Striped Bass

Sea Bass






2012 Fishing Reports

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Sunday 12/30/12: Tomorrow and Tuesday are canceled due to forecast high winds. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL.


Friday 12/28/12: Tomorrow is on but we will make a final decision by 5 PM today. The ocean sounds good with rain or snow starting by noon. Sunday is canceled.

Thursday 12/27/12: Tomorrow's trip is canceled due to forecast rough seas. Saturday looks good.

Monday 12/24/12: Due to forecast high wind and rough seas all trips are canceled through Thursday 12/27/12. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL.

Friday 12/21/12: Due to forecast wind and rough seas all trips are canceled through Christmas. Weather permitting we will sail everyday at 5 AM from December 26, 2012 through January 1, 2013.

Wednesday 12/19/12: This Friday and Saturday are canceled due to forecast rain and wind. We will see about Sunday.

Saturday 12/15/12: Today's 5 AM trip had 14 fishermen. They kept 5 codfish to 12.2 lbs.; kept 24 ling; kept 56 giant porgies; kept 6 big bluefish; released 55 sea bass; 22 pout; 3 blackfish; caught 39 cunner, keeping 11; caught 61 capeshark, keeping 16.


Friday 12/14/12: Tomorrow's trip is on. Sunday is canceled. Today's 5 AM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 18 blackfish, keeping 5; 2 ling; 15 cunner; 12 capeshark; 2 pout; 9 sea bass.


Thursday 12/13/12: The Laura Lee has temporarily moved to the right side of the Captree dock. We are sailing at 5 AM tomorrow, Saturday and weather permitting Sunday.


Sunday 12/9/12: Today's 5 AM trip had 16 fishermen. They caught 21 blackfish, keeping 6; kept 21 ling; caught 1 bluefish; kept 2 whiting; caught 25 capeshark, keeping 3; caught 6 pout.


Saturday 12/8/12: Today's 5 AM trip caught 66 blacksish, keeping 26 up to 7.8 lbs.; kept 8 codfish up to 10.5 lbs.; kept 12 ling; caught 79 capeshark, keeping 21; caught 14 sea bass; caught 3 fluke; caught 28 cunner; caught 7 pout.


Friday 12/7/12: Today's 5 AM trip had just 4 fishermen. They caught 41 blackfish, keeping 15; 11 codfish, keeping 8; 10 sea bass; 2 pollack; 2 ling; 10 cunner; 32 capeshark, keeping 8.


Wednesday 12/5/12: We have added a trip this Friday 12/7/12. All trips are now sailing at 5 AM and returning around 4 PM.


Tuesday 12/4/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 48 blackfish up to 8.5 lbs.; 4 cod up to 12.1 lbs.; 1 bluefish; 1 lobster that weighed 4.8 lbs.; 15 ling; 23 cunner; 22 sea bass up to 5.2 lbs.; and 27 cape shark. Look for our spectacular dolphin video coming soon on Facebook and our website. Also check our report and calendar for our change in sailing schedule to 5 AM and added fair weather weekday trips.




Sunday 12/2/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 66 blackfish keeping 19 up to 8.7 and 9.4 lbs.; 1 cod that weighed 6.3 lbs.; 12 ling; and 2 whiting.


Saturday 12/1/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 76 blackfish, keeping 25; two 7 lb. codfish; 6 big ling; 23 capeshark, keeping 5; released 1 sea bass.






Monday 11/26/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught nothing. ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED UNTIL SATURDAY 12/1/12. THEN WE WILL ONLY BE SAILING 7 AM to 2 PM ON WEEKENDS.


Sunday 11/25/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 15 striped bass. Today's 1 PM trip caught 4 striped bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught nothing. ALL NIGHT TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO VERY COLD WATER AND POOR FISHING. ALL DAY TRIPS ARE NOW JIGGING STRIPERS/BLACKFISH.


Saturday 11/24/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 35 striped bass. TONIGHT'S 6 PM TRIP IS CANCELED DUE TO WIND AND COLD. Today's 1 PM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 79 stripers.


Friday 11/23/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 54 stripers up to 29 inches and 2 kayakers. Today's 1 PM trip caught 51 striped bass and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip kept 5 striped bass up to 31 lbs.


Thanksgiving 11/22/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 156 stripers up to 11.5 lbs.


Wednesday 11/21/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 16 fishermen. They caught 112 stripers up to 11.7 lbs. Today's 1 PM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 97 stripers up to 29 inches. THANKSGIVING WE WILL SAIL ONE TRIP 7 AM TO 12:30 PM. Tonight's 6 PM trip kept 11 striped bass up to 17.2 lbs.


Tuesday 11/20/12: Today's 7AM trip had 7 fishermen. They caught 59 STRIPERS up to 32.5 inches. Today's 1 PM trip had 7 fishermen. They caught 4 stripers.


Monday 11/19/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 79 striped bass up to 34 inches. Today's 1 PM trip had 9 fishermen they caught 26 striped bass up to 28.5 inches.


Sunday 11/18/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 75 stripers up to 29 inches. Today's 1 PM trip caught 54 stripers, keeping 9 up to 22 lbs.


Saturday 11/17/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 10 striped bass. Today's 1 PM trip had 10 fishermen, they caught 15 striped bass up to 27.2 lbs. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught nothing. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 7 stripers, keeping 2, heaviest 17.5 lbs. WE HAVE CANCELED SOME OF OUR NIGHT TRIPS. OUR 6 PM AND 11 PM TRIPS WILL ONLY SAIL ON THE BETTER TIDES. CLICK CALENDAR TO CONFIRM SAILINGS.


Friday 11/16/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 44 stripers, keeping 2. Today's 1 PM trip had 17 fishermen.They caught 55 stripers, keeping 11. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 6 fishermen. They kept 1 striped bass. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 14 fishermen, they caught 28 striped bass keeping 11 up to 15.7 lbs.


Thursday 11/15/12: CAPTREE STATE PARK IS NOW OPEN. WE WILL RESUME SAILING TODAY AT 1 PM. Today's 1 PM trip had 7 fishermen they caught 65 striped bass up to 24.5 lbs. on clams and bass assassins in the inlet. Tonight's 6 PM trip was canceled due to a shortage of fishermen. IRA FREELANDER IS THE WINNER OF OUR 2012 FREE FISHING FOR LIFE FLUKE CONTEST.








Thursday 11/1/12: Captree State Park is still closed. All trips are canceled tomorrow. We hope to get word on when we can start sailing soon.


Wednesday 10/31/12: We made it through hurricane Sandy without any damage but there was some damage to Captree State Park, which remains closed. We will resume sailing as soon as the park reopens, hopefuly in a day or two.


Saturday 10/27/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 79 giant bluefish, keeping 67 and 7 stripers, keeping 6. Today's 1 PM trip kept 34 giant bluefish; 3 albacore; a 14 lb. striper. TONIGHT'S 11 PM TRIP IS ON. TOMORROW THROUGH TUESDAY ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED. Tonight at 6 PM we sent 7 fishermen out with our good friends on the Island Princess. Tonight at 11 PM 15 fishermen kept 3 stripers.


Friday 10/26/12: Today at 7 AM we caught 206 bluefish, keeping 185; kept 4 STRIPERS up to 19 lbs.; 2 albacore. Today's 1 PM trip caught 134 bluefish, keeping 105. Tonight's 6 PM trip kept 3 striped bass up to 23 lbs.; 1 weakfish; and 3 fluke. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 9 stripers, keeping 7; 1 bluefish; 2 fluke; 1 speargun. ALL TRIPS ARE ON FOR SATURDAY. ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED FOR SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY DUE TO FORECAST SEVERE WEATHER.


Thursday 10/25/12: Today's 7 AM trip kept 2 stripers and 34 big bluefish; Today's 1 PM trip kept a 21 lb. striper and 21 big bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 5 striped bass keeping 3; 1 bluefish; and 2 fluke.


Wednesday 10/24/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 278 bluefish, keeping 128 from 3 to 11 lbs. and kept 3 stripers to 19.6 lbs. Today's 1 PM trip had 7 fishermen. They kept 38 big bluefish to 14.5 lbs. and kept 3 stripers to 21.6 lbs. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 12 stripers, keeping 10 up to 18 lbs.


Tuesday 10/23/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 18 blackfish; 22 porgies; 26 sea bass. TODAY'S 1 PM TRIP DIAMOND JIGGED OUR LIMIT OF 15 BLUEFISH PER MAN, RELEASING MANY 3 TO 10 LB. BLUES AND KEEPING A 25.6 LB. STRIPER. DIAMOND JIGGING TOMORROW! Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 9 striped bass keeping 6 up to 27 lbs.; and 1 bluefish.


Monday 10/22/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 76 sea bass keeping 8; 102 porgies keeping 23; 5 bluefish; and 7 blackfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 70 sea bass keeping 19; 12 porgies keeping 4; 3 bluefish keeping 2; and 6 blackfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 16 striped bass keeping 15 up to 19.2 lbs.


Sunday 10/21/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 43 stripers, keeping 28. ALMOST ALL THE FISH WERE CAUGHT BEFORE 9 AM. THEN THE SEAS IN THE INLET WENT CALM AND THE BITE WAS OVER. THE MARINE FORECAST FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS IS FOR CALM SEAS. IF THE FORECAST IS CORRECT WE WILL BE LOOKING FOR JIGGING STRIPERS AND WRECK FISHING IF WE DON'T FIND ANY. THIS CHANGE IN THE STRIPER FEEDING HABITS SHOULD IMPROVE THE NIGHT BITE. Today's 1 PM trip caught 94 sea bass, keeping 33; 6 porgies, keeping 4; 4 blackfish; 1 capeshark. Tomorrow? Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 18 striped bass keeping 10 up to 15.2 lbs.


Saturday 10/20/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 88 stripers, keeping 48. Today's 1 PM trip caught 60 striped bass keeping 48. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 7 striped bass keeping 4. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 8 stripers, keeping 4 and 2 bluefish.


Friday 10/19/12: Today on the 7 am trip 15 fishermen caught 71 STRIPERS, keeping 30 up to 24 lbs. and 9 big bluefish. Today on the 1 PM trip 30 fishermen caught 88 stripers, keeping 60. BEGINNING TOMORROW AT 7 AM WE ARE NOT PERMITTING BRAIDED LINE FOR STRIPER CHUMMING. WE WILL BE HAPPY TO PROVIDE A FREE ROD AND REEL FOR USE TO ANYONE NEEDING ONE, OR WE WILL SPOOL YOUR REEL WITH MONO FOR $5. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 7 striped bass keeping 3; and 1 big bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 22 striped bass keeping 17 up to 24.7 lbs.


Thursday 10/18/12:  Today's 7 AM trip caught 51 stripers, keeping 38. Today's 1 PM trip caught 76 stripers, keeping 48. TOMORROW THE WEATHER FORECAST IS FOR RAIN. THIS WILL KEEP THE BOAT TRAFFIC DOWN. WE GUARANTEE TO GET YOU A STRIPER TOMORROW ON THE 7 AM AND 1 PM TRIPS OR YOUR NEXT TRIP IS FREE. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 5 stripers keeping 4 up to 21 lbs.


Wednesday 10/17/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 31 striped bass keeping 28 up to 16.5 lbs. Today's 1 PM trip caught 55 stripers, keeping 48. WE ARE NOW STRIPER FISHING ON ALL TRIPS. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 10 stripers  keeping 8 up to 23.6 lbs.; and 1 bluefish.


Tuesday 10/16/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 5 stripers, keeping 2 and 3 big bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 58 stripers, keeping 46 and 12 big bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 12 fishermen, they caught 20 striped bass keeping 17 up to 21 lbs.


Monday 10/15/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 13 fishermen they kept their limit of striped bass, 26 fish up to 20.4 lbs. and returned 19 others. Today's 1 PM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 67 stripers, keeping their limit of 2 each and releasing 45. ALL TRIPS THROUGH FRIDAY WILL BE FOR STRIPERS!


Sunday 10/14/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 31 striped bass keeping 18; and 3 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip kept 3 stripers. Tonight's 6 PM trip didn't sail. We sent 3 fishermen out with our good friends on the Island Princess.


Saturday 10/13/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 20 fishermen. They caught 87 coctail blues; 174 porgies, keeping 67; 58 sea bass, keeping 7; 5 blackfish. EXPECT ALL TRIPS TO BE FOR STRIPERS TONIGHT THROUGH TUESDAY. Today's 1 PM trip caught 177 sea bass keeping 77; 205 porgies keeping 105; 33 blackfish keeping 5 up to 5.4 lbs.; 100 bluefish; and 1 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip kept 3 striped bass and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 7 striped bass keeping 6 up to 21.4 lbs.


