass; 21 porgies and 18 bluefish. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 430 big sea bass; 630 ling and 135 porgies.





Sunday 9/9/18: TODAY'S 6PM AND ALL TRIPS TOMORROW ARE CANCELED FOR WEATHER. Today the 7 AM 3/4 day local trip had 29 fishermen they caught 109 fluke; 65 sea robins and 5 kingfish. Today the 1 PM 1/2 day trip had 13 fishermen they caught 26 fluke and 19 sea robins.

Saturday 9/8/18: STARTING AT 1PM TODAY EXPECT ALL TRIPS TO BE IN THE BAY THROUGH SUNDAY. Today the 7 AM 3/4 day local trip caught 215 fluke up to 7.5 lbs.; 260 sea robins; 18 sea bass and 2 blowfish. Today the 7 AM full day offshore trip caught 339 sea bass; 466 ling; 17 fluke and 9 pout. Today the 1 PM 1/2 day local trip had 29 fishermen they caught 117 fluke; 1 bluefish; 12 sea bass and 41 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 1 weakfish.

Friday 9/7/18: Today the 7 AM 3/4 day local trip had 25 fishermen they caught 269 sea bass; 16 fluke; 1 bonita; 227 porgies and 28 cunner. TONIGHT AND SATURDAY NIGHT THE 7PM AND 11PM DEEP WATER WRECK TRIPS ARE CANCELED. Today the 1 PM local trip had 9 fishermen they caught 86 porgies; 50 sea bass and 3 fluke. Tonight at 6PM the Local caught 561 porgies; 107 sea bass; 73 bluefish; 2 fluke and 1 triggerfish.

Thursday 9/6/18: Today the 7 AM 3/4 day local trip caught 170 fluke; 96 porgies; 200 sea bass; 1 triggerfish; 1 blowfish and 8 bluefish. Today the 1 PM local 1/2 day trip had 16 fishermen they caught 132 sea bass; 29 fluke and 2 porgies.

Wednesday 9/5/18: Today the 7 AM 3/4 day local trip had 17 fishermen they caught 102 sea bass; 60 porgies; 28 fluke and 4 bluefish. Today's 7:01AM Express full day trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 51 fluke up to 6.38 lbs.; 342 sea bass; 611 ling; 45 porgies; 6 bluefish and 28 mackerel. Today at 1 PM on the local 1/2 day trip we had 18 fishermen they caught 151 sea bass; 270 porgies; 2 bluefish; 1 triggerfish and 1 blowfish.

Tuesday 9/4/18: Today's 7AM 3/4 day Local trip had 25 fishermen they caught 151 sea bass; 133 porgies; 7 fluke; 3 bluefish; 1 blowfish and 1 triggerfish. Today's 7AM full day Express trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 245 sea bass; 522 ling and 50 porgies. Today's 1PM Local half day trip caught 156 sea bass; 140 porgies; 5 bluefish; 2 triggerfish and 22 fluke.

Monday 9/3/18: Today at 7 AM the Local 3/4 day trip caught 458 sea bass; 145 porgies; 54 fluke up to 6.6 lbs. and 2 bluefish. The 7 AM full day Express trip caught 506 sea bass; 884 ling; 12 fluke and 6 mahi-mahi. Today at 1 PM The Local 1/2 day trip caught 137 sea bass; 65 porgies; 10 fluke and 4 triggerfish.

Sunday 9/2/18: Today's 7AM Local trip caught 415 sea bass; 230 porgies; 44 fluke; 5 bluefish and 1 triggerfish. Today's 7:01AM Express trip had 29 fishermen. They caught 416 big sea bass; 740 big ling; 24 big fluke up to 5.5 lbs. Today at 1 PM they caught 45 fluke; 316 sea bass; 488 porgies; 1 blowfish; 1 bluefish; 2 mackerel and 32 sea robins. Tonight at 6PM they caught 434 sea bass; 14 porgies; 13 mackerel; 2 fluke and 1 mahi mahi. Tonight at 7PM they caught 431 sea bass; 555 porgies; 27 bluefish. Tonight at 11PM they caught 915 ling and 3 sea bass.

Saturday 9/1/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 136 fluke; 9 bluefish and 169 sea robins. Today's 7 AM full day trip caught 836 sea bass; 641 ling; 17 pout; 2 fluke and 8 cunner. Today at 1 PM they caught 432 sea bass; 210 porgies; 6 fluke; 2 bluefish and 4 triggerfish. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 128 porgies; 49 sea bass; 1 fluke and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 7PM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 233 sea bass; 71 porgies and 5 bluefish. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 1735 ling and 2 sea bass.

Friday 8/31/18: EXPECT ALL TRIPS TO BE IN THE BAY TODAY FOR FLUKE, BLUES AND STRIPERS. TOMORROW THE SEA BASS AND PORGY BAG LIMITS GO UP. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY FOR OUR 8AM AND 2PM TRIPS. TOMORROW STARTS OUR EXPRESS OFFSHORE SCHEDULE. SAILING EVERYDAY FROM 7:01 AM TO 4:00 PM FOR SEA BASS, PORGIES AND LING. HALF DAY AND NIGHT COMBO TRIPS CONTINUE AT 7AM, 1PM, 6PM, 7PM AND 11PM. Today at 7 AM they caught 134 fluke and 91 sea robins. Today at 8AM 15 fishermen caught 47 fluke; 42 sea robins; 5 sea bass; 2 triggerfish and 2 bluefish. Today at 1 PM they caught 60 fluke and 180 sea robins. Today at 2 PM they caught 56 fluke; 39 sea robins and 10 sea bass. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 2 bluefish; 1 striped bass; 1 fluke and 1 sea robin. Tonight's 7PM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 1 bluefish. Tonight at 11PM 15 fishermen caught 7 stripers and 1 bluefish.

Thursday 8/30/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 294 sea bass; 48 fluke; 77 porgies; 1 mahi-mahi and 12 triggerfish. Today at 8 AM we had 22 fishermen they caught 147 sea bass; 79 porgies; 27 fluke and 28 triggerfish. From 8AM Friday through 11PM all trips will be in the bay for day fluke and night stripers & blues. Today at 1 PM we had 18 fishermen they caught 99 sea bass; 103 porgies; 32 fluke and 3 triggerfish. Today at 2 PM we had 26 fishermen they caught 86 fluke; 6 sea bass; 19 sea robins and 3 triggerfish. TOMORROW THE 8AM, 1PM & 2PM TRIPS WILL FISH IN THE BAY FOR FLUKE. THE 6PM, 7PM AND 11 PM TRIPS WILL BE 4 HOURS AND FISH FOR STRIPERS AND BLUES. Tonight at 6 PM we had 15 fishermen they caught 77 sea bass; 115 porgies; 2 fluke and 15 bluefish. Tonight at 7 PM we had 28 fishermen they caught 150 porgies; 114 sea bass; 4 fluke and 5 bluefish.

Wednesday 8/29/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 320 sea bass; 133 fluke; 53 porgies and 20 sea robins. Today at 8 AM we had 19 fishermen they caught 281 sea bass; 51 BIG OCEAN FLUKE up to 6.2 lbs.; 1 mackerel; 93 porgies and 3 triggerfish. Today at 1 PM they caught 261 sea bass; 140 porgies; 23 fluke; 1 bluefish and 1 triggerfish. Tonight at 6 PM we had 23 fishermen, they caught 92 porgies; 33 sea bass; 7 bluefish and 3 fluke.

Tuesday 8/28/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 301 sea bass; 44 porgies and 79 fluke. Today at 8 AM we had 16 fishermen they caught 93 sea bass; 108 porgies; 65 fluke and 6 bluefish. Today at 1 PM they caught 160 sea bass; 10 fluke; 7 porgies and 4 mahi-mahi. Today at 2 PM we had 22 fishermen they caught 72 fluke; 3 sea bass and 66 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 16 fishermen they caught 150 porgies; 47 sea bass and 10 bluefish. Tonight at 7 PM we had 24 fishermen they caught 114 sea bass; 150 porgies; 4 fluke and 5 bluefish.

Monday 8/27/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 322 sea bass; 82 porgies and 91 fluke. Today at 8 AM we had 15 fishermen they caught 176 porgies; 117 sea bass; 24 fluke; 4 bluefish and 17 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 423 sea bass; 192 porgies; 10 fluke; 6 bluefish and 17 mackerel. Tonight's 6PM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 30 sea bass; 141 porgies; 10 bluefish and 6 capeshark. Tonight's 7PM trip caught 316 sea bass; 86 porgies and 1 mahi-mahi.

Sunday 8/26/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 379 porgies; 268 sea bass; 27 fluke and 5 bluefish. Today at 8 AM they caught 107 fluke; 43 porgies; 70 sea bass; 6 bluefish and 50 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 532 sea bass; 220 ling; 27 fluke and 5 bluefish. Today at 2 PM they had 27 fishermen, they caught 76 fluke; 8 sea bass; 5 porgies and 48 sea robins. MONDAY'S 2PM TRIP IS CANCELED. Tonight 6 PM we had 13 fishermen they caught 111 sea bass; 69 porgies and 13 bluefish. Tonight at 7 PM they caught 103 sea bass; 99 porgies and 22 bluefish.

