Striped Bass

Sea Bass






2017 Fishing Reports

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Tuesday 12/5/17: We are finished sailing for the season. Laura Lee Fleet gift certificates are a great Christmas idea. To all our great customers have a good winter and we will see you in May repowered and very fast.

Monday 12/4/17: Today at 7 AM they caught 128 striped bass; and 1 cod that weighed 22 lbs. ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED TOMORROW DUE TO FORECAST WIND RAIN AND ROUGH SEAS. Today's 1PM trip caught 38 stripers; 38 capeshark and 1 bluefish.

Sunday 12/3/17: Today at 7 AM they caught 701 striped bass; and 1 bluefish. Today at 1 PM they caught 106 striped bass.

Saturday 12/2/17: Today at 7 AM they caught 918 striped bass and 2 fluke. Today at 1 PM they caught 486 striped bass up to 25 lbs.

Friday 12/1/17: Today's 7 AM trip jigged 270 stripers up to 15 lbs. and 3 bluefish. Today at 1 PM they kept their FULL BOAT LIMIT jigging 248 striped bass.


Wednesday 11/29/17: Today at 7 AM they caught 307 striped bass up to 25 lbs.; and 3 bluefish. Today at 1 PM they caught 233 striped bass up to 17 lbs.

Tuesday 11/28/17: STRIPER BLITZ THIS MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!! Today at 7 AM they caught 2134 striped bass (two thousand one hundred thirty four) keeping 34 and 2 bluefish. THE DEC WAS ON BOARD COUNTING THEM. On the 1PM trip all BIG stripers blitzing so far. Today at 1 PM they caught 164 striped bass keeping 17 and 1 bluefish.

Monday 11/27/17: Today's 7AM trip caught 300 stripers keeping 21 up to 17 lbs. and 15 big bluefish. Today's 1PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 330 stripers keeping a full boat limit. Hi hook was 42 stripers.

Sunday 11/26/17: THE BLITZ CONTINUES THIS MORNING. DETAILS TO FOLLOW. Today at 6 AM they caught 162 striped bass keeping their full boat limit; and 16 bluefish. Today at 7 AM 22 fishermen caught 209 striped bass; and 1 bluefish. Today at 1PM 21 fishermen caught 151 striped bass keeping 20; and 32 cape shark.

Saturday 11/25/17: BY POPULAR DEMAND TOMORROW MORNING WE HAVE ADDED A 6AM EXPRESS STRIPER JIGGING TRIP. Striper blitz this morning. The 7AM trip jigged 479 (four hundred seventy nine) big stripers keeping a full boat limit; and 30 bluefish. OUR 4AM OFFSHORE SEA BASS TRIPS ARE SUSPENDED UNTIL THE BLITZ LETS UP. Today at 1 PM they caught 85 striped bass; and 1 bluefish. Today at 4 AM they had 23 fishermen they caught 379 big sea bass up to 6.75 lbs.; 189 big porgies; 4 ling; kept 6 cod; caught 23 bluefish and 27 cunner.

Friday 11/24/17: Today's 7AM trip jigged 162 stripers up to 21 lbs.; 26 big bluefish; 18 capeshark and 1 fluke. Today at 4 AM they had 23 fishermen they caught 352 big sea bass; 333 big porgies; 2 cod; 1 pollack; 3 ling; 50 bluefish; and 47 cunner. Today at 1 PM they caught 129 striped bass; 45 bluefish; and 1 fluke. SCHEDULE CHANGE FOR SUNDAY: 6AM EXPRESS STRIPER JIGGING.


Wednesday 11/22/17: Today's 1PM trip had 19 fishermen. They diamond jigged 14 stripers keeping 10 and 9 big bluefish.

Tuesday 11/21/17: Today at 7 am they jigged 25 striped bass keeping 15 up to 22 lbs. and 3 bluefish. WEDNESDAY'S 7AM TRIP IS CANCELED FOR BAD WEATHER. THE 1PM TRIP IS ON. Today at 1 PM 16 fishermen caught 57 striped bass up to 19 lbs.


Saturday 11/18/17: ALL TRIPS ARE ON TODAY. ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED SUNDAY DUE TO FORECAST HIGH WINDS. Good jig fishing this morning on both boats. Expect striper chumming today at 1PM. Today at 7 AM they caught 55 striped bass keeping 28 up to 21 lbs. Today at 6 AM they caught 280 striped bass keeping 30 up to 19 lbs. Today at 1 PM they caught 177 striped bass.