Friday 10/12/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 8 fishermen. They caught 14 big bluefish, keeping 8 and 9 stripers, keeping 8. TOMORROW'S 7 AM AND 1 PM SEA BASS AND PORGY TRIPS ARE RECOMMENDED. Today's 1 PM trip didn't sail. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 8 fishermen they caught 12 striped bass keeping 11 up to 23 lbs.; and 3 weakfish. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 20 striped bass keeping 15 up to 20.5 lbs.


Thursday 10/11/12: Tonight's 6 PM striper trip is on. THE MARINE FORECAST HAS CHANGED. IF IT IS CORRECT TOMORROW'S 7 AM TRIP WILL BE FOR SEA BASS AND PORGIES. THE 1 PM TRIP WILL BE DECIDED TOMORROW. Tonight's 6 PM trip kept 2 striped bass and 1 weakfish.


Tuesday 10/9/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 100 sea bass keeping 2; 27 blackfish keeping 3; 1 blowfish; and 1 porgy. TONIGHT'S 6 PM TRIP IS CANCELED AND ALL TRIPS THROUGH THURSDAY AT 1 PM ARE CANCELED DUE TO WEATHER. Today's 1 PM trip had 15 fishermen, they caught 86 bluefish; and 2 striped bass up to 12 lbs.


Monday 10/8/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 264 sea bass keeping keeping 64 jumbos; 33 porgies keeping 15 big ones; 2 flounder; and 5 fluke. WITH COOLER WATER AND GOOD TIDES   NEXT FEW 6 PM TRIPS TO BE FOR STRIPED BASS. Today's 1 PM trip caught 222 sea bass keeping 62; 204 porgies keeping 85; 1 bluefish; 12 sea robins; 2 blackfish; 1 fluke; and 1 striped bass that weighed 23.6 lbs. TOMORROW'S 7 AM AND 1 PM TRIPS ARE CHANGED TO STRIPERS. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 10 fishermen they caught 4 keeper stripers and 1 bluefish.


Sunday 10/7/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 220 porgies, keeping 118; 200 sea bass, keeping 46; 18 blackfish, keeping 3; 6 bluefish; 5 fluke. DUE TO FORECAST COLD AND RAIN TODAY'S 1 PM, 6 PM, AND 11 PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED. TOMORROW LOOKS GREAT AND THE 7 AM AND 1 PM TRIPS ARE RECOMMENDED.


Saturday 10/6/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 360 porgies, keeping 107; 107 sea bass, keeping 18; 13 blackfish. TONIGHT'S 6 PM AND 11 PM TRIPS ARE CHANGED TO OCEAN SEA BASS/PORGIES/BLUEFISH. Today's 1 PM trip had 11 fishermen they caught 43 sea bass keeping 7; and 156 porgies keeping 53. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 15 sea bass keeping 3; 146 porgies keeping 125; and 5 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 55 sea bass keeping 15; 265 porgies keeping 207; 2 big ocean bluefish: a 2 lb. lobster. SUNDAY'S 6 PM TRIP IS CHANGED TO SEA BASS AND PORGIES ON THE OCEAN REEF.


Friday 10/5/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 350 sea bass, keeping 147, with 50 fish over 3 lbs.; 15 porgies; 6 blackfish; 8 fluke; 3 bluefish. TONIGHT'S 6 PM AND 11 PM TRIPS ARE CHANGED TO SEA BASS AND PORGIES ON THE OCEAN REEF. Today's 1 PM trip caught 233 sea bass keeping 86; 87 porgies keeping 39; 6 bluefish; and 5 blackfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 63 sea bass keeping 28 up to 3.5 lbs.; 56 bluefish; 125 porgies keeping 72; 5 sea robins; and 4 cape shark. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 56 sea bass keeping 26; 165 porgies keeping 120; and 31 big ocean bluefish.


Thursday 10/4/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 10 fishermen, they caught 149 sea bass keeping 24 up to 4.3 lbs.; 120 porgies keeping 39 up to 2.3 lbs.; and 3 bluefish. The 1 PM and 6 PM trips were canceled.


Wednesday 10/3/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 10 fishermen, they caught 168 keeping 46; 99 porgies keeping 51; 8 bluefish; released 5 blackfish and 3 fluke up to 6 lbs. Today's 1 PM trip didn't sail. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught nothing.


Tuesday 10/2/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 16 fishermen. They caught 232 sea bass keeping 112; 75 porgies keeping 35; 2 fluke and 12 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip had 7 fishermen. They caught 94 sea bass keeping 36; 27 porgies keeping 7; released 1 fluke that weighed 4.2 lbs. and released 1 blackfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip was canceled due to rain.


Monday 10/1/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 11 fishermen, they caught 133 sea bass keeping 73; 172 porgies keeping 132; 160 bluefish keeping 90; and 1 triggerfish. Today's 1 PM trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 212 sea bass, keeping 66; 47 bluefish keeping 35; 1 striper that weighed 12 lbs.; 5 porgies; 1 weakfish; 1 fluke; and 12 cape shark. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 10 fishermen, they kept 2 striped bass.


Sunday 9/30/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 145 sea bass keeping 45; 450 porgies keeping 300; 170 bluefish keeping 70; released 6 blackfish; 2 weakfish keeping 1. TONIGHT'S 6 PM TRIP IS CHANGED TO SEA BASS ON THE OCEAN REEF BECAUSE OF THE EXCEPTIONAL FISHING. Today's 1 PM trip caught 91 sea bass keeping 11; 297 porgies keeping 225; 1 striped bass that weighed 18 lbs.; 174 bluefish keeping 144; 1 fluke and 7 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip didn't sail. We sent 5 fishermen out with our good friends on the Fishfinder II.


Saturday 9/29/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 324 porgies, keeping 234; 140 sea bass, keeping 43; 52 bluefish; 6 fluke, keeping 1; 1 triggerfish; 3 blackfish. Today's 1 PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 121 sea bass, keeping 47; 109 porgies, keeping 53; 85 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught nothing. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 8 striped bass keeping 5 up to 17.4 lbs.


Friday 9/28/12: Today's 7 AM and 1 PM trips were canceled. TONIGHT'S 6 PM and 11 PM STRIPER TRIPS ARE ON. SEA BASS AND BIG PORGIES TOMORROW. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 7 fishermen. They caught 1 weakfish and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 20 bluefish and 5 striped bass up to 16.7 lbs.


Thursday 9/27/12: Today's 7 AM trip kept 59 bluefish; 3 striped bass; 1 fluke; caught 3 capeshark; 2 sea robins; 5 sea bass. Today's 1 PM trip caught 131 porgies, keeping 112; 42 sea bass, keeping 24; 1 big bluefish; 3 blackfish. TOMORROW'S 7 AM AND 1 PM TRIPS ARE CHANGED TO CHUMMING STRIPERS. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 11 fishermen, they caught 4 striped bass up to 15.2 lbs.; and 2 bluefish.


Wednesday 9/26/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 3 striped bass keeping 2; 363 sea bass keeping 13; discarded 17 blackfish; 78 blowfish keeping 33; 63 bluefish keeping 23; 15 fluke; 1 weakfish; 8 porgies; and 24 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 1 bluefish and 2 skates. TOMORROW EXPECT STRIPER CHUMMING FOR THE 7 AM TRIP AND SEA BASS AND PORGIES ON THE OCEAN REEF IN THE AFTERNOON. Tonight's 6 PM had 10 fishermen they caught 5 striped bass up to 12 lbs.


Tuesday 9/25/12: Our transmission repairs are complete! WE WILL BE SAILING TODAY AT 1 PM, CHUMMING FOR STRIPERS IN THE INLET. Today's 1 PM trip caught 3 striped bass up to 17.5 lbs.; and 56 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 12 fishermen, they caught 7 striped bass keeping 4 up to 14 lbs.; 4 bluefish; and 5 weakfish keeping 4 up to 6 lbs.




Sunday 9/23/12: Today's 7AM trip caught 70 sea bass keeping 30: 39 bluefish keeping 14; 37 porgies keeping 17; 3 weakfish; and 2 hickory shad. Todays 1 PM trip caught 43 sea bass keeping 11; 49 porgies keeping 29; 1 ling; and 76 bluefish keeping 36. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 1 striped bass that weighed 19.7 lbs. ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED TOMORROW FOR MECHANICAL REPAIRS. WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU SAIL WITH OUR GOOD FRIENDS ON THE JIB VI.


Saturday 9/22/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 71 porgies, keeping 22; 94 sea bass, keeping 21; 35 bluefish, keeping 14; 8 blackfish; 6 fluke; 1 weakfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 117 sea bass keeping 47; 108 porgies keeping 57; 149 bluefish keeping 48; 7 sea robins; and 1 weakfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 6 bluefish and 1 fluke. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 8 fishermen. They kept 1 weakfish; 1 bluefish; caught 1 striper.


Friday 9/21/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 76 porgies, keeping 34; 21 sea bass, keeping 11; 17 shad; 14 bluefish; 2 weakfish. Today's 1 PM trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 108 sea bass, keeping 43; 124 porgies, keeping 88; 51 bluefish,keeping 27; 5 weakfish, keeping 1; 2 blackfish; 4 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip kept 1 sea bass; 1 weakfish and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 7 bluefish and 1 striped bass.


Thursday 9/20/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 16 fishermen. They caught 27 stripers, keeping 19: 4 bluefish: 2 sea robins. WE PLAN TO FISH FOR SEA BASS AND PORGIES IN FAIR WEATHER AND CALM SEAS AND FOR STRIPERS IN BAD WEATHER AND ROUGH SEAS ON THE 7 AM AND 1 PM TRIPS. THE 6 PM AND 11 PM TRIPS WILL BE FOR STRIPERS. Today's 1 PM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 8 stripers, keeping 3 up to 18.5 lbs. and 3 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip kept 1 striper.


Wednesday 9/19/12: Today's 1 PM trip had 8 fishermen. They caught 9 stripers, keeping 4 up to 34 inches and 2 bluefish. IF THE MARINE FORECAST IS CORRECT WE WILL FISH FOR STRIPERS TOMORROW ON ALL 3 TRIPS. Tonight's 6 PM trip kept 3 stripers.


Tuesday 9/18/12: Due to wind, rain and rough seas all trips are canceled through tomorrow morning. Tomorrow's 1 PM trip will be for stripers in the inlet.


Monday 9/17/12: Today's 7AM trip caught 171 sea bass keeping 41; 82 porgies keeping 19; 6 fluke up to 3.53 lbs.; 12 bluefish; and 4 blackfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 198 sea bass keeping 56; 193 porgies keeping 72; 1 sea robin; and 1 fluke that weighed 3.42 lbs.


Sunday 9/16/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 151 sea bass keeping 10; 74 porgies keeping 12; 6 fluke; 6 bluefish; 36 blowfish; and 2 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 460 seabass keeping 4; 7 fluke up to 2.32 lbs.; 37 blowfish keeping 23; 17 porgies keeping 13; 1 weakfish; and 18 kingfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip was canceled. We sent 1 fisherman out with our good friends on the Jib VI. Due to forecast wind, rough seas and rain all trips are canceled from Monday night through Wednesday morning.


Saturday 9/15/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 124 sea bass, keeping 34; 11 fluke, keeping 3; 1 keeper striped bass. Today's 1 PM trip caught 131 sea bass keeping 47; 7 fluke up to 2.75 lbs.; 99 porgies, keeping 36; and 16 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 1 bluefish; 1 weakfish; and 66 sea bass. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 36 sea bass; 22 porgies; 13 bluefish; and 8 silver eels.


Friday 9/14/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 11 fluke up to 6.77 lbs.; 79 sea bass up to 3.1 lbs.; 84 porgies up to 1.7 lbs.; 1 triggerfish; 32 sea robins. Todays 1 PM trip caught 124 sea bass keeping 21; 11 fluke keeping 4; 15 triggerfish; 2 porgies; 1 blowfish; and 22 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 130 sea bass; 5 bluefish; 1 weakfish that weighed 8 lbs.; and 1 fluke that weighed 4.2 lbs. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 36 sea bass keeping 15; 4 bluefish; 1 triggerfish; 1 porgy; 1 fluke and 2 sea robins.


Thursday 9/13/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 280 sea bass, keeping 37; 80 porgies, keeping 11; 35 sea robins; 4 fluke; 2 blackfish; 2 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 58 sea bass, keeping 11; 39 porgies, keeping 17; 2 fluke; 1 ling; 5 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip didn't sail. We sent 3 fishermen out with our good friends on the Island Princess.