Saturday 8/25/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 658 sea bass; 275 porgies; 28 fluke up to 2.5 lbs. and 60 mackerel. Today at 8 am they caught 230 sea bass; 445 porgies; 32 fluke; 12 bluefish and 17 triggerfish. Today at 1 PM they caught 620 sea bass; 201 porgies; 12 fluke and 50 mackerel. Today at 2 PM they caught 228 sea bass; 44 porgies; 16 fluke and 2 triggerfish. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 177 sea bass; 279 porgies; 12 mackerel; 2 fluke and 1 triggerfish. Tonight's 7PM trip caught 637 big sea bass keeping a FULL BOAT LIMIT; 1486 ling; 71 porgies and 1 pollack. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 2020 ling; 7 sea bass and 1 white hake.

Friday 8/24/18: Today at 7 AM we saw whales and dolphins go to Facebook or instagram to view the video and they caught 324 sea bass; 165 porgies; 61 mackerel; 52 fluke up to 5.4 lbs. and 5 cunner. Today at 8AM they caught 242 sea bass; 208 porgies; 25 fluke up to 5.2 lbs.; 31 bluefish and 20 triggerfish. Today at 1 PM they caught 442 sea bass; 91 porgies; 92 fluke; 28 mackerel; 1 pollack and 1 bonito. Today's 2PM trip caught 221 sea bass; 23 fluke; 15 bluefish; 26 porgies and 12 triggerfish. Tonight at 6PM they caught 476 sea bass; 354 porgies; 12 bluefish; 6 fluke and 7 mackerel. Tonight's 7PM trip had 25 fishermen. they caught 1284 ling; 311 sea bass; 144 porgies and 31 bluefish. Tonight's 11PM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 320 ling and 2 sea bass.

Thursday 8/23/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 355 sea bass; 227 porgies and 15 fluke up to 4.9 lbs. Today at 8AM they caught 34 fluke; 230 sea bass; 76 porgies and 5 triggerfish. Today at 1 PM they caught 620 sea bass; 201 porgies; 12 fluke and 50 mackerel. Today at 2PM 18 fishermen caught 218 sea bass; 27 fluke; 5 triggerfish; 14 porgies and 4 bluefish. Tonight at 6 PM we had 17 fishermen they caught 187 porgies; 73 sea bass; 41 bluefish and 4 fluke. Tonight's 7PM trip had 26 fishermen. They caught 534 sea bass keeping a FULL BOAT LIMIT; 86 porgies; 21 bluefish and 14 mackerel.

Wednesday 8/22/18: Today at 7 AM we had 17 fishermen they caught 197 sea bass; 75 porgies; 6 bluefish and 7 fluke. Today at 1PM we had 24 fishermen. They caught 45 big ocean fluke, keeping 15 up to 9.02 lbs. (caught by a mystery man who would not give his name); 280 sea bass; 120 porgies and 1 triggerfish. Tonight's 6PM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 170 porgies; 33 sea bass and 13 blues.

Tuesday 8/21/18: Today at 7 AM we had 24 fishermen they caught 205 sea bass; 180 porgies; 17 fluke and 20 mackerel. Today at 8 AM they caught 191 fluke up to 5.1 lbs.; 7 sea bass and 133 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 273 sea bass; 315 porgies; 17 fluke and 15 mackerel. Today at 2 PM we had 22 fishermen they caught 162 fluke up to 4.3 lbs.; and 120 sea robins. Tonight at 7PM 21 fishermen caught 316 porgies; 91 sea bass; 20 bluefish and kept 1 fluke. TOMORROW'S 8AM LOCAL TRIP IS CANCELED.

Monday 8/20/18: TODAY & TOMORROW EXPECT THE EXPRESS TO BE OCEAN WRECK FISHING AT 7AM, 1PM & 7PM. EXPECT THE LOCAL TO BE INLET FLUKE AT 8AM, 2PM AND 6PM. Today at 7 AM they caught 424 sea bass; 11 fluke; 242 porgies; 15 triggerfish; 1 bluefish and 11 mackerel. Today at 8 AM we had 24 fishermen they caught 85 fluke up to 6.34 lbs.; 3 sea bass; 1 ling and 57 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 193 sea bass; 221 porgies; 1 fluke; 3 mackerel and 24 sea robins. Today at 2 PM we had 19 fishermen they caught 97 fluke; 4 sea bass; 1 porgy and 76 sea robins. Tonight's 7PM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 484 porgies; 88 sea bass; 14 bluefish and 20 mackerel.

Sunday 8/19/18: TODAY'S 8AM, 1PM, 2PM AND 6PM TRIPS WILL BE FOR BAY FLUKE. THE 7PM TRIP IS CANCELED. Today at 7 AM they caught 64 fluke and 129 sea robins. Today at 8 AM they caught 75 fluke; 2 bluefish and 259 sea robins. Today at 1PM 25 fishermen caught 142 fluke and 175 sea robins. Today at 2 PM we had 11 fishermen they caught 52 fluke up to 6.1 lbs.; 5 sea bass and 47 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 13 fishermen they caught 78 fluke and 96 sea robins.

Saturday 8/18/18: TONIGHT'S 11PM TRIP IS CANCELED. ALL OTHER TRIPS ARE ON AS SCHEDULED. Today at 7 AM they caught 439 sea bass; 56 fluke; 36 porgies; 5 ling and 27 mackerel. Today at 8AM they had 20 fishermen. They caught 197 sea bass; 49 fluke; 190 porgies and 14 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 310 sea bass; 105 porgies; 10 fluke; 5 mackerel; 3 triggerfish and 10 sea robins. Today at 2 PM they caught 127 fluke; 11 sea bass and 44 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 14 fishermen they caught 107 sea bass; 180 porgies; 5 mackerel and 2 bluefish. Tonight at 7 PM they caught 1272 ling and 2 sea bass.

Friday 8/17/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 51 fluke; 221 sea bass; 21 porgies and 8 mackerel. Today's 8AM trip caught 50 ocean fluke; 133 sea bass; 24 porgies. Today at 1 PM we had 19 fishermen they caught 132 sea bass; 17 fluke; 7 mackerel and 6 ling. Today at 2 PM we had 13 fishermen they caught 108 fluke and 30 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 130 sea bass; 388 porgies; 22 mackerel; 7 bluefish and 2 fluke. Tonight's 11PM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 114 sea bass; 110 ling; 31 squid; 60 mackerel and 1 bluefish.

Thursday 8/16/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 176 sea bass; 143 ling; 1 fluke and 11 mackerel. Today at 8AM they caught 369 sea bass; 15 fluke; 9 triggerfish; 18 mackerel: 39 porgies and 5 blues. Today at 1 PM they caught 360 sea bass; 34 fluke; 148 porgies; 15 sea robins and 6 bluefish. Today at 2 PM we had 22 fishermen they caught 145 fluke up to 4.1 lbs.; 19 sea robins; 2 porgies and 14 sea bass. Tonight's 6PM trip had 24 fishermen. They caught 136 sea bass; 172 porgies; 47 mackerel. Tonight st 7 PM we had 27 fishermen they caught 112 sea bass; 137 porgies; 2 fluke up to 8.1 lbs. and 12 bluefish.

Wednesday 8/15/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 407 sea bass; 80 porgies; 3 triggerfish; 46 fluke up to 6.8 lbs.; 4 cape shark and 3 pout. Today at 8AM they caught 84 ocean fluke up to 4.8 lbs.; 116 sea bass; 14 porgies and 18 mackerel. Today at 1 PM they caught 170 sea bass; 40 fluke up to 5 lbs.; 20 porgies; 30 mackerel; 15 sea robins and 3 pout. Today at 2 PM we had 15 fishermen they caught 80 fluke; 22 sea robins and 2 bluefish. Tonight at 6 PM we had 26 fishermen they caught 123 sea bass; 349 porgies; 4 fluke and 1 mackerel.

Tuesday 8/14/18: TODAY'S 8AM AND 6PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED. ALL OTHER TRIPS ARE ON. Today at 7 AM we had 13 fishermen they caught 151 sea bass; 136 porgies; 31 fluke up to 3.2 lbs.; 20 triggerfish and 6 bluefish. Today at 1 PM we had 24 fishermen they caught 209 sea bass; 90 porgies; 10 triggerfish; 9 fluke and 3 bluefish. Today at 2 PM we had 16 fishermen they caught 97 fluke and 51 sea robins. Tonight at 7PM 24 fishermen caught 328 sea bass keeping a FULL BOAT LIMIT and 90 ling.