Friday 11/17/17: Today at 7 am 28 fishermen caught 144 striped bass up to 20 lbs. Today at 1 PM 19 fishermen caught 17 striped bass. TOMORROW MORNING WE WILL HAVE 6AM AND 7AM STRIPER TRIPS.

Thursday 11/16/17: Today at 7AM 14 fishermen caught 25 stripers up to 14 lbs. Today at 1 PM they had 12 fishermen. They caught 82 striped bass up to 18 lbs.

Wednesday 11/15/17: Today at 7 AM they caught 7 striped bass; and 2 bluefish. Today at 1 PM they caught 28 striped bass; and 1 bluefish. Today at 1 PM they caught 34 striped bass and 1 bluefish.

Tuesday 11/14/17: STRIPER BLITZ ON THE 7AM TRIP TODAY. FULL BOAT STRIPER LIMIT AND A LOAD OF GIANT BLUEFISH. OUR 6AM SEA BASS TRIPS ARE CANCELED UNTILL AFTER THE BLITZ. WE NEED THE EXPRESS FOR THE STRIPER TRIPS FOR THE SPEED. Today at 7AM 21 fishermen caught 74 striped bass keeping their full boat limit and 93 big ocean bluefish. Today's 1PM trip did not jig any stripers.

Monday 11/13/17: TODAY AND TOMORROW THE 6AM TRIPS ARE CANCELED. THE NIGHT TRIPS ARE FINISHED FOR THE SEASON. OUR NEW SCHEDULE IS 6AM FULL DAY SEA BASS, 7AM TO 12:30PM STRIPERS & 1PM TO 5:30PM STRIPERS. Today's 7AM trip had 9 fishermen. They limited out early jigging stripers and safely released 45 and also caught 46 big bluefish. Today's 1PM trip jigged 41 big bluefish and 3 stripers.

Sunday 11/12/17: Today's 7 AM trip jigged 44 stripers up to 31 lbs.; 3 bluefish and 1 fluke. Today at 6 AM 21 fishermen caught 506 sea bass; 187 porgies; 51 bluefish; 2 fluke; and 150 cape shark. EVEN THOUGH THE 6AM OFFSHORE SEA BASS TRIPS HAVE ALL BEEN GREAT THERE IS NOT A LOT OF INTEREST WHEN WE CAN JIG BIG STRIPERS. WE ARE CANCELING THE NEXT COUPLE OF OFFSHORE TRIPS TO USE THE FASTER EXPRESS FOR STRIPER JIGGING DOWN THE BEACH. Today at 1 PM they caught 37 striped bass; 11 bluefish; 1 fluke; and 53 cape shark. Tonight's 6PM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 9 stripers.

Saturday 11/11/17: Today at 7 AM they caught 25 striped bass up to 27 lbs. Today at 1 PM they caugh 177 striped bass keeping their full boat limit; and 1 bluefish. Today at 6 AM they had 13 fishermen. They caught 470 sea bass; 61 porgies; 45 cunner; 1 triggerfish; and 31 cape shark. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 4 striped bass. Tonight at 11 PM they caught nothing.


Thursday 11/9/17: DUE TO A GALE WARNING TOMORROW ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED FRIDAY. Today at 7 AM they caught 73 striped bass up to 18 lbs. keeping the full boat limit. Today at 1 pm they had 12 fishermen. They caught 40 striped bass keeping 10. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 10 striped bass keeping 5.

Wednesday 11/8/17: Today at 7 am they had 7 fishermen. They caught 41 striped bass keeping their full boat limit. Today's 1PM trip caught 14 stripers keeping 10. TOMORROW'S AND FRIDAY'S 6 AM TRIPS ARE CANCELED. Today at 1 PM they caught 14 striped bass. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 7 striped bass.

Tuesday 11/7/17: TODAY'S 6AM TRIP IS CANCELED. TOMORROW'S 6AM TRIP IS CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS OFFSHORE. ALL STRIPER TRIPS ARE ON. Today at 7 AM they kept 3 striped bass up to 20 lbs. Today's 1PM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 31 stripers keeping a full boat limit up to 21 lbs. Tonight at 6 PM they had 6 fishermen they kept 2 stripers up to 16 lbs.