Wednesday 9/12/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 155 sea bass up to 3.7 lbs.; 122 porgies keeping 42; 19 bluefish; 3 fluke and 41 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 297 sea bass keeping 81 up to 3.8 lbs.; 172 porgies keeping 64; 1 triggerfish; 3 fluke; 3 bluefish; 62 sea robins; and 2 blackfish. Tonight's 6 PM had 18 fishermen they caught 64 sea bass, keeping 33; 56 porgies keeping 30; and 1 fluke.


Tuesday 9/11/12: Today's 7AM trip caught 63 sea bass up to 3.4 lbs.; 61 porgies keeping 21; 20 bluefish; and 1 weakfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 102 sea bass keeping 53; 98 porgies keeping 67; 21 bluefish; and 12 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip was canceled.


Monday 9/10/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 10 fishermen they caught 204 sea bass up to 14 inches; 12 porgies up to 13 inches; 7 fluke; 1 bluefish; and 1 kingfish. Today's 1 PM trip was canceled. We sent 2 fishermen out with our good friends on the Jib VI. Tonight's 6 PM trip was canceled. TOMORROW WE WILL BE BACK FISHING THE OCEAN REEF.


Sunday 9/9/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 518 sea bass up to 2.1 lbs.; 8 porgies; 1 blowfish; 4 fluke up to 2.34 lbs.; 3 weakfish; and 6 bluefish. Today's 1PM trip caught 403 sea bass; 29 fluke up to 2.32 lbs.; 31 porgies; 49 blowfish; 21 bluefish; and 60 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 161 sea bass up to 14 inches; 2 bluefish; a 3 lb. fluke; a 5 lb. weakfish; a 14 lb. striper.


Saturday 9/8/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 213 sea bass up to 1.65 lbs.; 7 fluke up to 2.9 lbs.; 3 bluefish; and 31 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 403 sea bass up to 2 lbs.; 31 blowfish; 4 triggerfish; 33 porgies; and 1 weakfish. Tonight's 6 and 11 PM trips are canceled due to bad weather.


Friday 9/7/12: Today's 7AM trip caught 31 fluke up to 2.86 lbs.; 545 sea bass up to 1.2 lbs.; 1 bluefish; 2 weakfish; 2 kingfish; and 2 blowfish. Today's 1PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 26 fluke keeping 3 up to 2.6 lbs.; 3 bluefish; and 430 sea bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 2 keeper striped bass; 2 keeper weakfish; and 117 sea bass. Tonight's 11 PM trip was canceled.


Thursday 9/6/12: DUE TO SWELLS ON THE OCEAN EXPECT BAY FLUKE AND SEA BASS THE NEXT FEW DAYS. Today's 7 AM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 400 sea bass up to 1.4 lbs.; 21 fluke up to 3.38 lbs.; 5 porgies up to 1.2 lbs.; a 3.7 lb. weakfish; 1 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 390 sea bass up to 1.6 lbs.; 24 fluke; 11 porgies; 6 bluefish; 2 kingfish; 4 blowfish. Tonight at 6 PM we sent 3 fishermen out with our good friends on the Island Princess.




Monday 9/3/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 78 sea bass keeping 9; 14 fluke; 86 sea robins keeping 15; and 47 porgies keeping 11. Tomorrow's 7 AM trip is canceled due to forecast rain and rough seas. Today's 1 PM trip caught 326 sea bass; 2 bluefish; 1 weakfish; and 1 fluke.Tonight's 6 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 116 sea bass and 2 toadfish.


Sunday 9/2/12: Today's 7 AM trip kept 15 fluke with 7 keepers over 6 lbs. and the heaviest being 7.68 lbs.; 155 sea bass keeping 46; 104 porgies keeping 23; 31 sea robins keeping 8; 3 cunner; and 1 cape shark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 11 fluke keeping 2 up to 3.9 lbs.; 155 sea bass keeping 53; and 31 porgies keeping 14. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 128 sea bass keeping 56; 6 fluke keeping 3; and 22 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip kept 2 weakfish; 4 bluefish; 1 squid; caught 6 fluke; caught 182 sea bass up to 1.8 lbs.; 1 striped bass.


Saturday 9/1/12: NEW FREE FOR LIFE LEADER Ira Freeland 9.15 lbs. Today's 7 AM trip caught 180 sea bass keeping 60; 74 porgies keeping 35; 38 fluke keeping 3 up to 9.15 lbs.; 2 blowfish; 67 sea robins keeping 22; 3 blackfish; 4 cunner; and 2 cape shark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 104 sea bass keeping 21; 11 fluke keeping 2; 44 porgies keeping 8; 2 blackfish; and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 6 fluke up to 4.63 lbs.; 52 sea bass, keeping 7; 12 porgies, keeping 3; 1 bluefish; 13 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 250 sea bass up to 1.7 lbs.; 1 weakfish; 1 bluefish; a 3.1 lb. fluke; 2 capeshark.


Friday 8/31/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 100 sea bass keeping 47; 10 fluke keeping 2; 13 triggerfish; and 12 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 28 fishermen. They caught 331 sea bass; 11 fluke; 13 bluefish; 7 triggerfish; 23 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 293 sea bass, keeping 7; kept 12 bluefish; kept 1 weakfish; caught 6 fluke; 8 sea robins; 3 toadfish. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 86 sea bass; 2 weakfish; 2 bluefish; 1 capeshark.


Thursday 8/30/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 194 sea bass, keeping 34; 35 fluke, keeping 4; 9 triggerfish; 79 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 232 sea bass, keeping 46; 52 porgies, keeping 19; 7 triggerfish; 21 fluke. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 51 fluke; 332 sea bass keeping 5; 1 triggerfish; 4 bluefish; 7 sea robins; and 11 toadfish.


Wednesday 8/29/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 184 sea bass keeping 28; 47 triggerfish up to 3.57 lbs.; 24 fluke keeping 4 up to 3.15 lbs.; and 43 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 323 sea bass keeping 116; 24 fluke keeping 6 up to 5.66 lbs.; 16 porgies; 54 triggerfish; 18 bluefish; and 35 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 3 triggerfish; 126 sea bass keeping 6; 8 fluke keeping 2; 2 bluefish; 1 weakfish; 3 sheepshead; and 4 sea robins.


Tuesday 8/28/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 419 sea bass keeping 19 up to 2.6 lbs.; 4 triggerfish up to 2.3 lbs.; 1 porgy; 5 bluefish up to 7.6 lbs.; 1 sheepshead that weighed 6.7 lbs.; 1 weakfish that weighed 4.6 lbs.; 5 blowfish; and 6 fluke. Today's 1 PM trip caught 10 fluke up to 3.48 lbs.; 85 sea bass, keeping 18; 59 porgies, keeping 12. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 24 bluefish and 114 sea bass.


Monday 8/27/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 40 fluke keeping 3 up to 3.54 lbs.; 63 sea bass keeping 12; and 28 porgies. Today's 1 PM trip caught 301 sea bass keeping 101 up to 4.6 lbs.; 11 fluke; 77 triggerfish; and 10 porgies. Tonight we sent 5 people out with our good friends on the Jib VI.


Sunday 8/26/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 23 fluke up to 8.15 lbs.; 105 sea bass, keeping 33; 165 porgies, keeping 52; 19 sea robins; 5 capeshark; 4 silver eels. Today's 1 PM trip caught 11 fluke up to 4.56 lbs.; 164 sea bass, keeping 48 up to 3.1 lbs.; 162 porgies, keeping 68; 9 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 68 fluke up to 4.38 lbs.; 82 sea bass; 8 bluefish; and 12 searobins.


Saturday 8/25/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 74 fluke, keeping 15 up to 8.10 lbs.; 157 sea bass, keeping 18; 97 porgies, keeping 9; 20 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 29 fluke up to 5.25 lbs.; 139 sea bass keeping 46; 65 porgies and 13 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 44 sea bass; 48 porgies; 1 bonito; and 5 fluke. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 12 sea bass; 27 porgies; 6 fluke up to 3.54 lbs.; and 1 bluefish


Friday 8/24/12: Today's 7 am trip caught 146 sea bass, keeping 78 and 22 fluke up to 5.68 lbs. Today's 1 PM trip caught 17 fluke up to 3.2 lbs.; 78 sea bass keeping 13; 19 porgies; 24 sea robins; and 1 squid. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 53 sea bass keeping 19; 5 fluke; 53 bluefish; 32 triggerfish; and 1 porgy. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 62 sea bass keeping 21; a 3.6 lb. fluke; and 33 porgies keeping 8.


Thursday 8/23/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 42 fluke keeping 7 up to 3.86 lbs.; 166 sea bass keeping 65; 51 bluefish; 81 triggerfish; and 1 sea robin. Today's 1 PM trip caught 70 fluke up to 4.51 lbs.; 149 sea bass, keeping 41; 97 porgies, keeping 19; 25 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 17 fluke; 85 sea bass, keeping 20; 24 triggerfish; 25 bluefish; 9 weakfish.


Wednesday 8/22/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 12 fluke up to 3.62 lbs.; 188 sea bass keeping 76; 107 triggerfish keeping 102; 31 bluefish keeping 21; 1 porgy; and 17 sea robins. Also we would like to thank the boys from the DEC and the marine fisheries dept. for doing their survey, they really had their hands full with plenty of action from the sea bass, triggerfish, and fluke. Today's 1 PM trip caught 221 sea bass keeping 69; 61 porgies keeping 32; 18 fluke keeping 3 up to 4.9 lbs.; and 17 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 201, sea bass keeping 78; 46 fluke keeping 4 up to 3.4,lbs.; 101 porgies keeping 43; and 4 sea robins.


Tuesday 8/21/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 263 sea bass keeping 63; 56 fluke keeping 6 up to 7.28 lbs.; 112 porgies keeping 22; 18 triggerfish; and 25 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 310 sea bass keeping 124; 31 fluke up to 3.88 lbs.; 2 porgies; 2 pufferfish and 88 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 132 sea bass keeping 32; 58 porgies keeping 18; 12 fluke; 10 sea robins; and 5 squid.


Monday 8/20/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 188 sea bass keeping 80; 133 fluke keeping 21 up to 7.22 lbs.; 68 porgies keeping 23; 1 triggerfish and 31 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 33 people they caught 193 sea bass keeping 61; 66 fluke keeping 2 up to 7.08 lbs.; 84 porgies keeping 33; and 11 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM caught 204 sea bass keeping 41; 153 porgies keeping 25; 2 fluke; and 6 sea robins.


Sunday 8/19/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught a NEW FREE FOR LIFE LEADER 8.64 lbs. CAUGHT BY ANDY GRAGUI. 217 fluke keeping 34; 410 sea bass keeping 116; 143 porgies keeping 49; 1 sundial; 9 cunner; and 21 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 43 fluke keeping 6 up to 6.24 lbs.; 383 sea bass keeping 173; 104 porgies keeping 61; 5 triggerfish and 33 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 229 sea bass, keeping 72; 42 fluke, keeping 3; 91 porgies, keeping 23.


Saturday 8/18/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 236 sea bass, keeping 87; 75 fluke, keeping 8 up to 5.54 lbs.; 94 porgies, keeping 18; 2 triggerfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 51 fluke keeping 7 up to 5.74 lbs.; 330 sea bass keeping 106; 119 porgies keeping 47; and 17 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 167 sea bass keeping 47; 115 porgies keeping 66; and 21 fluke keeping 4. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 274 sea bass keeping 116; 129 porgies keeping 87; 4 fluke up to 5.6 lbs.; 120 squid; 1 bluefish; and 1 striped bass that weighed 16.8 lbs.


Friday 8/17/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 300 sea bass keeping 86; 100 porgies keeping 32; and 41 fluke keeping 6 up to 3.42 lbs. TONIGHT'S 6 PM TRIP WILL BE FOR PRIME TIME FLUKE AND WEAKFISH IN THE BAY. WE WILL DECIDE ABOUT THE 11 PM TRIP BY 9 PM. Today's 1 PM trip caught 27 fluke keeping 6 up to 6.12 lbs.; 279 sea bass keeping 79; 99 porgies keeping 34; and 8 sea robins. TONIGHT'S 11 PM TRIP IS CANCELED BECAUSE OF WEATHER. TOMORROW LOOKS GOOD FOR ALL TRIPS. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 18 fishermen they caught 45 fluke; 130 sea bass; 1 kingfish; 1 toadfish; and 25 sea robins.