Monday 8/13/18: TODAY'S 1PM, 2PM, 6PM AND 7PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED FOR WEATHER. Today at 7 AM we had 16 fishermen they caught 56 sea bass; 68 porgies; 1 ling and 5 fluke. Today at 8 AM we had 7 fishermen they caught 111 fluke; 3 sea bass and 27 sea robins.

Sunday 8/12/18: Today at 7 AM we had 21 fishermen they caught 575 sea bass; 19 mackerel; 181 ling; 15 fluke up to 4.2 lbs. and 3 bluefish. Today at 8 AM they had 15 fishermen. Socrates Kritikos caught an 8.42 lb fluke making him the NEW FREE FOR LIFE LEADER! They also caught 153 sea bass; 9 fluke; 31 porgies; 3 triggerfish; 6 mackerel and 1 bluefish. Today at 1 PM they caught 1067 sea bass up to 4.9 lbs.; 220 ling; 18 fluke up to 5.2 lbs.; 3 bluefish and 25 mackerel. Today at 2 PM they caught 75 fluke and 65 sea robins. Tonight at 6PM 16 fishermen caught 153 sea bass and 230 porgies. Tonight's 7PM trip had 26 fishermen. They caught 305 sea bass keeping a full boat limit and 290 ling keeping 270.

Saturday 8/11/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 354 sea bass; 9 porgies; 6 fluke; 41 mackerel and 10 ling. Today at 8 AM we had 11 fishermen they caught 20 fluke up to 5.1 lbs.; 99 sea bass; 26 porgies and 1 bluefish. Today's 1PM trip had 27 fishermen. They caught 266 sea bass; 17 ling and 2 mackerel. Tonight at 6 PM we had 13 fishermen they caught 98 sea bass; 105 porgies; 10 mackerel and 1 fluke. Tonight's 7PM trip had 16 fishermen. They caught 155 ling and 83 sea bass. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 1375 ling.

Friday 8/10/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 1008 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 12 fluke; 47 porgies; 1 triggerfish and 80 mackerel. Today at 8AM they caught 270 sea bass; 53 fluke; 66 porgies and 22 mackerel. Today at 1 PM they caught 1012 sea bass; 19 porgies; 2 fluke and 10 mackerel. Today at 2 PM we had 14 fishermen they caught 60 sea bass; 12 fluke; 1 triggerfish and 10 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 176 sea bass; 267 porgies; 17 mackerel and 9 pout. Tonight's 7PM trip caught 518 sea bass keeping 126; 1100 ling and 1 pollack. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 1475 ling and 2 sea bass.

Thursday 8/9/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 630 sea bass; 250 porgies; 10 fluke; 39 triggerfish and 50 mackerel. Today at 8 AM they caught 142 sea bass; 46 porgies; 34 mackerel and 56 fluke up to 5.02 lbs. Today at 1 PM they caught 791 sea bass; 135 porgies; 1 triggerfish; 7 fluke and 5 mackerel. Today at 2 PM we had 8 fishermen they caught 41 sea bass; 1 bluefish; 1 triggerfish and 45 fluke up to 4.2 lbs. Tonight at 6 PM we had 27 fishermen they caught 95 sea bass; 70 porgies; 6 fluke up to 6 lbs. and 9 pout. Tonight at 7 PM we had 29 fishermen they caught 709 sea bass; 25 porgies; 1 bluefish; 1 pollack and 4 ling.

Wednesday 8/8/18: Today 7 AM they caught 506 sea bass; 20 fluke up to 5 lbs.; 160 porgies; 20 triggerfish; 41 mackerel and 25 sea robins. Today at 8 AM we had 27 fishermen they caught 119 sea bass; 71 fluke up to 3.82 lbs and 8 porgies. Today at 1 PM we had 24 fishermen they caught 360 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 50 porgies; 1 triggerfish; 3 fluke and 10 mackerel. Tonight at 6 PM we had 23 fishermen they caught 144 sea bass; 163 porgies; 5 fluke and 15 mackerel.

Tuesday 8/7/18: EXPECT BIG OCEAN FLUKE ON OUR 8AM TRIPS AND BAY AND INLET FLUKE ON THE 2PM TRIPS. ALL OTHER TRIPS OCEAN WRECK FISHING, WEATHER PERMITTING FOR SEA BASS, PORGIES, LING AND FLUKE. Today at 7 AM they caught 885 sea bass; 23 porgies; 4 fluke; 7 ling and 4 pout. Today at 8AM 23 fishermen caught 116 ocean fluke up to 4.5 lbs.; 53 sea bass; 11 porgies and 3 mackerel. Today's 1PM trip caught 263 sea bass; 28 ling; 35 mackerel. Today's 2PM trip had 21 fishermen. They caught 83 fluke and 155 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 16 fishermen they caught 45 fluke; 48 sea robins and 1 bluefish. Tonight at 7 PM we had 17 fishermen they caught 26 fluke and 22 sea robins.

Monday 8/6/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 812 sea bass keeping a FULL BOAT LIMIT; 120 ling and 3 fluke. WE HAVE A NEW RUN OF BIG OCEAN FLUKE. Today's 8AM trip had 20 fishermen. They caught 101 fluke, keeping 17 with five fish over 5 lbs. up to 7.3 lbs.; 47 sea bass; 4 porgies and 1 bluefish. Today at 1PM they caught 1035 sea bass KEEPING A FULL BOAT LIMIT of 135; 10 ling and 12 porgies. Today's 2PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 53 fluke and 83 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 215 porgies; 109 sea bass; 7 mackerel and 2 sea robins. Tonight at 7 PM they caught 857 sea bass; 1 bluefish; 5 ling and 1 porgy.

Sunday 8/5/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 1352 sea bass, keeping 237; 151 ling; 19 fluke up to 4.1 lbs.; 25 mackerel and 2 flounder. Today at 8AM they caught 124 fluke and 126 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 846 sea bass; 186 porgies; 22 fluke and 46 mackerel. Today at 2 PM they caught 133 fluke and 152 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 27 fishermen they caught 202 sea bass; 309 porgies and 190 mackerel. Tonight at 7 PM they caught 526 sea bass; 116 porgies; 12 bluefish; 15 fluke and 84 mackerel.

Saturday 8/4/18: Today at 7 AM 17 fishermen they caught 180 sea bass; 225 porgies; 11 bluefish; 3 fluke and 15 mackerel. Today at 1PM 28 fishermen caught 290 sea bass; 160 porgies; 6 triggerfish; 9 mackerel; 2 fluke and 6 bluefish. Today at 1 PM they caught 290 sea bass; 160 porgies; 6 triggerfish; 5 bluefish; 2 fluke and 9 mackerel. Today at 2 PM they caught 141 fluke and 64 sea robins. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 398 sea bass; 706 porgies; 47 mackerel; 3 bluefish and 1 fluke. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 1400 ling (one thousand four hundred) and 3 sea bass.

Friday 8/3/18: DUE TO SCHEDULING CONFLICTS TONIGHT'S 11 PM TRIP IS CANCELED. SATURDAY'S 7PM TRIP IS CANCELED. Today at 7 AM 17 fishermen caught 240 sea bass keeping 51; 10 porgies and 2 bluefish. Today at 8 AM we had 8 fishermen they caught 32 fluke; 36 sea robins and 2 cape shark. Today at 1PM we had 21 fishermen, they caught 550 sea bass and 12 porgies. Today at 2 PM they caught 114 fluke and 61 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 164 sea bass up to 4.8 lbs.; 160 porgies; 14 mackerel; 3 bluefish; a 5.4 lb. fluke and 7 pout. Tonight at 7 PM we had 15 fishermen they caught 227 sea bass; 172 ling; and 15 bluefish.

Thursday 8/2/18: EXPECT ALL TRIPS TO BE IN THE BAY TODAY. WE SHOULD BE BACK IN THE OCEAN TOMORROW AT 7AM. Today at 7 AM they caught 88 fluke; 3 bluefish and 122 sea robins. Today at 8 AM we had 16 fishermen they caught 89 fluke; 1 sea bass and 53 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 159 fluke; 100 sea robins and 1 cape shark. Today at 2 PM we had 14 fishermen they caught 112 fluke; 1 sea bass and 34 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 8 fishermen they caught 25 fluke; 2 striped bass and 32 sea robins. Tonight at 7 PM we had 19 fishermen they caught 68 fluke; 1 striped bass; 1 bluefish and 25 sea robins.

Wednesday 8/1/18: TODAY'S 1PM AND 6PM OCEAN TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS OFFSHORE. Today's 7AM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 219 sea bass; 164 porgies; 7 triggerfish; 8 fluke and 15 mackerel. TODAY'S 2PM TRIP AND ALL TRIPS TOMORROW WILL BE FOR FLUKE IN THE BAY. Today at 2 PM they caught 79 fluke and 120 sea robins.