Monday 11/6/17: Today's 1PM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 22 stripers keeping a full boat limit. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 1 striper. Tonight at 11 PM they caught 14 striped bass up to 23 & 25 lbs.

Sunday 11/5/17: Today at 7 AM they caught 12 striped bass; 1 bluefish; and 3 cape shark. Today at 1PM 16 fishermen caught 47 stripers keeping a full boat limit up to 22 lbs. Tonight at 6 PM 12 fishermen caught 8 striped bass up to 16 lbs.

Saturday 11/4/17: Today's 7AM trip jigged 12 big stripers; 19 capeshark; 2 fluke and 1 bluefish. OUR 6AM OFFSHORE SEA BASS TRIPS ARE CANCELED TOMORROW AND MONDAY. ALL STRIPER TRIPS ARE ON. Today's 6AM trip caught 557 sea bass; 282 porgies; 23 bluefish; 35 capeshark; 42 cunner; 2 blackfish and 1 codfish. Today's 1PM trip caught a 21 lb. striper; 21 capeshark and 25 bunker. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 2 stripers. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 6 stripers.

Friday 11/3/17: Today at 7 AM they caught 11 striped bass up to 25 lbs. THEY ARE DIAMOND JIGGING STRIPERS ON THE 1PM TRIP. Today at 1 PM they jigged 14 striped bass up to 25 lbs. Today at 6 AM 20 fishermen caught 501 sea bass; 320 porgies; 53 bluefish; 3 pout; 46 cunner; 43 cape shark; and 1 cod. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 1 striped bass that weighed 23 lbs. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 8 stripers up to 18 lbs.

Thursday 11/2/17: TODAY'S 7AM TRIP HAD 13 FISHERMAN. THEY KEPT A FULL BOAT LIMIT OF BIG STRIPERS. Today's 1PM trip caught 14 stripers, keeping 11 up to 16 lbs. Tonight at 6 PM 17 fishermen caught 9 striped bass.

Wednesday 11/1/17: Today at 6 AM they had 12 fishermen. They caught 390 sea bass; 75 porgies; 18 cunner; 2 bonita; 35 cape shark; and 13 bluefish. Today at 7 AM they had 10 fishermen. They caught 4 striped bass up to 13 lbs. Today at 1 PM they had 10 fishermen. They caught 3 striped bass. Tonight's 6PM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 8 stripers up to 32 inches.

Tuesday 10/31/17: ALL TRIPS ARE ON STARTING AT 6PM TONIGHT. Tonight at 6 PM they had 15 fishermen. They caught 11 striped bass up to 16 lbs.



Saturday 10/28/17: GOOD STRIPER FISHING SO FAR THIS MORNING. EXPECT STRIPERS ON THE 1PM, 6PM AND 11PM TRIPS TODAY. Today on the 7AM trip 44 big stripers were caught and a full boat limit was kept. Today at 6 AM they had 26 fishermen. They caught 470 sea bass; 264 porgies; 21 bluefish; 35 cunner; 1 cod; 2 pout; 49 capeshark; and 1 triggerfish. Today's 1PM trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 211 blackfish; 22 sea bass and 16 cunner. ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED SUNDAY DUE TO FORECAST WIND AND RAIN. Tonight at 6 PM they caught 8 striped bass keeping 4 and 1 weakfish. Tonight at 7 PM they caught 66 big ocean bluefish; 25 seabass; 15 porgies; and 87 cape shark. Tonight at 11 PM they had 21 fishermen. They caught 14 striped bass keeping 7; 3 weakfish; and 1 bluefish.

Friday 10/27/17: Today at 7 AM we had 8 fishermen. They kept 2 stripers. TOMORROW'S 6AM FULL DAY AND 7AM 3/4 DAY OCEAN WRECK TRIPS ARE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Today's 1PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 235 blackfish and 30 sea bass. Tonight's 6PM trip had 21 fishermen. They caught 7 stripers; 2 weakfish and 1 bluefish. Tonight at 11 PM they caught 9 striped bass and 1 weakfish.