Thursday 8/16/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 300 sea bass, keeping 173; 61 fluke, keeping 19 up to 5.5 lbs.; 90 porgies, keeping 37. Today's 1 PM trip caught 400 sea bass, keeping 191; 45 fluke, keeping 17 up to 7.12 lbs.; 80 porgies, keeping 31; 12 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 250 sea bass, keeping 89; 90 porgies, keeping 28; 32 fluke, keeping 4; 1 bluefish; 5 squid.


Wednesday 8/15/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 23 fishermen. They caught 133 sea bass, keeping 38; 23 porgies, keeping 4; 2 triggerfish; 18 fluke. Today's 1 PM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 174 sea bass, keeping 34; 118 porgies, keeping 8; 16 fluke, keeping 2. Tonight at 6 PM we sent 6 fishermen out with our good friends on the Island Princess.


Tuesday 8/14/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 285 sea bass keeping 85; 68 fluke up to 6.7 lbs.; 99 porgies keeping 31; and 4 triggerfish. Today's 1 PM trip had 11 fishermen they caught 159 sea bass keeping 73; 31 fluke keeping 4; and 16 sea robins. Tonight at 6 PM we sent 6 fishermen out with our good friends on the Island Princess.


Monday 8/13/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 241 fluke, keeping 32; 531 sea bass, keeping 196; 50 porgies, keeping 41; 6 triggerfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 22 fluke, keeping 5 up to 3.9 lbs.; 257 sea bass, keeping 107; 38 porgies, keeping 23; 4 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 53 sea bass keeping 32; and 4 sea robins.


Sunday 8/12/12: DUE TO ROUGH SEAS ON THE OCEAN TODAY'S 1 PM AND 6 PM TRIPS WILL BE FOR BAY FLUKE. TOMORROW WE WILL BE BACK FISHING ON THE OCEAN REEF FOR FLUKE AND SEA BASS. Today's 7 AM trip fished in the bay. They caught 238 fluke, keeping 7 up to 3.7 lbs.; 46 sea bass; 82 sea robins; 5 bluefish; TOMORROW'S OCEAN SEA BASS/FLUKE TRIPS ARE RECOMMENDED. Today's 1 PM trip caught 207 fluke up to 4.4 lbs.; 63 sea robins; 40 sea bass; 1 triggerfish; 3 bluefish; and 5 kingfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 202 fluke up to 2.6 lbs. 71 sea bass; 6 kingfish; 31 sea robins.


Saturday 8/11/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 137 fluke; 41 sea bass; 8 kingfish; 18 porgies; 1 bluefish; 25 sea robins. TONIGHT'S 6 PM AND TOMORROW'S 7 AM TRIPS WILL BE PRIME TIME BAY FLUKE. TONIGHT'S 11 PM TRIP IS CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS ON THE OCEAN. Today's 1 PM trip caught 124 fluke; 54 sea robins; and 6 sea bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 200 fluke keeping 5 up to 4.9 lbs.; 50 sea bass and 35 sea robins.


Friday 8/10/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 300 sea bass keeping 59; 90 fluke keeping 9 up to 6.54 lbs.; and 90 porgies keeping 13. Today's 1 PM trip was canceled due to bad weather. DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS ON THE OCEAN TONIGHT'S 6 PM TRIP THROUGH SATURDAY ALL TRIPS WILL BE BAY FLUKE. TONIGHT'S 11 PM TRIP IS CANCELED. Tonight at 6 PM we sent 2 fishermen out with our good friends on the Island Princess..


Thursday 8/9/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 400 sea bass keeping 183 up to 4.2 lbs.; caught 141 fluke keeping 14 up to 4.7 lbs.; 200 porgies keeping 70; and 3 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 132 fluke keeping 14 up to 5.84 lbs.; 250 sea bass keeping 120 up to 5.45 lbs.; and 35 porgies keeping 23. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 137 sea bass, keeping 41; 54 porgies, keeping 18; 49 fluke up to 4.61 lbs.


Wednesday 8/8/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 500 sea bass, keeping 281; 88 fluke, keeping 26 up to 7.4 lbs.; 76 porgies, keeping 33; 3 triggerfish. Today's 1 PM trip had 19 fishermen they caught 163 sea bass, keeping 68; 27 fluke keeping 5 up to 4.7 lbs.; and 61 porgies. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 107 sea bass keeping 37; 120 fluke keeping 4; 120 porgies keeping 62; 4 bluefish; and 1 squid.


Tuesday 8/7/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 470 sea bass, keeping 247 up to 4.22 lbs.; 240 fluke, keeping 17 up to 4.66 lbs.; 109 porgies, keeping 63; 6 triggerfish; 2 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 346 sea bass, keeping 127 up to 4.12 lbs.; 73 fluke keeping 6 up to 5.68 lbs.; 129 porgies keeping 42; 7 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 237 sea bass, keeping 96 up to 3.4 lbs.; 79 fluke, keeping 4 up to 5.73 lbs.; 66 porgies, keeping 23; 1 triggerfish.


Monday 8/6/12: Today's 7 AM trip fished in the bay. They caught 86 fluke up to 5.27 lbs.; 24 sea bass; 30 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 183 sea bass, keeping 91; 47 fluke, keeping 15; 38 porgies, keeping 15; 1 blackfish; 1 triggerfish; 17 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 120 fluke, keeping 12 up to 6.45 lbs.; 135 sea bass, keeping 42; 41 porgies, keeping 22; 3 bluefish.


Sunday 8/5/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 159 fluke, keeping 26 up to 3.85 lbs.; 345 sea bass, keeping 109 up to 3.1 lbs.; 64 porgies, keeping 18. Today's 1 PM trip fished in the bay. They caught 79 fluke, keeping 3 up to 3.3 lbs.; 179 sea bass, keeping 16 up to 2.3 lbs.; 27 porgies, keeping 8; 31 sea robins; 6 blowfish; 1 bluefish. Tonight at 6 PM we sent 2 fishermen out with our good friends on the Island Princess. Tomorrow at 7 AM expect bay fluke.


Saturday 8/4/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 211 fluke, keeping 37 up to 3.5 lbs.; 235 sea bass, keeping 68 up to 4.6 lbs.; 41 porgies, keeping 14; 6 triggerfish; 4 blues. Today's 1 PM trip caught 318 sea bass, keeping 103 up to 3.6 lbs.; 158 fluke keeping 29 up to 4.65 lbs.; 56 porgies, keeping 17; 19 bluefish; 4 triggerfish. TOMORROW'S 1 PM TRIP WILL BE PRIME TIME FLUKE IN THE BAY. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 194 sea bass, keeping 92; 105 fluke, keeping 8; 100 porgies, keeping 43; 1 triggerfish; 2 squid. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 177 sea bass, keeping 48; 15 squid; 2 bluefish; 68 fluke, keeping 7. The two heaviest weighed 5.83 lbs. and the new "FREE FOR LIFE" leader 8.31 lbs. Caught by Josh Danforth.


Friday 8/3/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 400 fluke, keeping 64 up to 5.18 lbs.; 300 sea bass, keeping 106 up to 3.29 lbs.; 65 porgies, keeping 15; 12 bluefish; 3 triggerfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 206 sea bass, keeping 77 up to 4.7 lbs.; 141 fluke, keeping 21 up to 4.61 lbs.; 43 porgies, keeping 11; 2 triggerfish; 3 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 309 sea bass, keeping 103; 143 fluke, keeping 13 up to 5.01 lbs.; 84 porgies, keeping 28. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 107 sea bass, keeping 26; 50 fluke, keeping 3 up to 6.70 lbs.; 66 porgies, keeping 19; 1 triggerfish; 90 squid.


Thursday 8/2/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 380 sea bass keeping 130 up to 4.5 lbs.; 244 fluke keeping 38 up to 4.76 lbs.; 65 porgies keeping 38; 13 triggerfish and 12 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 327 sea bass keeping 55; 312 fluke keeping 22 up to 4.35 lbs.; and 20 porgies keeping 12. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 85 fluke, keeping 12 up to 5.21 lbs.; 73 sea bass, keeping 22 up to 3.43 lbs.; 34 porgies, keeping 11.


Wednesday 8/1/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 30 fishermen they caught 319 sea bass keeping 101; 197 fluke keeping 26 up to 5.66 lbs.; 57 porgies keeping 18; 2 triggerfish; and 24 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip had 25 fishermen they caught 201 fluke up to 3.8 lbs.; 210 sea bass keeping 96 up to 2.8 lbs.; 31 porgies; and 2 bluefish. Tonight at 6 PM we sent 2 fishermen out with our good friends on the Island Princess.


Tuesday 7/31/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 202 sea bass keeping 76 up to 3.2 lbs.; 122 fluke keeping 14 up to 3.91 lbs.; 36 porgies keeping 13; 3 triggerfish; 4 bluefish; and 22 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 30 fishermen they caught 236 fluke keeping 22 fluke up to 7.65 lbs.; 254 sea bass keeping 87 up to 3.5 lbs; and 2 triggerfish. NEW FREE FOR LIFE LEADER! Steve Richman caught a 7.65 lb. fluke on today's 1PM trip. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 169 sea bass keeping 53; 41 fluke keeping 7 up to 3.20 lbs.; 40 porgies keeping 18; 1 triggerfish; and 2 bluefish.


Monday 7/30/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 85 fluke keeping 5 up to 3.08 lbs.; 190 sea bass keeping 70 up to 3.3 lbs.; 12 bluefish; 7 triggerfish; 2 blackfish; 1 sundial; and 15 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 422 sea bass keeping 119 up to 3.7 lbs; 39 fluke up to 4.90 lbs.; 28 porgies keeping 7; and 15 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 126 sea bass keeping 49; 29 porgies keeping 21; 6 bluefish; and 1 triggerfish.


Sunday 7/29/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 620 sea bass, keeping 257 up to 4.55 lbs.; 173 fluke, keeping 27 up to 5.92 lbs.; 36 porgies, keeping 13; 3 bluefish; 4 blackfish; 1 mackerel; 3 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 420 sea bass, keeping 156; 78 fluke, keeping 10 up to 4.5 lbs.; 40 porgies, keeping 21; 3 bluefish; 2 blackfish; 1 blowfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 249 sea bass keeping 87; 64 porgies keeping 26; 13 fluke up to 3.2 lbs.; and 6 bluefish.


Saturday 7/28/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 260 sea bass, keeping 87 up to 3.4 lbs.; 60 fluke, keeping 24 up to 4.12 lbs.; 60 porgies, keeping 41; 1 trigger fish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 169 sea bass keeping 64; 46 fluke keeping 5 up to 3.79 lbs.; 25 porgies keeping 10; 19 triggerfish; and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 215 fluke up to 3.19 lbs. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 66 sea bass, keeping 39; 44 porgies, keeping 26; 12 squid.


Friday 7/27/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 78 fluke, keeping 12 up to 3.78 lbs.; 350 sea bass, keeping 108 up to 3.66 lbs.; 140 porgies, keeping 74; 13 bluefish; 1 triggerfish. Today's 1 PM trip had 29 fishermen. They caught 30 fluke. keeping 4; 200 sea bass, keeping 71; 24 porgies, keeping 15; 1 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 24 fluke keeping 3; 237 sea bass keeping 79; 98 porgies keeping 54; and 7 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 70 sea bass, keeping 52 up to 3.8 lbs. and 400 squid. William Cho was hi hook with 44.


Thursday 7/26/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 25 fishermen, they caught 350 sea bass keeping 48 up to 3.25 lbs.; 85 fluke up to 3.52 lbs.; 67 porgies; 2 triggerfish; and 5 bluefish. Jimmy McKenna was high hook, catching 20 fluke and 26 sea bass. Today's 1 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 76 fluke keeping 6 up to 3.11 lbs.; 6 sea bass; 1 bluefish; and 50 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 68 fluke up to 3.01 lbs. and 27 sea robins.


Wednesday 7/25/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 450 sea bass, keeping 181 up to 3.8 lbs. and 120 fluke, keeping 29 up to 4.20 lbs. Today's 1 PM trip caught 349 sea bass keeping 166; 57 porgies keeping 35; 17 triggerfish; 223 fluke keeping 13; 1 bluefish; and 42 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 19 fishermen they caught 166 sea bass keeping 86; 44 porgies keeping 29; 3 triggerfish; and 3 fluke.


Tuesday 7/24/12; Today's 7 AM trip caught 500 sea bass, keeping 176, up to 4.1 lbs,; 36 fluke, keeping 8 up to 5.32 lbs.; 150 porgies, keeping 57; 20 triggerfish, keeping 14; 6 bluefish; 6 blackfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 201 sea bass keeping 67; 41 porgies keeping 23; 7 fluke up to 4.2 lbs.; and 3 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 237 sea bass keeping 147 up to 3.92 lbs.; 63 porgies keeping 23; 10 fluke keeping 3 up to 3.6 lbs.; 7 triggerfish; and 1 bluefish.