Tuesday 7/31/18: Today at 7 AM we had 29 fishermen they caught 435 sea bass; 57 ling; 85 porgies; 17 fluke and 10 mackerel. Today at 1 PM we had 25 fishermen they caught 247 sea bass; 250 porgies; 12 triggerfish; 15 bluefish; 5 fluke and 15 sea robins. Today at 2 PM we had 13 fishermen they caught 80 fluke and 120 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 24 fishermen they caught 425 porgies; 126 sea bass; 2 bluefish; 2 triggerfish; 6 pout and 24 mackerel. Tonight at 7 PM we had 24 fishermen they caught 295 porgies; 63 sea bass; 12 bluefish and 15 mackerel.

Monday 7/30/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 1135 sea bass; 35 porgies; 18 ling; 150 mackerel and 13 pout. Today at 8 AM we had 18 fishermen they caught 84 fluke; 3 bluefish and 90 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 950 sea bass; 49 porgies; 15 ling; 15 fluke and 190 mackerel. Today at 2 PM we had 10 fishermen they caught 46 fluke and 80 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 16 fishermen they caught 262 porgies; 111 sea bass and 12 bluefish. Tonight at 7 PM we had 29 fishermen they caught 486 sea bass; 27 bluefish; 82 porgies and 52 ling.

Sunday 7/29/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 1746 sea bass; 235 mackerel; 6 fluke; 6 bluefish and 46 porgies. Today at 8 AM they caught 139 fluke; 9 bluefish; 130 sea robins; 1 sundial and 1 stargazer. Today at 2PM they caught 118 fluke and 127 sea robins. Today at 1PM they caught 841 sea bass; 274 porgies; 12 fluke and 9 bluefish. Today at 2 PM they caught 118 fluke and 127 sea robins. Tonight's 6PM trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 72 sea bass; 122 porgies; 2 fluke; 5 bluefish and 15 sea robins. Tonight at 7PM they caught 290 sea bass; 171 porgies and a fluke.

Saturday 7/28/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 951 sea bass; 25 porgies and 234 mackerel. Today at 8 AM they caught 111 fluke; 2 sea bass and 68 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 560 sea bass; 400 porgies; 16 bluefish; 4 fluke and 21 triggerfish. Today at 2 PM they caught 114 fluke and 225 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 179 sea bass; 446 porgies; 11 bluefish and 3 mackerel. Tonight's 7PM trip caught 907 ling and 287 sea bass. Tonight's 11PM trip had 25 fishermen. They caught 1040 ling; 18 sea bass; 12 squid and 4 dolphin.

Friday 7/27/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 499 sea bass; 231 mackerel; 37 porgies and 8 fluke. Today at 8 AM they caught 126 fluke and 65 sea robins. TONIGHT'S 6PM TRIP WILL BE FOR BAY AND INLET FLUKE, STRIPERS AND BLUES. Today at 1 PM they caught 424 sea bass; 25 porgies and 418 mackerel. Today at 2 PM we had 13 fishermen they caught 49 fluke and 112 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 20 fishermen they caught 10 bluefish; 4 striped bass; 41 fluke and 63 sea robins. Tonight's 7PM trip had 21 fishermen. They caught 660 sea bass keeping a FULL BOAT LIMIT; 200 mackerel; 30 porgies; 18 bluefish and 30 ling. Tonight's 11PM trip had 24 fishermen. They caught 312 ling; 66 sea bass; 18 mackerel and 3 bonito.

Thursday 7/26/18: TODAY'S 7AM AN 8AM TRIPS ARE CANCELED. TODAY'S 1PM, 2PM AND 6PM TRIPS ARE ON FOR BAY FLUKE AND BLUES. FRIDAY WE WILL BE BACK IN THE OCEAN FOR SEA BASS, PORGIES, FLUKE AND LING ON ALL TRIPS EXCEPT 8AM AND 2PM BAY FLUKE. Today at 1 PM we had 14 fishermen they caught 149 fluke and 175 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 13 fishermen they caught 42 fluke up to 4.9 lbs.; 11 striped bass; 8 bluefish and 184 sea robins.

Wednesday 7/25/18: Today at 7 AM we had 8 fishermen they caught 40 fluke and 99 sea robins. Today at 8 AM we had 7 fishermen they caught 46 fluke; 13 bluefish and 77 sea robins. ALL TRIPS THROUGH THURSDAY NIGHT WILL BE IN THE BAY FOR FLUKE. TOMORROW NIGHT THE 7PM TRIP IS CANCELED. Today at 1 PM they caught 40 fluke and 120 sea robins. Today's 2PM trip had 14 anglers. They caught 86 fluke, keeping 9 up to 3.54 lbs. and 119 sea robins, keeping 7. Tonight at 6 PM we had 11 fishermen they caught 22 fluke; 18 bluefish and 40 sea robins.

Tuesday 7/24/18: TODAY AND WEDNESDAY ALL TRIPS ARE FOR FLUKE IN THE BAY. TODAY'S 7AM 8AM, AND 7PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED. Today at 1 PM we had 8 fishermen they caught 45 fluke up to 4.28 lbs.; 1 bluefish and 155 sea robins. Today at 2 PM we had 18 fishermen they caught 76 fluke and 58 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 4 bluefish; 4 striped bass; 1 weakfish; 62 fluke and 220 sea robins.

Monday 7/23/18: TODAY'S 7AM, 1 PM & 7PM OCEAN TRIPS ARE CANCELED. THE 2 PM & 6PM BAY FLUKE & BLUEFISH TRIPS ARE ON. Today at 8 AM we had 11 fishermen they caught 54 fluke and 111 sea robins. TOMORROW'S 7AM OCEAN TRIP IS CANCELED FOR ROUGH SEAS. OUR 8AM LOCAL BAY FLUKE IS ON. Today at 2 PM we had 12 fishermen they caught 52 fluke and 38 sea robins.

Sunday 7/22/18: DUE TO ROUGH SEAS ON THE OCEAN ALL TRIPS TODAY WILL BE IN THE BAY FOR FLUKE. TONIGHT'S 7PM TRIP IS CANCELED. Today at 7AM they caught 35 fluke up to 4 lbs.; 3 bluefish; 2 cape shark; 1 stargazer and 320 sea robins. Today at 8AM we had 26 fishermen they caught 49 fluke up to 3.29 lbs.; 1 triggerfish; 1 bluefish and 143 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 25 fluke and 126 sea robins. Today at 2 PM we had 17 fishermen they caught 29 fluke up to 3.1 lbs.; 3 sundials and 39 sea robins. TOMORROW'S 7AM OCEAN TRIP IS CANCELED. THE 8AM BAY FLUKE TRIP IS ON.

Saturday 7/21/18: All trips are canceled tonight for wind, rain and rough seas. All trips Sunday are in the bay for fluke. Today at 7 AM they caught 1183 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 139 porgies and 70 mackerel. Today at 8 AM they caught 162 sea bass; 160 porgies; 8 fluke; 1 bluefish and 4 mackerel. Today at 1 PM we caught 37 fluke; 102 sea robins and 2 sea bass. Today at 2 PM we had 16 fishermen they caught 45 fluke; 106 sea robins and 7 sundials.

Friday 7/20/18: EXPECT TRAFFIC DELAYS FOR OUR 1PM TRIP TODAY. IF YOU TAKE OCEAN PARKWAY TRY TO ARRIVE VERY EARLY. IF YOU TAKE ROBERT MOSES CAUSEWAY TRAFFIC SHOULD EASE AFTER 12:45PM. Today at 7 AM they caught 987 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 60 porgies; 581 mackerel and 1 fluke. Today at 8 AM they caught 139 sea bass; 78 porgies and 37 fluke. Today at 2 PM we had 29 fishermen they caught 285 sea bass; 186 porgies; 6 fluke and 10 mackerel. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 1280 porgies; 117 sea bass; 1 fluke; 2 sea robins and 5 mackerel. Tonight at 7 PM they caught 1012 sea bass, keeping a full boat limit; 214 porgies; 17 ling and 70 squid. Tonight's 11PM trip had 29 fishermen. They caught 825 ling; 9 sea bass and 35 squid.

Thursday 7/19/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 885 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 71 porgies and 15 mackerel. Today at 8 AM they caught 360 sea bass; 34 fluke; 55 porgies and 4 mackerel. Today at 1 PM they caught 738 sea bass; 45 porgies and 60 mackerel. Today at 2 PM we had 15 fishermen they caught 65 fluke; 158 sea robins and 4 sundials. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 457 porgies; 106 sea bass and 5 fluke. Tonight at 7 PM we had 27 fishermen. They caught 710 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 57 porgies; 8 fluke up to 8 lbs. and 12 ling.

Wednesday 7/18/18: Today's 7AM trip caught 882 big sea bass keeping a FULL BOAT LIMIT; 33 ling and 28 porgies. Today at 8 AM they caught 151 sea bass; 40 porgies; 41 fluke and 20 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 960 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 80 porgies; 7 ling; 3 fluke and 3 pout. Today at 2 PM we had 23 fishermen they caught 96 fluke and 69 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 17 fishermen they caught 105 sea bass; 290 porgies; 6 mackerel and 1 squid.