Thursday 10/26/17: ALL TRIPS ARE ON TODAY FOR STRIPERS STARTING AT 1PM. TOMORROW'S 6AM TRIP IS CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS OFFSHORE. ALL OTHER TRIPS ARE ON IN THE BAY FOR STRIPERS AND BLACKFISH. Today at 1 PM they had 6 fishermen. They kept 2 striped bass and caught 1 fluke. Tonight at 6 PM they had 6 fishermen. They caught 7 striped bass keeping 3 and 1 weakfish.



Monday 10/23/17: ALL TRIPS ARE ON TODAY. ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED TUESDAY THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING DUE TO FORECAST WIND AND RAIN. Today's 7AM trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 216 blackfish and 55 sea bass. Today at 6 AM they caught 875 sea bass; 400 porgies; 32 bluefish; 4 ling; 3 cod; and 59 cape shark. Today at 1 PM they had 14 fishermen. They caught 165 blackfish; 40 sea bass; and 2 sea robins. Tonight's 6PM trip had 7 fishermen. They kept 7 weakfish; 1 bluefish and caught 1 striper.

Sunday 10/22/17: Today's 7AM trip caught 485 sea bass; 368 porgies and 2 blackfish. Today at 6 AM they caught 291 sea bass; 1196 porgies; 124 bluefish; 95 cape shark; 1 cod; 1 pout; and 1 fluke. Today at 1 PM they caught 365 sea bass; 129 porgies; 17 blackfish; and 7 bluefish. Tonight at 6 PM they had 22 fishermen. They caught 2 weakfish; 4 striped bass; and 1 bluefish.

Saturday 10/21/17: Today at 7 AM they caught 333 blackfish; and 111 sea bass. Today at 1 PM they caught 280 sea bass; 20 porgies; 7 blackfish; 10 sea robins; and 24 bluefish. Tonight at 6 PM they had 25 fishermen. They kept 3 weakfish and 1 bluefish. Tonight at 9 PM they caught 126 sea bass; 65 porgies; 60 big bluefish; 117 cape shark; 3 cunner; and 2 fluke. Tonight at 11 PM they had 25 fishermen. They kept 25 weakfish up to 6 lbs.; 1 bluefish; and caught 5 striped bass up to 26 lbs.

Friday 10/20/17: Today at 7 AM they had 15 fishermen. They caught 270 blackfish; 65 sea bass; and 2 porgies. MIDNIGHT TOMORROW NIGHT FEDERAL WATERS REOPEN FOR SEA BASS. SATURDAY 9PM AND SUNDAY 6 AM TRIPS ARE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Today at 1 PM we had 24 fishermen. They caught 2 blackfish; 70 sea bass; 10 triggerfish; and 4 porgies. Tonight at 6 PM they had 15 fishermen. They caught 2 weakfish; and 1 bluefish. Tonight at 11 PM they had 14 fishermen. They caught 9 striped bass up to 28 lbs.; 3 weakfish; and 1 bluefish.

Thursday 10/19/17: Today at 7 AM they had 21 fishermen. They caught 37 porgies; 9 triggerfish; 2 blackfish; 35 sea bass; and 6 cape shark. Today at 1 PM they had 15 fishermen. They caught 33 sea bass; 2 porgies; and 48 blackfish. Tonight at 6 PM they had 10 fishermen. They caught 2 striped bass heaviest 16 lbs. and 3 weakfish.

Wednesday 10/18/17: Today at 7 AM they had 10 fishermen. They caught 50 sea bass; 32 porgies; 75 blackfish; 8 bluefish; and 3 cunner. Today at 1 PM they had 11 fishermen. They caught 20 sea bass; 31 porgies; 63 blackfish; 13 bluefish. Tonight's 6PM trip was canceled.

Tuesday 10/17/17: Today at 1 PM they had 8 fishermen. They caught 79 blackfish; 3 porgies; 29 sea bass; and 4 cape shark. Tonight's 6PM trip was canceled.

Monday 10/16/17: Today at 7 AM they had 12 fishermen. They caught 51 sea bass; 259 blackfish; and 1 weakfish. Today at 1 PM they had 9 fishermen. They caught 109 blackfish; and 35 sea bass. Tonight's 6PM trip was canceled.