Monday 7/23/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 33 fishermen they caught, 710 sea bass keeping 310 up to 3.9 lbs.; 18 fluke keeping 6 up to 5.2 lbs.; 53 triggerfish up to 4.2 lbs.; 60 porgies keeping 40; 3 bluefish; 4 blackfish; and 7 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 452 sea bass keeping 167 up to 4.1 lbs.; 68 porgies keeping 46; 7 triggerfish; 1 ling; 1 fluke; 6 bluefish; and 1 blowfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip didn't sail. We sent 5 fishermen out with our good friends on the Island Princess.


Sunday 7/22/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 220 sea bass, keeping 76 up to 3.8 lbs.; 70 fluke, keeping 19 up to 5.75 lbs.; 20 porgies, keeping 13; 2 triggerfish; 3 capeshark; 11 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 60 fluke keeping 15 up to 4.48 lbs.; 270 sea bass keeping 118; 39 porgies; 7 triggerfish; 3 bluefish; and 26 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 230 sea bass, keeping 75; 16 fluke up to 3.1 lbs; 25 porgies, keeping 17; 4 bluefish.


Saturday 7/21/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 327 fluke, keeping 23 up to 4.41 lbs.; 22 sea bass; 54 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 300 fluke up to 4.7 lbs.; 100 sea robins; 15 sea bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 24 fishermen, they caught 178 fluke keeping 2 up to 3.2 lbs.; 12 sea bass; and 63 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 41 sea bass; 250 squid; 8 ling; and 1 bluefish. Wei Szu was high hook catching 54 squid.


Friday 7/20/12: TODAY'S 1 PM TRIP IS CANCELED DUE TO BAD WEATHER. Today's 7 AM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 230 fluke, keeping 9 up to 4.2 lbs. and 80 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 21 fishermen. They caught 80 fluke up to 3.2 lbs. and 40 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip was canceled.


Thursday 7/19/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 240 fluke up to 3.32 lbs; 40 sea robins; 9 sea bass; 1 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip had 20 fishermen. They caught 160 sea bass, keeping 96; 40 porgies, keeping 16; 8 fluke, keeping 1; 5 triggerfish, keeping 4. Tonight's 6 PM trip didn't sail. We sent 5 fishermen out with our good friends on the Island Princess.


Wednesday 7/18/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 272 fluke keeping 22 up to 3.68 lbs.; 6 sea bass; 1 bluefish; and 138 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 351 sea bass keeping 163 up to 4.6 lbs.; 15 fluke keeping 2; 29 porgies keeping 21; 11 triggerfish; and 16 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 76 fluke up to 4.93 lbs., 42 sea robins; 11 sea bass.


Tuesday 7/17/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 432 fluke keeping 32 up to 4.62 lbs.; and 50 sea robins.Today's 1 PM trip caught 60 fluke keeping 9 up to 3.5 lbs.; 176 sea bass keeping 71; 12 porgies; 2 triggerfish; and 19 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 151 fluke; 6 sea bass; and 75 sea robins.


Monday 7/16/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 300 fluke, keeping 23 up to 3.4 lbs.; 37 sea bass; 48 sea robins; 1 striper. EXPECT PRIME TIME BAY FLUKE TONIGHT AT 6 PM AND TOMORROW AT 7 AM. Today's 1 PM trip caught 445 sea bass keeping 146; 43 fluke keeping 12 up to 5.15 lbs.; 37 porgies; 1 triggerfish; 2 cape shark; and 25 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 20 fishermen, they caught 128 fluke keeping 7 up to 4.45 lbs.; 31 sea bass; and 22 sea robins.


Sunday 7/15/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 65 fluke up to 3.6 lbs.; 180 sea bass, keeping 74; 6 porgies; 27 sea robins. EXPECT PRIME TIME BAY FLUKE AT 6 PM TONIGHT AND 7 AM TOMORROW. Today's 1 PM trip caught 300 sea bass, keeping 143; 30 fluke, keeping 8 up to 4.6 lbs.; 14 porgies, keeping 9; 3 ling; 1 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 111 fluke up to 4.2 lbs.; 8 sea bass; 40 sea robins


Saturday 7/14/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 380 sea bass, keeping 136; 97 fluke, keeping 13 up to 3.9 lbs.; 14 ling; 9 porgies, keeping 3; 6 triggerfish; 14 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 250 sea bass, keeping 82; 62 fluke  up to 3.5 lbs.; 42 porgies, keeping 11; 2 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 278 fluke keeping 10 up to 4.73 lbs.; 22 sea bass; and 32 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 170 sea bass, keeping 87; 45 squid; 6 bluefish; 2 fluke; 2 porgies.


Friday 7/13/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 260 sea bass, keeping 98; 64 fluke, keeping 11 up to 5.3 lbs.; 10 porgies, keeping 7; 1 triggerfish; 14 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 190 sea bass keeping 77; 23 fluke up to 4.38 lbs.; 1 porgy; 1 squid; 1 triggerfish; and 7 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 180 sea bass keeping 115; 23 porgies; 2 fluke; 2 bluefish; 2 triggerfish; and 8 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 36 sea bass, keeping 16 up to 3.1 lbs.; 1 ling; and 346 squid, Mr. Lee was high hook with 51.


Thursday 7/12/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 200 sea bass, keeping 102 up to 3.6 lbs.; 17 fluke, keeping 2 up to 7.32 lbs.; 12 porgies, keeping 6; 6 triggerfish; 1 ling. Today's 1 PM trip caught 270 fluke, keeping 16 up to 4.31 lbs.; 4 sea bass; 78 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 191 fluke keeping 9 up to 5.3 lbs; 88 sea robins; and 12 sea bass.


Wednesday 7/11/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 300 sea bass, keeping 138 up to 3.4 lbs.; 100 fluke, keeping 27 up to 5.92 lbs.; 14 porgies, keeping 7. Today's 1 pm trip caught 300 fluke, keeping 23 up to 6.18 lbs. 8 sea bass; 70 sea robins, keeping 30. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 134 sea bass keeping 48; 1 triggerfish; 28 porgies keeping 4; kept a 4.25 lb fluke.; and 23 sea robins keeping 5.


Tuesday 7/10/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 288 sea bass keeping 138; 86 fluke keeping 26 up to 4.52 lbs.; 1 porgy; 1 triggerfish; and 23 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 275 fluke keeping 25 up to 6.06 lbs.; 20 sea robins; and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 190 sea bass, keeping 118; 39 porgies, keeping 8; 3 triggerfish; 1 blackfish.


Monday 7/9/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 387 sea bass keeping 167; 47 fluke up to 3.3 lbs.; 31 porgies; 7 triggerfish; and 4 ling. Today's 1 PM trip caught 200 fluke keeping 33 up to 4.01 lbs.; and 90 sea robins. Tonights 6 PM trip caught 93 sea bass keeping 58; 3 fluke; 2 porgies; 15 sea robins; and 2 triggerfish.


Sunday 7/8/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 300 sea bass, keepibg 126; 54 fluke, keeping 13 up to 4.71 lbs.; 7 porgies; 13 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 310 fluke, keeping 25 up to 3.99 lbs. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 15 triggerfish; 40 sea bass, keeping 14; 4 fluke, keeping 2 up to 6.1 lbs.; 6 porgies; 3 sea robins.


Saturday 7/7/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 250 sea bass, keeping 102 up to 3.7 lbs.; 27 fluke up to 3.4 lbs.; 10 porgies, keeping 4; 3 ling; 8 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 200 fluke up to 3.32 lbs.; 32 sea robins; 2 sea bass; and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 125 sea bass; 22 porgies; 2 fluke up to 6.89 lbs.; and 2 ling. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 74 sea bass up to 2.6 lbs.; 3 fluke; 1 bluefish; and 200 squid, John Dolan was high hook catching 35.


Friday 7/6/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 250 sea bass, keeping 89; 2 ling; 1 big bluefish; 45 fluke, keeping 17 up to 7.56 lbs. The big fluke was caught by Phil Laflower and is the new leader in our "FREE FISHING FOR LIFE" contest. Today's 1 PM trip caught 220 sea bass, keeping 83 up to 4.1 lbs.; 33 fluke, keeping 12 up to 5.35 lbs. 12 porgies, keeping 7; 2 ling; 15 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 384 sea bass keeping 116 up to 3.9 lbs.; 55 porgies; 6 ling; 21 sea robins; and 10 squid. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 171 sea bass keeping 111 up to 4.06 lbs.; 530 squid; 13 porgies; 1 bluefish and 2 fluke. Joe Chang was high hook catching 86 squid.


Thursday 7/5/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 330 sea bass, keeping 137 up to 3.5 lbs. and 60 fluke, keeping 24 up to 5.98 lbs. Today's 1 PM trip caught 180 sea bass, keeping 73; 6 fluke up to 3.2 lbs.; 3 triggerfish; 4 ling. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 58 sea bass up to 3.5 lbs.; 4 fluke; 5 squid; and 11 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 15 fishermen they caught 36 sea bass; 46 squid; and 1 fluke that weighed 3 lbs.


Wednesday 7/4/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 250 sea bass, keeping 86 and 28 fluke, keeping 5 up to 4.8 lbs. Today's 1 PM trip caught 240 sea bass, keeping 84 up to 2.6 lbs.; 34 fluke, keeping 7 up to 5.2 lbs.1 triggerfish; 3 porgies; 9 sea robins. GRUCCI FIREWORKS TONIGHT!


Tuesday 7/3/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 270 sea bass, keeping 118 up to 6.74 lbs [six point seven four pounds]; 35 fluke up to 5.80 lbs.; 3 ling; 1 triggerfish. Today's 1 PM had 32 fishermen. They caught 182 fluke up to 3.6 lbs.; 186 sea bass, keeping 68; 3 ling; 12 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 88 sea bass keeping 27; 10 fluke, keeping 3; and 1 flounder. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 74 sea bass, keeping 34 and 700 squid.


Monday 7/2/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 34 fluke up to 3.5 lbs.; 98 sea bass keeping 44; 3 ling; and 8 porgies. Today's 1 PM trip caught 171 fluke up to 3.1 lbs.; 37 sea bass: and 5 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 194 fluke up to 3.3 lbs.; and 20 sea robins.


Sunday 7/1/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 67 fluke, keeping 15 up to 5.7 lbs. and 79 sea bass, keeping 33. Today's 1 PM trip caught 94 sea bass, keeping 41; 29 fluke, keeping 8 up to 4.9 lbs.; 2 ling; 1 triggerfish; 5 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 70 fluke, keeping 7 and 45 sea robins.


Saturday 6/30/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 46 fluke, keeping 14 up to 4.5 lbs.; 67 sea bass, keeping 31; 3 ling. Today's 1 PM trip caught 53 fluke up to 3.75 lbs. and 23 sea bass up to 1.7 lbs. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 71 fluke, keeping 5; 32 sea robins; 1 bluefish; 1 porgy. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 54 sea bass keeping 36; 2 ling; 1 fluke; 1 flounder; 16 cape shark; 390 squid, Renee caught over 100 of them.


Friday 6/29/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 155 sea bass keeping 38; 8 porgies; and 3 ling. Today's 1 PM trip caught 176 sea bass keeping 50; 2 porgies; and 9 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 78 sea bass keeping 31; and 2 ling. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 24 fishermen, they caught 56 sea bass keeping 26; 4 fluke up to 4.4 lbs.; 1 ling; and 100 squid. Renee was high hook catching 60 squid.


Thursday 6/28/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 330 sea bass, keeping 131 up to 5.25 lbs.; 60 porgies, keeping 28; 5 ling; 9 fluke; 3 flounder. Today's 1 PM trip caught 150 sea bass, keeping 51; 2 triggerfish; 1 ling. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 81 sea bass keeping 42; 11 porgies; and 2 ling.


Wednesday 6/27/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 545 sea bass keeping 188; 21 porgies keeping 12; 17 triggerfish; 7 fluke keeping 2; 2 ling; and released 9 blackfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 356 sea bass keeping 170; 1 fluke that weighed 4.7 lbs.; 1 ling. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 208 sea bass keeping 87 up to 3.8 lbs.; 11 porgies; 4 ling; 1 bluefish; and 2 fluke.


Tuesday 6/26/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 492 sea bass keeping 172; 38 porgies; 7 fluke; 3 triggerfish and 1 flounder. Today's 1 PM trip caught 265 sea bass keeping 112; 64 porgies; 3 ling; 21 triggerfish; 3 blackfish; 1 flounder; and 1 fluke. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 9 bluefish and 26 hickory shad.