Tuesday 7/17/18: ALL AFTERNOON AND EVENING TRIPS ARE CANCELED TODAY DUE TO WIND, RAIN AND ROUGH SEAS. Today at 7 AM they caught 319 sea bass; 360 porgies; 4 fluke and 1 mackerel. Today at 8 AM we had 12 fishermen they caught 84 fluke and 96 sea robins.

Monday 7/16/18:Today at 7 AM we had 27 fishermen they caught 251 sea bass up to 4 lbs; 90 porgies; 32 fluke keeping 8 up to 4.7 lbs. and 5 sea robins. Today at 8 am they caught 42 fluke; 1 triggerfish; 302 sea bass; 149 porgies and 2 bluefish. Today at 1 PM they caught 357 sea bass; 40 porgies; 14 fluke; 3 cape shark and 7 sea robins. Today at 2 PM we had 20 fishermen they caught 40 fluke; 170 sea robins and 2 skates. Tonight at 6 PM we had 29 fishermen they caught 132 sea bass; 462 porgies; 3 sea robins and 19 mackerel. Tonight at 7 PM we had 21 fishermen they caught 27 sea bass; 184 porgies and 1 ling.

Sunday 7/15/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 664 sea bass; 52 ling and 4 porgies. Today at 8 AM we had 22 fishermen they caught 114 fluke; 11 sundials; 255 sea robins and 7 cape shark. Today at 1 PM they caught 697 sea bass; 115 porgies; 4 fluke up to 6 lbs.; 12 sea robins and 4 pout. Today at 2PM they caught 83 fluke up to 3.1 lbs. and 201 sea robins. Tonight's 6PM had 21 fishermen. They caught 275 porgies; 82 sea bass and fluke of 6.5 and 4 lbs. Tonight's 7PM trip caught 210 sea bass and 171 porgies.

Saturday 7/14/18: ROBERT MOSES CAUSEWAY MAY HAVE BEACH TRAFFIC FOR OUR 1PM AND 2PM TRIPS TODAY. PLEASE ALLOW EXTRA TRAVEL TIME OR TAKE OCEAN PARKWAY. Today's 7AM trip caught 1148 sea bass and 216 ling. Today's 8AM trip caught 126 fluke up to 4.22 lbs.; 262 sea robins; 9 capeshark and 9 sundials. TONIGHT'S 11PM TRIP IS CANCELED FOR POOR TICKET SALES. Today at 1 PM they caught 530 sea bass; 230 porgies and 2 triggerfish. Today at 2 PM they caught 47 fluke and 185 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 177 sea bass; 600 porgies; 12 mackerel and 1 bluefish. Tonight at 7 PM they caught 894 sea bass KEEPING A FULL BOAT LIMIT; 20 porgies; 26 bluefish and 48 ling.

Friday 7/13/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 930 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 331 porgies; 163 ling and 7 fluke. Today's 8AM trip caught 96 fluke up to 5.85 lbs.; 140 sea robins and 6 capeshark. Today at 1 PM they caught 1176 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 30 ling; 6 porgies; 15 mackerel and 3 blackfish. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 533 porgies; 213 sea bass and 1 fluke. Tonight at 7 PM they caught 618 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 2 fluke; 132 porgies; 3 bluefish and 52 ling. Tonight at 11 PM they caught 805 ling; 14 sea bass; 1 pollack; 55 squid; 4 pout and 1 bluefish.

Thursday 7/12/18: Today at 7 AM we had 14 fishermen they caught 236 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 209 porgies; 12 mackerel and 1 fluke. Today at 8 AM they caught 145 fluke up to 7.38 lbs. and 224 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we had 28 fishermen they caught 497 sea bass; 128 porgies; 11 mackerel; 1 fluke and 3 sea robins. Today at 2 PM we had 8 fishermen they caught 39 fluke up to 3.5 lbs.; 1 sea bass and 67 sea robins. Tonight's 6PM trip had 28 fishermen. They caught 350 porgies; 169 sea bass; 39 mackerel and 6 capeshark. Tonight at 7 PM we had 14 fishermen they caught 247 sea bass and 359 porgies.

Wednesday 7/11/18: SCHEDULE NOTE: TONIGHT'S 6PM TRIP IS CHANGED TO PRIME TIME FLUKE. THERE ARE NO 7PM TRIPS ON WEDNESDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT THE 7PM TRIPS RETURN AROUND 2AM. Today at 7 AM we had 23 fishermen they caught 414 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 95 porgies; 2 ling; 9 mackerel and 2 pout. Today at 8AM they had 19 fishermen. They caught 123 fluke up to 6.38 lbs. and 133 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 387 sea bass; 184 porgies; 1 triggerfish; 1 blackfish and 2 silver eels. Today at 2 PM we had 25 fishermen they caught 38 fluke and 210 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 28 fishermen they caught 45 fluke up to 3.5 lbs. and 150 sea robins.

Tuesday 7/10/18: Today at 7 AM we had 25 fishermen they caught 420 sea bass; 170 porgies and 4 fluke. Today at 8AM we had 8 fishermen. They caught 84 fluke up to 4.38 lbs.; 3 bluefish and 94 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they had 23 fishermen they caught 345 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 121 porgies and 1 fluke. Today at 2 PM we had 11 fishermen they caught 60 fluke and 77 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 10 fishermen they caught 52 fluke and 105 sea robins. Tonight at 7PM 24 fishermen caught 289 sea bass and 235 porgies.

Monday 7/9/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 684 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 65 ling and 5 sea robins. Today at 8 AM we had 12 fishermen they caught 116 fluke up to 3.22 lbs.; 1 bluefish and 155 sea robins. TOMORROW NIGHT THE 6PM TRIP IS CHANGED TO PRIME TIME INLET FLUKE. Today at 1 PM they caught 520 sea bass; 1 fluke; 88 ling; 4 pout and 1 cod. Today at 2 PM 16 fishermen caught 53 fluke and 101 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM they had 12 fishermen they caught 64 fluke and 110 sea robins. Tonight at 7 PM they caught 337 sea bass; 220 porgies and 1 ling.

Sunday 7/8/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 761 sea bass; 85 ling; 1 triggerfish; 39 porgies and 4 fluke. Today at 8 AM they caught 57 fluke; 69 sea robins and 1 striped bass. Today at 1 PM they caught 1030 sea bass; 52 porgies; 61 ling; and 5 mackerel. Today at 2 PM they caught 129 fluke up to 5.10 lbs.; 129 sea robins and 2 bluefish. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 130 sea bass; 109 porgies; 6 fluke and 20 mackerel. Tonight at 7PM 27 fishermen caught 192 sea bass and 10 ling.

Saturday 7/7/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 675 sea bass; 210 porgies; 7 fluke and 7 pout. Today at 8 am they caught 86 fluke; 58 sea robins; 1 triggerfish and 1 sundial. Today at 1 PM they caught 625 sea bass; 4 fluke; 112 porgies and 3 pout. Today at 2 PM they caught 125 fluke up to 4.2 lbs.; 95 sea robins; 4 sundials and 1 bluefish. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 636 sea bass; 245 porgies; 2 ling and 7 pout. Tonight's 7PM trip caught 1020 sea bass keeping a full boat limit; 215 ling; 67 porgies and 1 codfish. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 665 ling; 2 sea bass and 1 pollack.

Friday 7/6/18: DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS TODAY'S 7AM, 8AM, 1PM, 2PM AND 7PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED. FOR NOW OUR 6PM AND 11PM TRIPS ARE STILL ON FOR SEA BASS AND PORGIES. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 413 sea bass; 290 porgies and 2 ling. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 85 ling; 77 sea bass and 2 bluefish.

Thursday 7/5/18: ALL TRIPS ARE ON TODAY AND TONIGHT. TOMORROW'S 7AM, 8AM AND 1PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST STORMS AND ROUGH SEAS ON THE OCEAN. Today at 7 AM they caught 1020 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 120 ling and 1 porgy. Today at 8 AM we had 23 fishermen they caught 27 fluke up to 5.33 lbs.; 1 triggerfish; 2 mackerel; 156 sea bass and 9 porgies. Today at 1 PM they caught 735 sea bass keeping the FULL BOAT LIMIT; 215 ling and 1 silver eel. Today at 2 PM they had 25 fishermen they caught 186 fluke up to 4 lbs. and 49 sea robins. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 135 porgies and 326 sea bass. Tonight's 7PM trip caught 108 sea bass and 70 ling.

Wednesday 7/4/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 1752 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT and 270 ling. Today at 8 AM they caught 16 fluke with a NEW FREE FOR LIFE LEADER DOMINICK CONZONE WEIGHING IN AT 8.41 LBS.; 191 sea bass; 13 porgies; and 6 ling. Today at 1 PM they caught 398 sea bass; 82 porgies; 9 blackfish; 1 ling and 10 sea robins. Today at 2 PM they caught 112 fluke up to 5.42 lbs.; 48 sea robins; 1 bluefish and 3 sundials.