Sunday 10/15/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 85 sea bass; 69 blackfish; 5 porgies; 1 fluke; and 1 triggerfish. Today at 1 PM trip they had 23 fishermen. They caught 50 sea bass; 48 blackfish; and 2 fluke. Tonight at 6 PM they caught nothing.

Saturday 10/14/17: Today's 7AM trip had 23 fishermen. They caught 122 blackfish; 115 sea bass and 2 porgies. Today's 1 PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 43 blackfish and 21 sea bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 13 fishermen. They kept 2 striped bass heaviest 19 lbs.; discarded 1 fluke and kept 1 bluefish. Tonight's 11PM trip kept 1 striper; 2 weakfish and 3 bluefish.

Friday 10/13/17: TODAY'S 7AM TRIP IS CANCELED. TODAY'S 1PM TRIP DID NOT SAIL. TONIGHT'S 6PM AND 11 PM TRIPS ARE ON FOR STRIPERS. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 4 stripers up to 18 lbs.; Kept 1 weakfish and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 11PM trip caught nothing.


Wednesday 10/11/17: TONIGHT'S 6PM TRIP AND ALL TRIPS TOMORROW ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST RAIN AND WIND. Today's 7 AM trip had 7 fishermen they caught 71 sea bass; 33 porgies; 7 sea robins; 40 blackfish; and 4 triggerfish.

Tuesday 10/10/17: Today's 1 PM trip had 22 fishermen they caught 71 sea bass; 3 bluefish; 82 porgies; 1 triggerfish; 7 blackfish; and 2 cape shark. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 1 bluefish.

Monday 10/9/17: TODAY'S 1PM TRIP IS ON. DUE TO FORECAST WIND AND RAIN TONIGHT'S 6PM TRIP IS CANCELED. ALL TRIPS ARE ON TOMORROW. Today's 1 PM trip had 14 fishermen they caught 85 blackfish; and 64 sea bass.

Sunday 10/8/17: TODAY'S 6AM, 7AM & 1PM WRECK FISHING TRIPS ARE CANCELED. TONIGHT'S 6PM & 11PM STRIPER TRIPS ARE ON. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 21 fishermen they caught 1 sea bass. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 14 fishermen they caught nothing.

Saturday 10/7/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 99 sea bass; 93 porgies; 15 bluefish; 27 blackfish; 19 triggerfish; 13 sea robins; and 1 bonita. Today's 1 PM trip caught 329 sea bass; 103 porgies; 19 mackerel; 2 triggerfish; and 37 cape shark. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught nothing. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 8 bluefish; 46 sea bass; 29 porgies; and 15 cape shark. Tonight's 11PM trip caught an 18 lb. striper.

Friday 10/6/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 21 fishermen they caught 136 sea bass; 32 porgies; 12 blackfish; 3 triggerfish; 2 bluefish; and 3 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 103 sea bass; 11 blackfish; 6 triggerfish; 19 porgies; 12 sea robins; and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 19 fishermen. They caught nothing. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 12 fishermen. They kept 2 striped bass up to 41 lbs.

Thursday 10/5/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 14 fishermen they caught 48 blackfish; 90 sea bass; 2 weakfish; 2 blowfish; 3 fluke; and 2 porgies. Today's 1 PM trip had 11 fishermen they caught 25 blackfish; 89 sea bass; and 25 porgies.

Wednesday 10/4/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 23 fishermen they caught 123 sea bass; 4 triggerfish; 25 porgies; and 15 sea robins. BLACKFISH SEASON OPENS TOMORROW. Today's 1 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 182 sea bass; 14 porgies; 14 bluefish; 1 fluke; and 12 sea robins.

Tuesday 10/3/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 14 fishermen they caught 137 sea bass; 1 blowfish; 25 porgies; 12 triggerfish; 16 mackerel; and 8 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 14 fishermen they caught 151 sea bass; 32 porgies; 22 sea robins; 17 mackerel; 1 cape shark; 6 triggerfish; and 7 bluefish.

Monday 10/2/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 15 fishermen they caught 173 sea bass; 9 sea robins; 3 weakfish; 6 triggerfish; 9 mackerel; 3 cape shark; 1 blowfish; 8 porgies; and 17 bluefish. Today's 1 PM had 21 fishermen they caught 107 sea bass; 9 bluefish; 9 sea robins; 6 triggerfish; 5 blackfish; 5 mackerel; 8 weakfish; and 36 porgies.