Monday 6/25/12: Today's 7 AM and 1 PM trips are canceled due to bad weather. Tonight's 6 PM trip is on for bay blues, stripers, and weakfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 10 fishermen they caught 3 striped bass and 2 bluefish.


Sunday 6/24/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 729 sea bass, keeping 269 up to 4.98 lbs.; 121 porgies, keeping 79 up to 2.4 lbs.: 11 fluke, keeping 3 up to 4.3 lbs.; 11 ling; 1 triggerfish; 6 blackfish. TOMORROW'S 7 AM TRIP IS CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST THUNDERSTORMS, RAIN, AND ROUGH SEAS ON THE OCEAN. TOMORROW'S 1 PM TRIP IS CHANGED TO PRIME TIME FLUKE IN THE BAY. TOMORROWS 6 PM TRIP IS ON FOR STRIPERS/BLUES/ETC. Today's 1 PM trip caught 236 sea bass keeping 66; 18 porgies keeping 15; 35 triggerfish; 1 fluke; and 2 ling. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 94 sea bass keeping 62; 9 porgies; and 1 triggerfish.


Saturday 6/23/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 600 sea bass, keeping 207; 230 porgies, keeping 161; 8 triggerfish; 15 ling; 5 blackfish; 4 fluke. Today's 1 PM trip caught 627 sea bass keeping 277 up to 3 lbs.; 15 big porgies; 6 triggerfish; 3 ling; 3 fluke; and released 6 blackfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 104 sea bass keeping 42; 46 porgies; 10 fluke; 1 ling; and 2 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 9 sea bass; 31 cape shark; 1 bluefish; and 275 squid, Dennis Jaigobin was high hook with 42.


Friday 6/22/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 800 sea bass, keeping 258; 300 porgies, keeping 223; 7 triggerfish; 2 fluke; 2 flounder. Today's 1 PM trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 225 sea bass, keeping 115; 116 porgies, keeping 82; 8 triggerfish; 3 ling; 1 fluke. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 10 fishermen. They kept 109 bluefish; 125 sea bass, keeping 43; 54 porgies, keeping 18. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 100 sea bass, keeping 38 and 65 porgies, keeping 35.


Thursday 6/21/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 555 sea bass, keeping 275; 255 porgies, keeping 175; 16 triggerfish; 6 blackfish; 2 ling. Today's 1 PM trip had 23 fishermen. They caught 375 sea bass keeping 165; 102 porgies keeping 72; 36 triggerfish; 1 ling; 1 fluke; and 12 blackfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 339 sea bass keeping 150; 76 porgies keeping 26; 8 ling; 1 triggerfish; and 5 bluefish.


Wednesday 6/20/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 459 keeping 204 sea bass up to 3.2 lbs.; 454 porgies keeping 357; 3 triggerfish; and 5 ling. Today's 1 PM trip caught 303 sea bass keeping 138 up to 3.5 lbs.; 300 porgies keeping 175; 3 triggerfish; and 2 ling. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 10 fishermen they caught 102 sea bass keeping 52; 112 porgies keeping 66; 6 bluefish; 2 ling; 2 sea robins; released 1 blackfish and 2 cape shark.


Tuesday 6/19/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 618 sea bass keeping 208 up to 3.8 lbs; 128 porgies keeping 88; 15 triggerfish; 3 ling; 1 bluefish; and 5 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 327 sea bass keeping 180 up to 4 lbs.; 310 porgies keeping 270; 7 triggerfish; 2 bluefish; and 9 ling. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 25 fishermen. They caught 97 sea bass keeping 50 up to 4.2 lbs; 146 porgies keeping 80; 2 bluefish; 1 fluke; and 2 cape shark.


Monday 6/18/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 750 sea bass keeping 280; 180 porgies keeping 115; 14 triggerfish; 6 ling. Today's 1 PM trip caught 420 sea bass keeping 224; 174 porgies, keeping 160; 2 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 310 sea bass; 165 porgies; 2 fluke; 5 sea robins; and 2 cape shark. 


Sunday 6/17/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 990 sea bass, keeping 335; 256 porgies keeping 189; 7 ling; 2 bluefish; 3 triggerfish; and 2 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 389 sea bass up to 4 lbs.;184 porgies; 1 ling; 3 blue fish; and 1 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 188 sea bass; 40 porgies; and 3 sea robins.


Saturday 6/16/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 800 sea bass, keeping 338; 280 porgies, keeping 213; 1 codfish; 8 ling; 1 triggerfish; 5 flounder; 2 fluke; 1 bluefish. Today's 1PM trip caught 750 sea bass keeping 340 up to 3.2 lbs.; 210 porgies keeping 160; 6 big bluefish; and 2 ling. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 389 sea bass, keeping 287; 204 porgies, keeping 122; 3 bluefish; 1 ling. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 114 sea bass, keeping 82; 50 porgies, keeping 41; 7 bluefish; 1 fluke; 65 squid.


Friday 6/15/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 1114 sea bass, keeping 514 up to 4.3 lbs.; 110 porgies, keeping 105; 3 bluefish; 3 trigger fish; 3 ling; and 1 fluke. ALL TRIPS 7 AM, 1 PM, 6 PM, and 11 PM WILL BE FOR SEA BASS AS LONG AS FISHING REMAINS EXCELLENT. Today's 1 PM trip had 41 fishermen, They caught 680 sea bass, keeping 280; 100 porgies, keeping 97; 23 giant bluefish; a 29.6 lb. striper; 6 ling; 4 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 16 fishermen. They caught 135 sea bass, keeping 57 and 126 porgies, keeping 124. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 500 sea bass, keeping 241; 120 porgies, keeping 99; 9 bluefish. ALL TRIPS WILL BE OCEAN WRECK FISHING FOR THE NEXT WEEK.


Thursday 6/14/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 109 fluke, keeping 14 up to 3.54 lbs. 1 weakfish; 16 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 85 fluke up to 3.5 lbs. and 2 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 51 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 278 sea bass up to 2.6 lbs.; 32 porgies; 1 fluke; 3 ling; and 1 bluefish.


Wednesday 6/13/12: Today's 1 PM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 52 fluke up to 5.58 lbs.; 2 bluefish; 10 sea robins; and 1 striped bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip was canceled.


Tuesday 6/12/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 162 fluke up to 3.4 lbs.;5 bluefish; 18 sea robins. Today at 1 PM we sent 5 fishermen out with our good friends on the Jib VI. DUE TO FORECAST WIND AND RAIN TONIGHT'S 6 PM TRIP AND TOMORROW'S 7 AM TRIP ARE CANCELED. THURSDAY NIGHT AT 11 PM WE WILL SAIL A SPECIAL TRIP FOR THE SEA BASS SEASON OPENER. WE EXPECT TO RETURN AT 4 AM FRIDAY.


Monday 6/11/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 15 fishermen they caught 102 fluke keeping 12 up to 3.77 lbs. Today's 1 PM trip caught 133 fluke, keeping 23 up to 4.62 lbs. 1 bluefish and 24 sea robins. WE MAY DO A SPECIAL 11 PM TRIP THIS THURSDAY NIGHT FOR THE 12:01 AM FRIDAY SEA BASS OPENER. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 26 bluefish.


Sunday 6/10/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 158 fluke, keeping 27 up to 5.52 lbs. and 77 sea robins, keeping 38. NEW FREE FOR LIFE LEADER John Stratton caught a 6.8 lb. fluke on today's 1 PM trip. We also caught 225 fluke keeping 21; and 25 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 80 sea bass; 8 bluefish; 3 ling; 6 porgies; 1 fluke; and 6 sea robins.


Saturday 6/9/12: EXPECT WRECK FISHING ON THE 6 PM AND 11 PM TRIPS: PORGIES/SQUID/BLUEFISH/ETC. Today's 7 AM trip caught 140 fluke up to 5.1 lbs. and 57 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 160 fluke up to 4.8 lbs.; and 14 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 20 fishermen. They caught 200 sea bass; 5 porgies; 2 ling; 1 fluke that weighed 3.1 lbs.; and 1 triggerfish. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 170 sea bass; 52 porgies; 300 squid [Mason and Ra caught over 100]; 3 bluefish; 4 fluke; 2 ling.


Friday 6/8/12: today's 7 AM trip caught 95 RSA sea bass up to 3.1 lbs.; 56 fluke up to 3.14 lbs.; 31 porgies; 4 ling. Today's 1 PM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 82 fluke up to 3.5 lbs. and 8 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 4 bluefish and 2 fluke. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught a 28 lb. striper; 4 bluefish; 77 big porgies; 140 sea bass; 85 big squid; 5 ling; 1 capeshark.


Thursday 6/7/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 21 fishermen. They caught 86 sea bass up to 4.3 lbs.; 31 fluke up to 3.06 lbs.; 15 big porgies up to 2.8 lbs.; 2 ling; and 2 trigger fish. Today's 1 PM trip had 26 fishermen. They caught 33 fluke up to 4.38 lbs.; 84 sea bass up to 3.3 lbs.; 5 big porgies. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 8 bluefish; 13 fluke up to 2.8 lbs.;  and 8 sea robins.


Wednesday 6/6/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 166 fluke keeping 16 up to 5.84 lbs.; and 35 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 136 sea bass up to 3.2 lbs.; 12 fluke up to 2.9 lbs.; 11 porgies up to 2.9 lbs. Tonight's 6 PM trip did not sail. We sent 4 fishermen out with our good friends on the Jib VI.


Tuesday 6/5/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 80 fluke keeping 21 up to 5.10 lbs.; 28 sea robins; 2 sea bass and 1 weakfish that weighed 6.9 lbs. Today's 1 PM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 130 fluke keeping 10 up to 4.72 lbs.; 19 sea robins; and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 1 bluefish; and 1 sundial.


Monday 6/4/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 76 fluke up to 5.08 lbs. Today's 1 PM trip had 7 fishermen. They caught 36 fluke up to 4.04 lbs. Tonight's 6 PM trip only had 1 fisherman and did not sail.


Sunday 6/3/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 45 fishermen they caught 153 fluke keeping 53 [fifty three] up to 5.02 lbs.; and 67 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 343 sea bass up to 4.2 lbs.; 9 porgies; 1 triggerfish; a 2.9 lb. fluke. TOMORROW AND TUESDAY THE 7 AM AND 1 PM TRIPS WILL BE FOR BAY FLUKE. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 8 stripers, keeping 6; and 2 big blues.


Saturday 6/2/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 110 fluke up to 3.92 lbs.; 20 sea robins; 1 bluefish. SUNDAY AND MONDAY AT 7 AM WE WILL FISH FOR PRIME TIME FLUKE AND AT 1 PM WE WILL FISH FOR SEA BASS ON THE OCEAN REEF. Today's 1 PM trip caught 81 fluke, keeping 11 up to 3.82 lbs. and 16 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 65 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM kept 3 striped bass up to 17.8 lbs.; 6 bluefish; and 1 fluke that weighed 3.77 lbs.


Friday 6/1/12: Today's 1PM and tomorrow's 7 AM and 1PM trips are changed to fluke. Today's 7 AM trip caught 102 fluke up to 3.88 lbs. Today's 1 PM trip had 21 fishermen they caught 24 fluke up to 3.98 lbs.; 10 sea robins; 8 sundials; and 1 keeper striped bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 17 bluefish and 3 fluke. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 4 stripers, keeping 3 and 1 bluefish.


Thursday 5/31/12: WE HAVE A NEW RUN OF BIG FLUKE! Today's 7 AM trip caught 80 fluke, keeping 20 up to 6.38 lbs. The pool fish was caught by Vincent Lorusso and is the new leader in our FREE FISHING FOR LIFE CONTEST. Pictures will be on our Facebook button. Today's 1 PM trip caught 180 RSA sea bass up to 5.2 lbs.; 3 Porgies; 3 ling; 1 out of season flounder. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 14 fishermen. They Kept 4 stripers and 32 bluefish.


Wednesday 5/30/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 15 fishermen they caught 140 sea bass up to 3.0 lbs.; 22 porgies up to 2.8 lbs.; 11 ling up to 2.6 lbs.; 1 ocean flounder 1.8 lbs.; 2 striped bass 29.6 and 21.3 lbs.; 2 fluke; and released 5 blackfish. Today's 1 PM trip had 11 fishermen they caught 52 fluke keeping 12 up to 3.62 lbs. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 26 bluefish and 1 fluke.


Tuesday 5/29/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 149 sea bass up to 3.52 lbs.; a 2 lb. porgy; 2 fluke; 3 capeshark; and 2 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 15 fishermen they caught 84 fluke up to 5.0 lbs.; and 6 sea robins. TODAY'S POOL WINNER MICHAEL GUIDICE IS THE NEW FREE FOR LIFE LEADER. To see pictures click on our Facebook button. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 93 bluefish.