Tuesday 7/3/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 610 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 211 ling; 5 blackfish; 7 pout and 3 silver eels. Today at 8 AM we had 17 fishermen they caught 133 sea bass; 6 porgies; 9 ling and 7 fluke. Today at 1 PM we had 29 fishermen they caught 667 sea bass; 53 ling; 3 porgies; 15 sea robins and 5 blackfish. Today at 2PM 15 fishermen caught 50 fluke up to 3.68 lbs.; 5 capeshark and 63 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 370 sea bass; 155 porgies; 1 triggerfish and 4 fluke. Tonight's 7PM trip caught 600 ling; 20 sea bass; 60 squid and 3 lobsters. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 1475 ling; 5 sea bass; 1 pollack.

Monday 7/2/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 1035 sea bass keeping a full boat limit; 6 porgies and 80 ling. Today at 8 AM we had 26 fishermen they caught 217 sea bass keeping 65; 13 porgies and 8 fluke. Today at 1 PM they caught 630 sea bass keeping a full boat limit; 25 ling and 1 cod. Today at 2PM they had 13 fishermen. They caught 73 big sea bass keeping 22; 3 ling and 5 porgies. Tonight at 6 PM we had 26 fishermen they caught 139 sea bass; 25 porgies and 1 blackfish. Tonight at 7 PM we had 29 fishermen they caught 632 sea bass keeping their full boat limit; 254 ling and 1 fluke.

Sunday 7/1/18: EXPECT BEACH TRAFFIC TODAY ON ROBERT MOSES CAUSEWAY FOR OUR 1PM AND 2PM TRIPS. OCEAN PARKWAY IS OFTEN A BETTER ROUTE. PLEASE ALLOW EXTRA TRAVEL TIME. Today at 7 AM they caught 993 sea bass; 213 ling; 13 porgies; 15 sea robins and 2 pout. Today at 8 AM they caught 32 fluke up to 3.4 lbs.; 150 sea bass, keeping 57; 5 porgies and 1 ling. Today at 1 PM they caught their FULL BOAT LIMIT OF SEA BASS catching 746; 134 ling and 5 blackfish. Today's 2PM trip caught 171 sea bass keeping 63; 12 fluke up to 3.0 lbs.; 6 porgies and 3 ling. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 427 sea bass; 32 ling and 20 porgies.

Saturday 6/30/18: EXPECT BEACH TRAFFIC ON ROBERT MOSES CAUSEWAY TODAY FOR OUR 1PM AND 2PM TRIPS. OCEAN PARKWAY IS USUALLY A BETTER ROUTE. PLEASE ALLOW EXTRA TRAVEL TIME. Today at 7 AM they caught 859 sea bass; 91 ling; 7 blackfish; 7 mackerel; 15 sea robins and 25 cunner. Today at 8 AM they caught 59 fluke up to 5.22 lbs.; 60 sea robins and 3 sundials. Today at 1 PM they caught 545 sea bass; 51 porgies; 3 ling; 3 black fish; 7 mackerel and 5 fluke. Today at 2 PM they caught 7 fluke; 27 sea robins and 1 sundial. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 182 sea bass; 5 porgies and 1 silver eel. Tonight at 7 PM they caught 1498 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 106 ling and 42 porgies. Tonight at 11PM they caught 522 ling; 752 sea bass and 2 codfish.

Friday 6/29/18: Today at 7 AM we caught 1239 sea bass; 60 ling; 7 porgies; 5 blackfish; 7 mackerel and 1 squid. Today at 8 AM they caught 65 fluke and 28 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we had 25 fishermen they caught 575 sea bass keeping the FULL BOAT LIMIT; 30 ling and a 4.2 lb. fluke. Today at 2PM 26 fishermen caught 7 fluke; 25 sea robins; 1 sundial and 2 capeshark. Tonight st 6 PM we had 23 fishermen they caught 175 big sea bass; 16 porgies and 15 silver eels. Tonight at 7PM they caught 905 sea bass, keeping a full boat limit; 45 porgies and 15 ling. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 467 sea bass; 420 ling; 2 cod and 1 pollack.


Wednesday 6/27/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 1448 big sea bass keeping a FULL BOAT LIMIT; 48 ling; 3 porgies; 1 cod; 3 blackfish and 25 cunner. The 8AM trip caught 120 fluke, keeping 18 up to 5.5 lbs. and 44 sea robins. TONIGHT'S TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST SHOWERS AND A SMALL CRAFT WARNING. TOMORROW'S 7AM AND 8AM TRIPS ARE CANCELED. Today at 1 PM they caught 347 sea bass 32 porgies and 7 blackfish. Today at 2 PM we had 12 fishermen they caught 8 fluke; 1 bluefish and 10 sea robins. ALL TRIPS ARE NOW CANCELED TOMORROW THROUGH 2PM.

Tuesday 6/26/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 737 sea bass; 101 ling; 2 porgies; 2 blackfish and 15 pout. Today at 8 AM we had 29 fishermen they caught 166 fluke and 31 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 680 sea bass; 11 ling; 27 sea robins and 2 silver eels. Today at 2 PM they caught 27 fluke; 1 bluefish and 47 sea robins. Tonight at 6PM they caught 517 sea bass, keeping 96; 141 porgies, keeping 132; kept 6 ling and 11 mackerel. Tonight at 7PM we caught 677 big sea bass, keeping a full boat limit of 75; 62 porgies and 32 ling.

Monday 6/25/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 1428 sea bass keeping their FULL BOAT LIMIT; 170 ling; 3 blackfish and 9 pout. Today at 8 AM we had 22 fishermen they caught 62 fluke and 61 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 757 sea bass; 21 porgies and 20 ling. Today at 2 PM we had 9 fishermen they caught 34 sea bass; 1 porgy; 1 ling; 3 fluke and 5 sea robins. Tonight at 6PM we had 28 fishermen. They caught 305 sea bass; 128 porgies and 1 ling. Tonight at 7PM we had 29 fishermen. They caught 397 big sea bass keeping their full boat limit; 30 porgies and 14 ling.

Sunday 6/24/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 865 sea bass; 99 porgies; 12 ling and 3 blackfish. Today at 8 AM they caught 75 fluke; 2 sundials and 62 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 1355 sea bass; 94 ling; 5 blackfish; 5 porgies and 7 pout. Today at 2 PM they caught 41 fluke; 1 sundial; 40 sea robins and 11 cape shark. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 540 sea bass; 163 porgies and 1 ling. Tonight at 7 PM we had 19 fishermen they caught 176 sea bass; 65 porgies and 15 ling.

Saturday 6/23/18: Today at 7 AM we had 19 fishermen they caught 101 fluke up to 3.4 lbs. and 93 sea robins. Today at 8 AM we had 28 fishermen they caught 70 fluke up to 5.26 lbs. and 60 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 433 sea bass; 15 ling; 2 blackfish 1 cod and 8 porgies. Today at 2 PM we had 12 fishermen they caught 42 fluke up to 3.59 lbs. and 53 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 28 fishermen they caught their FULL BOAT LIMIT 571 sea bass; 132 porgies and 3 ling. Tonight at 7PM we caught a full boat limit of big sea bass; 45 porgies and 3 ling. Tonight at 11PM we caught 909 sea bass, keeping a full boat limit; 19 porgies and 109 ling.

Friday 6/22/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 117 fluke and 40 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we had 16 fishermen they caught 41 fluke and 35 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 37 fluke; 2 bluefish and 44 sea robins. Tonight at 10 PM they kept their FULL BOAT LIMIT of SEA BASS releasing 1000; kept 35 porgies and 15 ling.

Thursday 6/21/18: Today at 7 AM we had 15 fishermen they caught 62 fluke and 90 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we had 15 fishermen they caught 62 fluke up to 3.6 lbs. and 25 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 17 fishermen they caught 7 bluefish; 1 striped bass; 7 fluke and 16 sea robins.

Wednesday 6/20/18: Today at 7 AM we had 22 fishermen they caught 78 fluke up to 5.3 lbs.; 49 sea robins and released 9 sea bass. Today at 1 PM we caught 85 fluke up to 3.7 lbs. and 80 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 19 fishermen they caught 8 striped bass; 7 bluefish and 11 sea robins.

Tuesday 6/19/18: Today at 7 AM we had 28 people they caught 87 fluke; 33 sea robins; 1 cape shark and released 1 sea bass. Today at 1 PM we had 28 fishermen they caught 72 fluke and 77 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 15 fishermen they caught 21 bluefish and 1 striped bass.

Monday 6/18/18: Today at 7 AM we had 17 fishermen they caught 84 ocean fluke; 65 sea robins and 9 released sea bass. Today at 1 PM we had 23 fishermen they caught 35 fluke; 39 sea robins and 2 cape shark. Tonight at 6 PM we had 18 fishermen they caught 4 bluefish; 4 striped bass and 3 cape shark.

Sunday 6/17/18: Today at 7 AM we caught 36 fluke; 37 ling; 9 sea robins, 40 cape shark and released 25 sea bass. Today at 8 AM we caught 85 fluke up to 3.22 lbs. and 123 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we caught 57 fluke and 15 sea robins. Today at 2 PM we caught 27 fluke and 23 sea robins. Tonight st 6 PM we caught 9 striped bass and 1 bluefish.

Saturday 6/16/18: Today at 7 AM we caught 51 fluke; 10 sea robins; 10 ling and released 50 sea bass. Today at 8 AM we caught 33 fluke up to 3.9 lbs and 15 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we caught 79 fluke; 9 sea robins and released 1 sea bass. Today at 2 PM we caught 11 fluke; 1 sundial and 3 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we caught 2 striped bass. Tonight at 7 PM we caught 2 bluefish and 4 striped bass. Tonight st 11 PM we had 20 fishermen they caught 13 striped bass up to 14.9 lbs. and 1 bluefish.

Friday 6/15/18: Today at 7 AM we had 26 fishermen they caught 85 fluke up to 3.72 lbs.; 5 sea robins and 3 cape shark. Today at 1 PM we had 24 fishermen they caught 41 fluke up to 20 inches; 1 ling and releasing 13 sea bass. Tonight at 6 PM we had 19 fishermen they caught 1 striped bass. Tonight at 7 PM 29 fishermen caught 6 striped bass. Tonight's 11PM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 14 stripers and 1 bluefish.

Thursday 6/14/18: Today at 7 AM we caught 37 fluke; 18 sea robins and 4 cape shark. Today at 1 PM we had 21 fishermen they caught 16 fluke; 13 sea robins and 2 cape shark. Tonight at 6 PM we had 12 fishermen they caught 9 striped bass.

Wednesday 6/13/18: Today at 7 AM we had 19 fishermen they caught 38 fluke up to 3.21 lbs.; 49 sea robins and 3 cape shark. Tonight's 6PM trip had 12 fishermen. They kept 7 bluefish.

Tuesday 6/12/18: Today at 7 AM we caught 112 fluke up to 21 inches; 3 sundials; 1 stargazer and 32 sea robins. Today at 1PM we had 16 fishermen. We caught 32 fluke up to 21 inches; 13 sea robins and 3 capeshark. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 43 blues; 3 stripers and a 4.5 lb. fluke.

Monday 6/11/18: Today at 7 AM we had 16 fishermen they caught 45 fluke up to 22 inches; 37 sea robins and 1 stargazer. Today at 1 PM we had 14 fishermen they caught 31 fluke up to 21 inches; 11 sea robins and 2 cape shark. Tonight at 6 PM we had 10 fishermen they caught 20 bluefish and 5 striped bass.

Sunday 6/10/18: Today at 7 AM we caught 38 fluke up to 3.72 lbs.; 1 bluefish; 1 cape shark; 18 sea robins and released 4 sea bass. Today at 8AM we had 24 fishermen they caught 61 fluke up to 5.2 lbs.; 1 bluefish and 55 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we had 20 fishermen they caught 12 fluke up to 6.21 lbs. Today at 2 PM we had 27 fishermen they caught 62 fluke up to 2.95 lbs.; 1 sundial and 31 sea robins.

Saturday 6/9/18: Today at 7 AM we caught 25 fluke up to 6.86 lbs.; 3 cape shark and released 7 sea bass. Today at 8 AM they caught 24 fluke; 1 flounder; 1 ling and 2 sundials. Today at 1 PM we had 18 fishermen they caught 31 fluke up to 5.36 lbs and 15 cape shark. Today at 2 PM we had 13 fishermen they caught 10 fluke; 1 bluefish; 2 sea robins and 2 cape shark. Tonight at 6 PM we had 11 fishermen they caught 1 bluefish and 2 striped bass. Tonight at 7 PM they caught 6 bluefish and 2 striped bass. Tonight's 11PM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 4 stripers and 9 blues.

Friday 6/8/18: Today at 7 AM we caught 135 big ocean fluke keeping 22 up to 6 lbs.; 1 ling; 7 sea robins; 15 cape shark and released 7 sea bass. Today at 1 PM we caught 54 fluke up to 3 lbs.; and 27 cape shark. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 5 bluefish; 2 striped bass; 16 fluke and 12 sea robins. Tonight at 7 PM they caught 5 bluefish; 8 striped bass and 3 fluke up to 4.3 lbs. Tonight at 11PM we had 15 fishermen. They caught 3 stripers and 5 blues.

Thursday 6/7/18: Today at 7 AM we had 21 fishermen they caught 101 ocean fluke up to 3.8 lbs.; 4 ling; 5 sea robins; 2 cape shark and released 7 sea bass. Tonight at 6 PM we had 7 fishermen they caught 5 striped bass and 5 bluefish.

Wednesday 6/6/18: Today at 7 AM we had 21 fishermen they caught 77 ocean fluke; 9 ling; 13 cape shark and released 45 sea bass. Today at 1 PM we had 9 fishermen they caught 53 fluke up to 21 inches; 5 ling; 5 cape shark; 11 sea robins and released 15 sea bass. Tonight at 6 PM we had 18 fishermen they caught 8 bluefish; 1 fluke and 2 skates.

Tuesday 6/5/18: Today at 7 AM we had 11 fishermen they caught 28 fluke up to 5 lbs.; 15 sea bass and 4 sea robins. Today at 1PM 8 fishermen caught 11 fluke and 23 sea robins.


Sunday 6/3/18: Today at 7 AM we caught 58 fluke up to 3.02 lbs.; 1 bluefish and 33 sea robins. TOMORROW, MONDAY THE 7AM TRIP IS CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST MORNING RAIN, WIND AND COLD. Today at 1 PM they caught 29 fluke up to 21 inches and 37 sea robins. Today at 2 PM we had 8 fishermen they caught 13 fluke and 33 sea robins.

Saturday 6/2/18: Today at 7 AM we caught 79 fluke up to 6.5 lbs.; released 7 sea bass and 21 sea robins. Today at 8 AM we had 10 fishermen they caught 21 fluke up to 20 inches; 2 sundials; released 6 sea bass and 13 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we had 14 fishermen they caught 37 fluke up to 3.87 lbs.; 10 sea bass and 28 sea robins. Today at 2 PM we had 7 fishermen they caught 11 fluke; 3 bluefish and 11 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 23 fishermen they caught 16 bluefish; 2 striped bass and 1 stargazer. Tonight at 7 PM we had 15 fishermen they caught 2 bluefish and 2 striped bass. Tonight at 11PM they kept 4 bluefish and 1 fluke.

Friday 6/1/18: Today at 7 AM we had 9 fishermen they caught 51 fluke up to 3.88 lbs.; 47 bluefish and 66 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we had 9 fishermen they caught 55 fluke up to 5.24 lbs. and 21 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 10 fishermen they caught 9 bluefish. Tonight at 7 PM we had 14 fishermen they caught 4 striped bass; 4 bluefish; 2 fluke and 3 sea robins. Tonight at 11 PM we had 14 fishermen they caught 8 bluefish; 1 weakfish that weighted 8.96 lbs. and 1 striped bass.

Thursday 5/31/18: Today at 7 AM we had 14 fishermen they caught 53 fluke, with 13 keepers up to 4.25 lbs. and 71 sea robins. Tonight's 6PM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 4 stripers: 4 blues and 1 fluke.

Wednesday 5/30/18: Today at 7 AM we had 18 fishermen they caught 49 fluke up to 4.32 lbs.; 1 sundial and 67 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we had 14 fishermen they caught 7 fluke; 1 bluefish and 87 sea robins. Tonight's 6PM trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 8 stripers and 4 bluefish.

Tuesday 5/29/18: Today at 7 AM we caught 46 fluke the heaviest weighing 5.02 lbs. and 5 of them being over 4 lbs.; 2 bluefish and 55 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we had 17 fishermen they caught 10 fluke up to 20 inches; 1 cod; 1 ling; 30 sea bass (safely released); 1 blackfish and 27 cape shark. Tonight at 6 PM we had 16 fishermen they caught 15 bluefish.

Monday 5/28/18: Today at 7 AM they caught 93 fluke up to 4.24 lbs.; 34 sea robins and 1 cape shark. Today at 8 AM we had 19 fishermen they caught 50 fluke up to 5.22 lbs.; 1 sundial and 30 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 27 fluke and 53 sea robins. Today at 2 PM we had 14 fishermen they caught 23 fluke to 4.1 lbs. and 15 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 16 fishermen they caught 4 striped bass; 11 bluefish and 2 sea robins.

Sunday 5/27/18: Today at 7 AM we had 9 fishermen they caught 46 fluke up to 3.26 lbs. and 33 sea robins. Today at 8 AM we had 9 fishermen they caught 34 fluke up to 2.8 lbs. and 28 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we had 18 fishermen they caught 7 fluke up to 20 inches and 18 sea robins. Today at 2 PM we had 14 fishermen they caught 15 fluke and 12 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 12 fishermen they caught 11 bluefish and 2 striped bass. Tonight at 7 PM we had 15 fishermen they caught 17 bluefish; 3 striped bass and a NEW FREE FOR LIFE LEADER FLUKE CAUGHT BY DENNIS VAVASIS WEIGHING IN AT 7.08 LBS.