Monday 5/28/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 139 RSA sea bass up to 4.1 lbs.; 32 porgies up to 2.2 lbs.; 22 ling up to 3.1 lbs.; 6 blackfish; 1 flounder; 15 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 131 fluke up to 4.1 lbs.; 8 sun dials; and 24 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 18 bluefish.


Sunday 5/27/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 181 RSA sea bass up to 4.4 lbs.; 44 porgies up to 3.55 lbs.; 23 ling; 2 big ocean flounder; 16 cape shark; a 16.2 lb. striped bass; 9 blackfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 109 fluke up to 3.8 lbs. and 17 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 73 bluefish; 2 fluke up to 3.2 lbs; and a 10 lb. weakfish. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 26 bluefish and 6 striped bass up to 13.5 lbs.


Saturday 5/26/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 155 RSA sea bass up to 3.5 lbs.; 28 porgies up to 2 lbs.; 20 ling; 6 blackfish; an 11 lb. striper; a 1.9 lb. flounder; 9 cunner; 8 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 64 fluke up to 3.6 lbs.; 50 sea bass; 1 bluefish; 2 cape shark; and 2 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 46 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 36 bluefish and 1 striped bass.


Friday 5/25/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 121 RSA sea bass up to 3.5 lbs.; 4 Porgies; 14 capeshark; 4 blackfish; 2 bluefish; a 9 lb. striper. Today's 1 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 140 fluke up to 3.12 lbs.; released 30 sea bass; 2 bluefish; and 40 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 38 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 13 stripers keeping 10 up to 19 lbs.; and 2 bluefish.


Thursday 5/24/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 157 sea bass up to 3.80 lbs.; 4 porgies; 1 ocean flounder; 2 blackfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 110 sea bass up to 3.9 lbs.; 3 stripers up to 18.5 lbs.; 2 big bluefish; 2 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 8 fishermen. They kept 5 stripers and 15 bluefish.


Wednesday 5/23/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 72 fluke up to 4.22 lbs.; and 1 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 84 fluke up to 3.06 lbs. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 12 bluefish and 2 striped bass.


Tuesday 5/22/12: Wednesday's 1 PM trip is changed to bay fluke. Thursday's 7 AM and 1 PM trips are for RSA sea bass and flounder. No trips sailed today. Tonight at 6 PM we sent 5 fishermen out with our good friends on the Island Princess.




Sunday 5/20/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 79 fluke up to 2.94 lbs.; 2 bluefish; and 24 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 29 fluke up to 3.97 lbs.; and 1 weakfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 99 bluefish.


Saturday 5/19/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 52 fluke up to 3.9 lbs.; 3 bluefish; 9 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 94 fluke up to 3.0 lbs. and 9 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 138 bluefish; and 2 striped bass up to 20 lbs. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 19 fishermen they caught 36 bluefish; and 9 keeper striped bass up to 18 lbs.


Friday 5/18/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 30 fluke up to 3.32 lbs.; 6 big sea bass; 6 capeshark. DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS ON THE OCEAN ALL TRIPS WILL BE IN THE BAY THROUGH TUESDAY. DAY FLUKE AND NIGHT STRIPERS AND BLUES. Today's 1PM trip caught 130 RSA sea bass up to 4.3 lbs.; 2 bluefish; 1 ling and 7 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 109 bluefish and a 13 lb. striper. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 7 stripers, keeping 3 and 4 bluefish.


Thursday 5/17/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 110 fluke, keeping 15 up to 4.46 lbs. Today's 1 PM trip caught 97 RSA sea bass up to 4 lbs.; 2 flounder, largest 3.9 lbs.; a 15.2 lb. striper; 6 ling; 2 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 118 bluefish and 1 striper.


Wednesday 5/16/12: All trips were canceled today. ALL TRIPS ARE ON FOR TOMORROW.


Tuesday 5/15/12: Today's 7 AM and 1 PM trips were canceled due to weather. Tonight's 6 PM trip did not sail we sent 4 fishermen out with our good friends on the Jib VI.


Monday 5/14/12: Tomorrow's [Tuesday] 7 AM and 1 PM trips are canceled due to forecast wind and rain. Today's 7 AM trip caught 147 RSA sea bass up to 4.7 lbs.; 28 big ocean flounder up to 2.8 lbs.; 16 ling; 6 blackfish.; 8 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 57 fluke up to 4.05 lbs.; and 12 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 8 fishermen they caught 127 bluefish and kept 117; and 1 keeper striped bass.


Sunday 5/13/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 128 RSA sea bass up to 4.4 lbs.; 39 big ocean flounder up to 3.1 lbs.; 19 ling; 5 blackfish; 5 cunner; 38 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip fished the ocean in 60 feet of water and caught 78 fluke up to 4.08 lbs.; 15 sea bass; 11 capeshark. TONIGHT NO CAPTREE BOATS SAILED AT 6 PM. TOMORROW 7 AM SEA BASS & FLOUNDER, 1 PM FLUKE. THIS TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ARE CHANGED TO 7 AM & 1 PM FLUKE.


Saturday 5/12/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 161 RSA sea bass up to 3.8 lbs.; 18 big ocean flounder up to 2.2 lbs.; a 5.6 lb. codfish; 6 porgies up to 2.4 lbs.; 21 ling; 35 capeshark; 6 pout; 2 blackfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 57 fluke up to 2.7 lbs.; 2 bluefish; 2 sundials; 9 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 11 fishermen they kept 18 bluefish and 2 striped bass. Tonight's 11 PM trip kept 72 bluefish and 2 stripers.


Friday 5/11/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 168 RSA sea bass up to 4.3 lbs.; 13 big ocean flounder up to 2.9 lbs.; 14 ling; 1 fluke; 1 bluefish; 27 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 77 fluke up to 3.86 lbs. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 93 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 16 stripers, keeping 15 up to 14 lbs. and 10 bluefish.


Thursday 5/10/12: Today at 7 AM we sent 1 fisherman out with our good friends on the Jib VI. The 1 PM trip caught 83 fluke up to 3.78 lbs. and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip did not sail we had 0 fishermen.


Tuesday 5/8/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 35 fluke up to 4.15 lbs. Today's 1 PM trip had 6 fishermen. They caught 23 fluke up to 2.32 lbs. TONIGHT'S 6 PM AND ALL THREE OF WEDNESDAY'S TRIP ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST WIND AND RAIN. THURSDAY'S 7 AM TRIP IS CHANGED TO BAY FLUKE DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS ON THE OCEAN.


Monday 5/7/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 84 fluke up to 3.2 lbs. and 8 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 146 RSA sea bass up to 3.7 lbs.; 21 flounder up to 3.2 lbs; 2 ling; 9 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 8 bluefish.


Sunday 5/6/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 30 fluke up to 3.2 lbs. and 1 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 121 RSA sea bass up to 3.8 lbs.; 34 flounder up to 2.7 lbs. 4 porgies up to 2.7 lbs.; 2 cod up to 23 inches; 2 ling. Tuesday and Wednesday this week both trips are now scheduled for bay fluke. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 13 bluefish; and 1 striped bass that weighed 12 lbs.


Saturday 5/5/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 152 fluke up to 4.5 lbs.; 12 sea robins; 8 sundials. Today's 1 PM trip caught 41 big ocean flounder up to 3.3 lbs.; 131 RSA sea bass up to 5.2 lbs.; 12 porgies; 12 blackfish; 10 capeshark; 15 ling; 3 fluke. 9 pout. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 1 striped bass that weighed 11 lbs. and 6 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 7 stripers, keeping 4 up to 32 inches.


Friday 5/4/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 114 fluke up to 3.8 lbs.; 12 sea robins; 1 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 105 RSA sea bass up to 3.7 lbs.; 17 flounder up to 2.95 lbs.; 1 porgy; 12 capeshark; 2 ling; 3 blackfish; 1 bluefish. Tonight at 6 PM we sent 3 fishermen out with our good friends on the Jib VI. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 24 fishermen. They caught 2 striped bass, and 42 bluefish.


Thursday 5/3/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 8 fishermen they caught 80 fluke up to 3.48 lbs; 7 sea robins; and 1 blue.

Today's 1 PM trip caught 110 sea bass up to 3.9 lbs.; 5 flounder up to 3.1 lbs.; 3 blackfish; 10 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip was canceled.



Wednesday 5/2/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 110 RSA sea bass up to 3.5 lbs.; 16 flounder up to 2.6 lbs.; 2 ling; 4 blackfish; 16 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 111 bluefish & 11 fluke for 13 fishermen. Tonight's 6 PM trip didn't sail. We sent 3 fishermen out with our good friends on the Jib VI.


Tuesday 5/1/12: Today's 7 AM trip was canceled in heavy rain. Today's 1 PM fluke trip is on. TOMORROW 7 AM AND 1 PM RSA SEA BASS/OCEAN FLOUNDER. Today's 1 PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 32 fluke up to 4.2 lbs. and 33 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip did not sail.


Monday 4/30/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 65 flounder keeping 60; 80 RSA sea bass keeping 30; 14 ling keeping 12; 3 blackfish; and 26 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 84 fluke, keeping 49 and releasing 28 undersize and 7 oversize; released 27 sea robins; kept 12 bluefish. OUR NEW SCHEDULE IS TOMORROW 7 AM AND 1 PM FLUKE, WEDNESDAY 7 AM AND 1 PM RSA SEA BASS AND OCEAN FLOUNDER. THE REST OF MAY WE WILL FISH FOR FLUKE ON PRIME TIME TRIPS. THE NEW MAY CALENDAR SHOULD BE UP ON THE SITE TONIGHT. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 9 fishermen they caught 21 bluefish.


Sunday 4/29/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 74 big ocean flounder keeping 68 with the largest being 21 inches; 104 RSA sea bass keeping 20 up to 3.8 lbs; 23 ling; 3 bluefish; 14 blackfish; 33 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 68 RSA fluke, keeping 48 and releasing 20 of which 6 were oversize up to 4.06 lbs. Tonight's 6 PM trip was canceled. We sent 5 fishermen to our good friends on the Jib VI. THE FLUKE FISHING IS NOW BEST ON PRIME TIME [THE LAST OF THE FLOOD TIDE] LOOK FOR UPCOMING CHANGES ON OUR DAY TRIPS.


Saturday 4/28/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 93 RSA sea bass, keeping 33: 50 big ocean flounder, keeping 46; caught 10 blackfish; caught 8 pout; kept 6 ling; caught 3 sea raven; caught 1 porgy; caught 2 fluke; kept 1 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 24 RSA fluke, keeping 17; 8 sea robins, keeping 3; kept 2 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 4 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 15 fishermen they caught 12 striped bass keeping 11 up to 14 lbs., and 4 bluefish.


Friday 4/27/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 25 RSA fluke, keeping 9 and releasing 11 oversize and 5 undersize: caught 96 bluefish, keeping 61; kept stripers of 31 and 34 inches. Today's 1 PM trip did not sail. We sent 5 fishermen out with our good friends on the JIB VI. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 6 fishermen, they caught 2 bluefish and 1 striped bass. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 53 bluefish and 5 keeper stripers.


Thursday 4/26/12: Tomorrow's 7 AM trip [Friday 4/27/12] is changed to RSA fluke due to forecast rough seas on the ocean. Today's 7 AM trip caught 65 sea bass keeping 15 up to 5.1 lbs.; caught 34 big ocean flounder keeping 28 up to 3.4 lbs; caught 27 cape shark and kept 6. The afternoon trip has at 3:40 PM limited out on RSA fluke keeping 4 fish a man. Tomorrow the 7 AM and 1 PM trips are for fluke. Today's 1 PM trip caught 13 bluefish after limiting out on fluke. Tonight's 6 PM trip was canceled.


Wednesday 4/25/12: Today's 7 AM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught exactly 100 RSA fluke with everyone keeping their limit of four and releasing 28 of which 9 were over RSA size and 19 were undersize. This afternoon's 1 PM trip had 10 fishermen they caught 37 RSA fluke keeping 28 and releasing 5 oversize and 4 undersize. Tomorrow's 7 AM trip will be for RSA sea bass and ocean flounder. 1 PM trip RSA fluke.  Tonight's 6 PM trip had 15 fishermen they caught 12 striped bass keeping 9 up to 18 lbs.; and 61 bluefish.


Tuesday 4/24/12: Tomorrow's 7 AM trip is changed to RSA fluke in the bay due to a forecast remaining swell in the ocean. Thursday 7 AM we will resume RSA sea bass/ocean flounder. All 1 PM trips are for RSA fluke until further notice.