Saturday 5/26/18: Today at 7 AM we caught 97 fluke up to 3.57 lbs.; 45 sea robins and 2 cape shark. Today's 8AM trip caught 152 fluke keeping 22 up to 6.28 lbs.; 54 sea robins and 2 sundials. Today at 1 PM we caught 25 fluke up to 3.72 lbs. and 75 sea robins. Today at 2 PM we had 26 fishermen they caught 24 fluke; 1 bluefish and 26 sea robins. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 42 blues; 4 stripers and 15 sea robins. Tonight's 7PM trip caught 21 big blues and 11 fluke up to 4.2 lbs. Tonight's 11PM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 5 stripers and a stargazer.

Friday 5/25/18: Today at 7 AM we caught 86 fluke up to 4.35 lbs.; 2 bluefish; 59 sea robins and 7 cape shark. Today at 1 PM we caught 39 fluke up to 22 inches and 23 sea robins. Tonight at 6PM 16 fishermen caught 14 blues and 3 stripers. Tonight's 7PM trip kept 34 blues and 1 fluke. Tonight's 11PM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 17 stripers up to 30 inches and 5 blues.

Thursday 5/24/18: Today at 7 AM we caught 85 fluke up to 23 inches; 1 blowfish and 63 sea robins. At 1PM 17 fishermen caught 66 fluke, keeping 12 up to 3.83 lbs.; 50 sea robins; 2 bluefish and 2 capeshark. Tonight at 6 PM we had 18 fishermen they caught 38 bluefish; 2 striped bass and 5 sea robins.

Wednesday 5/23/18: Today at 7 AM we caught 113 fluke up to 22 inches and 57 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we had 17 fishermen they caught 25 fluke up to 21 inches; 1 sundial and 45 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 14 fishermen they caught 18 bluefish; 3 striped bass and 3 sea robins.

Tuesday 5/22/18: Tonight at 6 PM we had 18 fishermen they caught 2 striped bass; 18 bluefish and 8 sea robins.

Monday 5/21/18: Today at 7 AM we had 18 fishermen they caught 94 fluke up to 3.52 lbs. and 44 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we had 23 fishermen they caught 45 fluke up to 6 lbs. and 35 sea robins.

Sunday 5/20/18: Today at 7 AM we had 25 fishermen they caught 53 fluke up to 3.68 lbs.; 27 sea robins; and 1 stargazer. Today at 8 AM we had 21 fishermen. They caught 127 fluke up to 22 inches; 42 sea robins; 4 bluefish; 2 sundials. Today at 1 PM we caught 97 fluke up to 5.12 lbs.; 1 weakfish and 65 sea robins. Today at 2PM we had 11 fishermen. They caught 32 fluke up to 4.2 lbs.; 1 blowfish; 1 bluefish; 21 sea robins. Tonight's 6PM trip had 6 fishermen. They kept a 32 inch striped bass and 16 bluefish.



Thursday 5/17/18: Today at 1 PM we had 13 fishermen they caught 69 fluke up to 3.30 lbs.; 1 bluefish; 1 sundial; and 53 sea robins.

Wednesday 5/16/18: Today at 7 AM we had 8 fishermen they caught 23 fluke up to 4.24 lbs. and 22 sea robins. Today's 1PM and 6PM trips are canceled. All trips are on tomorrow.

Tuesday 5/15/18: Today at 7AM we had 11 fishermen they caught 41 fluke; 1 blowfish; and 46 sea robins. Today's 1PM and 6PM trips are canceled.

Monday 5/14/18: Today at 7 AM we had 14 fishermen they caught 63 fluke up to 3.16 lbs.; and 67 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we had 18 fishermen they caught 21 fluke; and 13 sea robins.

Sunday 5/13/18: Today at 7 AM we had 10 fishermen they caught 43 fluke up to 21 inches; and 47 sea robins. Today at 8 AM we had 15 fishermen they caught 62 fluke up to 2.6 lbs.; 1 sundial; and 46 sea robins. Today's afternoon and night trips are canceled due to rain and cold.

Saturday 5/12/18: Today at 7 AM we had 18 fishermen they caught 67 fluke up to 20 inches; and 26 sea robins. Today at 8 AM we had 12 fishermen they caught 38 fluke up to 4.7 lbs.; and 28 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we had 13 fishermen they caught 31 fluke up to 3.36 lbs.; and 23 sea robins. Today at 2 PM we had 24 fishermen they caught 40 fluke up to 3.1 lbs.; and 33 sea robins. Tonight's 6PM Trip had 17 fishermen. They kept 16 bluefish. Tonight's 11PM trip was canceled due to rain and cold.

Friday 5/11/18: Today at 7 AM we caught 35 fluke up to 23 inches; and 37 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we had 16 fishermen they caught 43 fluke up to 3.4 lbs.; 28 bluefish; and 26 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we had 14 fishermen they caught 2 bluefish; and 1 striped bass. Tonight's 11PM trip had 8 fishermen. They caught 2 stripers and 1 bluefish.

Thursday 5/10/18: Today at 7 AM we had 15 fishermen they caught 41 fluke up to 3.2 lbs.; 1 sundial; 1 bluefish; and 59 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we had 11 fishermen they caught 35 fluke up to 21 inches; 1 blowfish; and 18 sea robins.

Wednesday 5/9/18: Today at 7 AM they had 16 fishermen. They caught 50 fluke up to 3.5 lbs.; and 51 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they had 28 fishermen they caught 33 fluke up to 3.03 lbs.; and 25 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM they had 8 fishermen they caught 18 bluefish up to 9.6 lbs.

Tuesday 5/8/18: Today at 7 AM we had 9 fishermen. They caught 29 fluke up to 22 inches; and 37 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they had 12 fishermen they caught 63 fluke up to 20 inches; and 81 sea robins.

Monday 5/7/18: Today at 7AM we had 12 fishermen. They caught 23 fluke up to 20 in. and 40 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they had 14 fishermen they caught 46 fluke up to 6.40 lbs. CAUGHT BY NEW FISH FOR LIFE LEADER JOHN WHARBURTON and 55 sea robins.

Sunday 5/6/18: Today's 7AM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 60 fluke up to 21 inches and 70 sea robins. Today's 8AM trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 41 fluke keeping 5 up to 3.48 lbs. and 41 sea robins. TODAY'S AFTERNOON AND EVENING TRIPS ARE CANCELED. FLUKE TRIPS ARE ON TOMORROW.

Saturday 5/5/18: Today at 7 AM they had 21 fishermen. They caught 68 fluke up to 21 inches; and 90 sea robins. Today at 8 AM they had 8 fishermen. They caught 28 fluke up to 23 inches and 25 sea robins. Today at 1 PM they caught 102 sea robins and 77 fluke keeping 12, with a NEW FREE FOR LIFE LEADER BRIAN DASS WHO CAUGHT A FLUKE WEIGHING IN AT 4.02 LBS. Today at 2 PM they had 11 fishermen. They caught 15 fluke and 40 sea robins. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 3 sea robins. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 1 striper.

Friday 5/4/18: Today's 7 AM trip had 24 fishermen. They caught 68 fluke and 97 sea robins. Today at 1 PM 17 fishermen caught 59 fluke and 68 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 1 striped bass and the 11PM trip caught 2.


Sunday 4/29/18: Today's 7AM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 8 blackfish. Today's 1PM trip was the last blackfish trip of the season. 14 fishermen caught 6 blackfish up to 3.7 lbs. 2 cunner and the first sea bass of the spring. OUR NEXT SAILINGS WILL BE FRIDAY MAY 4TH WHEN WE START FLUKE EVERYDAY AND STRIPERS AT NIGHT. OUR WEEKEND 8AM AND 2PM TRIPS WILL BE FOR STRIPERS & FLUKE.

4/28/18: Today we caught one blackfish on each trip.

4/22/18: Today's 7AM trip caught 5 blackfish and 1 codfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 16 blackfish up to 3.6 lbs.

4/21/18: Today's 7AM trip caught 9 blackfish, 3 pout and 1 ling. Today's 1PM trip caught 1 pout; 1 blackfish and kept 2 ling and 5 codfish.

4/20/18: Tomorrow, Saturday 4/21/18 we start sailing weekends at 7AM and 1PM for blackfish. The water is still cold but the forecast is for calm seas and fair skies. Fluke and striper trips start in two weeks.

3/21/18: Schedule update: Weekend blackfish starting April 21. Fluke and stripers daily starting Friday May 4.

3/7/18: It looks likely that the fluke season will open on Friday May 4, 2018.

2/16/18: Back at Captree with the Laura Lee Express. New John Deere Engines, 17 knots cruising.

Office: 631-661-1867

Sam Cell: 631-495-2313



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