Sunday 4/22/12: All trips are canceled today through Tuesday due to forecast wind and rain. Wednesday starts our full summer schedule: 7 AM RSA sea bass/flounder, 1 PM RSA fluke, 6 PM stripers and bluefish, 11 PM Friday, Saturday and Holiday eves stripers.


Saturday 4/21/12: Today's 7 AM trip Kept 39 big ocean flounder up to 3.5 lbs; caught 53 RSA sea bass, keeping 13 up to 3.3 lbs.; caught 3 codfish, keeping 2; caught 39 capeshark, keeping 6; caught our first porgy of the season; kept 2 mackerel; caught 14 blackfish; kept 1 ling; kept 1 RSA fluke. TOMORROW'S TRIPS WILL BE FOR RSA FLUKE IN THE BAY WITH A 14 TO 18 INCH SLOT SIZE. Today's 1 PM trip caught 27 RSA sea bass, keeping 16; kept 11 big ocean flounder; kept 1 codfish; kept 1 striper; kept 1 ling; caught 4 blackfish; caught 8 cunner. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 4 keeper stripers; 11 bluefish; and 1 fluke.


Friday 4/20/12: Today's trip 7 AM trip caught 63 big ocean flounder, keeping 62 up to 3.09 lbs; caught 27 RSA fluke, keeping 17; caught 28 RSA sea bass, keeping 13; caught 18 capeshark, keeping 2; kept 2 mackerel; caught 2 codfish; caught 2 pollock; caught 6 pout; caught 7 blackfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 8 keeper stripers up to 12 lbs.; 2 bluefish; and 1 fluke.


Thursday 4/19/12: Today's 7 AM trip kept 48 big ocean flounder up to 3.4 lbs.; caught 27 RSA sea bass, keeping 13 up to 3.5 lbs; kept an 8.5 lb. codfish; caught 34 capeshark, keeping 24; caught 2 blackfish; caught 1 mackerel. EXPECT THE NEXT FEW DAYS TO BE COMBO TRIPS FLOUNDER/RSA SEA BASS & FLUKE.


Wednesday 4/18/12: Today's 7 AM trip caught 72 big ocean flounder up to 3.6 lbs., with everyone keeping their limit; caught 45 RSA sea bass, keeping 15 up to 2.7 lbs.; caught a 22 inch cod; caught 14 blackfish; caught 12 pout; caught 33 capeshark, keeping 13.


Sunday 4/15/12: Today's 7 AM trip kept 61 big ocean flounder; caught 45 sea bass, keeping 21; caught 3 stripers, keeping 1; caught 8 fluke, keeping 4; caught 12 capeshark, keeping 4; kept 1 ling; caught 5 blackfish. THIS WEEK WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY ARE COMBO TRIPS FROM 7 AM TO 2 PM; STARTING THIS SATURDAY APRIL 21, 2012 WE WILL SAIL 7 AM AND 1 PM COMBO/CAPT. CHOICE.


Saturday 4/14/12: Today's 7 AM trip kept 46 flounder up to 2.63 lbs.; caught 13 sea bass; 51 capeshark; 1 codfish; 1 blackfish; 1 striper; 4 sea ravens. TOMORROW STARTS 7 AM to 2 PM STRIPERS/RSA FLUKE AND SEA BASS.


Friday 4/13/12: Today's trip caught 78 winter flounder, keeping 72 up to 3.5 lbs.: kept 6 yellowtail flounder; kept 2 ling; kept 7 capeshark, releasing 40; released 10 sea bass; 2 pout; 7 blackfish; 3 cunner; 15 sea ravens.




Sunday 4/8/12: Today's trip limited out with big flounder. Hi hook was 8 up to 2.9 lbs. They also caught 2 codfish of 6.5 and 8.1 lbs.; 6 blackfish; 5 sea bass; 2 cunner; 1 pout; 25 capeshark, keeping 2. NEXT TRIP FRIDAY 7 AM.


Saturday 4/7/12: Today 12 fishermen kept 6 codfish; 10 big flounders up to 3.9 lbs; caught 25 cunner, keeping 18; caught 76 capeshark, keeping 21; released 2 sea bass; 4 pout; 2 pollack; 1 sea raven ; 4 blackfish.


Friday 4/6/12: Today 14 fishermen caught 2 codfish; 8 blackfish; 1 sea bass; 100 capeshark; 1 ling; 28 pout; 3 cunner; 1 sea raven; 5 skates.


Sunday 4/1/12: Today 10 fishermen caught 7 mackerel; 5 ling; 21 capeshark; 4 pout; 1 cunner. WE HAVE A NEW SAILING SCHEDULE. 7 AM TO 2 PM CODFISH FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY.


Friday 3/30/12: Today's trip caught 300 mackerel; 12 capeshark; one 9.3 lb. codfish. High hook was Danny Keane with 52 mackerel. TOMORROW IS CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST WIND, RAIN AND COLD. SUNDAY LOOKS GOOD.


Thursday 3/29/12: Today 17 fishermen caught 600 mackerel. Hi hook was Bruce Farland with 58.


Wednesday 3/28/12: Today 8 fishermen caught 300 mackerel. Hi hook was 42.


Sunday 3/25/12: Today 20 fishermen caught 2400 mackerel. Hi hook was Anyhony Calao with 274. WE ARE ADDING WEDNESDAY TO OUR SCHEDULE. 7 AM MACKEREL WEDNESDAY THROUGH SUNDAY.


Saturday 3/24/12: Today 40 fishermen caught 1300 mackerel.

Tomorrow's 7 AM trip is on.


Friday 3/23/12: Today 22 fishermen caught 2000 mackerel and 200 herring. Hi hook was Christian Rakshys with 206 mackerel. TOMORROW'S 7 AM TRIP IS ON.


Thursday 3/22/12: Today 22 fishermen caught 1300 mackerel. High hook was George Park with 162. TOMORROW'S FORECAST LOOKS PERFECT.


Monday 3/19/12: NEW SCHEDULE: 7 AM to 2 PM Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday for Mackerel.


Sunday 3/18/12: Today's trip caught 7 codfish, keeping 5 up to 17.8 lbs.; kept 23 ling; caught 93 capeshark, keeping 23; caught 31 pout; caught 25 cunner, keeping 10; caught 12 sea ravens, keeping 9; caught 1 blackfish; caught 2 sea bass; WE EXPECT TO START 7 AM TO 2 PM MACKEREL FISHING LATER THIS WEEK. WE WILL POST A FINAL SCHEDULE TOMORROW.


Saturday 3/17/12: Today's trip had 16 fishermen. They caught 14 codfish, keeping 12; caught 24 capeshark, keeping 3; caught 36 cunner, keeping 24; caught 26 pout; caught 1 pollack; caught 5 searaven; kept 6 ling.


Thursday 3/15/12: Saturday's and Sunday's 4 AM trips are on.


Sunday 3/11/12: Today 16 fishermen caught 12 codfish, keeping 10 up to 12.5 lbs; 8 ling; 2 pollack, largest 19.5 lbs; 46 capeshark, keeping 15; 41 pout; 22 cunner, keeping 4; 5 sea raven, keeping 3.


Saturday 3/10/12: Today 15 fishermen caught 73 codfish, keeping 62. The 4 biggest weighed 17, 18, 20 and 21.5 lbs. They also kept 41 cunner; 4 ling; released 32 pout, 6 blackfish; kept 4 capeshark and released 17.


Friday 3/9/12: Tomorrow and Sunday are on as of now, but you should always confirm sailing after 5 PM the evening before codfish trips when we have the updated marine forecast. THE UPDATED FORECAST IS GOOD. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ARE ON.


Sunday 3/4/12: Today's 4 AM trip kept 3 codfish; kept 76 ling; kept 10 cunner; released 92 pout; caught 81 capeshark, keeping 13; caught 5 sea raven, keeping 1; released 1 blackfish; released 3 sea bass.


Saturday 3/3/12: Tomorrow's 4 AM trip is on.


Thursday 3/1/12: Saturday's 4 AM trip 3/3/12 is canceled due to forecast wind and rain.


Saturday 2/25/12: Tomorrow is canceled due to forecast high winds and rough seas.


Thursday 2/23/12: Saturday's trip is canceled due to forecast high winds.


Monday 2/20/12: Today's 4 AM trip caught 12 codfish, keeping 8 up to 12 lbs.; caught 8 blackfish; caught 50 cunner, keeping 24; caught 41 pout; caught 1 pollack; caught 20 capeshark, keeping 8; caught 8 sea raven.


Sunday 2/19/12: Tomorrow's 4 AM trip is on. Today's trip caught 36 codfish, keeping 29 up to 14.4 lbs.; kept 41 ling; caught 3 blackfish; caught 77 pout; caught 86 capeshark, keeping 17; caught 33 cunner, keeping 23.


Saturday 2/18/12: Tomorrow's 4 AM trip is on. Today's trip caught 64 codfish, keeping 57 up to 14.1 lbs.; kept 8 ling; caught 100 cunner, keeping 50; caught 70 pout; caught 1 blackfish; caught 27 capeshark, keeping 4.


Thursday 2/16/12: Saturday and Sunday are on. We will decide about Monday later. 4 AM codfish.


Friday 2/10/12: Tomorrow and Sunday are canceled because of forecast bad weather.


Sunday 2/5/12: Today's 4 AM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 29 codfish, keeping 14 up to 16.2 lbs.; kept 9 red hake; caught 32 cunner, keeping 24; caught 11 pollack;  caught 32 pout; caught 7 blackfish; caught 65 capeshark.


Saturday 2/4/12: Today's 4 AM trip caught 51 codfish, keeping 42 up to 14.3 lbs.; 14 ling, keeping 11; 2 pollack; 20 cunner; 5 blackfish; 64 pout; 78 capeshark. TOMORROW IS ON. THE WEATHER SOUNDS PERFECT.


Thursday 2/2/12: Saturday and Sunday are on. The weather looks good.


Sunday 1/29/12: Today 18 fishermen caught 41 codfish, keeping 38 up to 15.6 lbs.; 4 pollack; 63 pout; 4 blackfish; 25 capeshark; 2 mackerel; 13 cunner.


Saturday 1/28/12: Tomorrows trip is on. Today's 4 AM trip kept 14 codfish; kept 33 ling; kept 5 capeshark and released 18; released 17 pout; released 3 blackfish.


Friday 1/27/12: The marine forecast for tonight is diminishing wind. We will make a final decision on Saturday's trip by 5 PM today and post it here, or you can call 631-661-1867 after 5 PM. SATURDAY'S TRIP IS ON.


Wednesday 1/25/12: Saturday and Sunday look good . Both trips are on 4 AM codfish.


Saturday 1/21/12: Tomorrow is canceled due to forecast rough seas.


Friday 1/20/12: Tomorrow is canceled because of weather.


Monday 1/16/12: Today 13 fishermen caught 34 codfish, keeping 13 up to 14 lbs.; a 12 lb. pollack; kept 28 ling; kept 11 big bluefish; caught 88 capeshark; caught 18 sea bass; caught 6 porgies; caught 14 pout; caught 21 cunner, keeping 6.


Sunday 1/15/12: Today's trip returned at 8 AM due to much higher than forecast wind. Tomorrow sounds much better.


Saturday 1/14/12: The weather looks good. Tomorrow and Monday we will be sailing at 4 AM.


Wednesday 1/11/12: Due to forecast rough seas Saturday's trip is canceled. Sunday and Monday look good.


Sunday 1/8/12: Today 15 fishermen caught 51 codfish, keeping 7 up to 10.2 lbs.; kept 6 ling; caught 54 cunner, keeping 9; caught 4 blackfish; caught 24 pout; caught 110 capeshark, keeping 19.


Saturday 1/7/12: Today's 4 AM trip caught 54 codfish, keeping 21 up to 14.6 lbs.; kept 13 ling; kept 1 big bluefish; caught 3 blackfish; caught 1 sea bass; caught 25 pout; caught 33 cunner; caught 116 capeshark. Tomorrow's 4 AM trip is on.


Friday 1/6/12: If the marine forecast remains the same tomorrow and Sunday's trips are on. You should call 631-661-1867 to confirm sailing after 5 PM the evening before each trip. The weather looks good. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ARE ON.


Sunday 1/1/12: Today's 4 AM trip had 7 fishermen. They caught 15 codfish, keeping 5 up to 11 lbs.; 20 cunner, keeping 12; 1 bluefish; 1 ling; 12 pout; 88 capeshark.


Office: 631-661-1867

Sam Cell: 631-495-2313



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