Sunday 10/1/17: THE NEXT FEW DAYS WE WILL BE SAILING 7AM & 1PM OCEAN REEF FISHING FOR SEA BASS AND PORGIES. NIGHT STRIPER TRIPS START FRIDAY. Today's 7 AM trip caught 16 porgies; 5 bluefish; 2 blackfish; 136 sea bass; 2 triggerfish; and 13 mackerel. Today's 1 PM trip had 19 fishermen they caught 14 porgies; 8 triggerfish; 16 bluefish; and 4 sea robins.

Saturday 9/30/17: DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS LATER TODAY OUR 1PM TRIP WILL BE IN THE BAY. TONIGHT'S 7PM OCEAN TRIP IS CANCELED. Today's 7 AM trip caught 253 sea bass; 29 porgies; 7 blackfish; 1 fluke; 1 triggerfish; 11 bluefish; 7 cunner; and 9 sea robins. Today's 1PM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 150 sea bass; 2 porgies and 1 weakfish. Tonight's 6 PM and 11PM trips did not catch any stripers. THE NIGHT STRIPER TRIPS ARE SUSPENDED UNTIL FRIDAY OCTOBER 6.

Friday 9/29/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 18 fishermen they caught 180 sea bass; 2 weakfish; 10 porgies; and 6 blackfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 390 sea bass; 5 porgies; 1 fluke; 5 bluefish; 1 blowfish; and 3 blackfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 22 fishermen they caught 2 stargazers. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 76 sea bass; 2 porgies; and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 16 fishermen. They kept 2 bluefish.

Thursday 9/28/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 18 fishermen they caught 275 sea bass; 11 porgies; 11 bluefish; 7 sea robins; 1 weakfish; 1 blowfish; and 7 blackfish.

Wednesday 9/27/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 140 sea bass; 4 porgies; 4 fluke; 2 striped bass; and 5 blackfish.

Tuesday 9/26/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 10 fishermen they caught 222 sea bass; 18 porgies; 9 blackfish; 1 fluke; and 1 sea robin. Today's 1 PM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 160 sea bass; 5 blackfish; 3 porgies and 1 capeshark.

Monday 9/25/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 120 sea bass; 2 bluefish; 1 weakfish; 1 triggerfish and 1 porgy. Today's 1 PM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 100 sea bass; 11 blackfish and 1 weakfish.

Sunday 9/24/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 30 fishermen they caught 160 sea bass; 4 porgies; and 1 weakfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 85 sea bass; 5 weakfish; and 5 triggerfish.

Saturday 9/23/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 253 sea bass; 21 porgies; 15 bluefish; 13 blackfish; 3 weakfish; 1 triggerfish; 2 fluke; and 1 striped bass. Today's 1 PM trip had 23 fishermen they caught 160 sea bass; 2 porgies; 3 blackfish; and 1 bluefish.

Friday 9/22/17: THIS YEAR'S "FREE FISHING FOR LIFE" WINNER IS JOHN F. WARBURTON. JOHN CAUGHT HIS 9.34 LB. FLUKE ON 8/23/17. FOR THE NEXT WEEK OR SO OUR SCHEDULE WILL BE 7AM TO 12:30PM AND 1PM TO 5:30PM BAY BOTTOM FISHING FOR SEA BASS, PORGIES, TRIGGERFISH, WEAKFISH, BLUEFISH AND STRIPERS. Today's 7AM bay trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 159 sea bass; 15 blackfish; 4 big weakfish; 4 porgies and 2 capeshark. Today's 1PM bay trip had 24 fishermen. They caught 93 sea bass; 6 blackfish and 2 porgies.

Thursday 9/21/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 10 fishermen they caught 3 fluke; and 12 sea robins. Today's 1PM trip caught 22 fluke; 18 sea bass and 25 sea robins. TOMORROW STARTS BAY STRIPERS, WEAKS, BLUES, PORGIES, SEA BASS AND TRIGGERFISH.



Sunday 9/17/17: TODAY'S 7AM AND 1PM TRIPS ARE IN THE BAY FOR FLUKE. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST OCEAN SWELLS. Today's 7 AM trip caught 151 fluke; 43 sea bass; and 43 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 63 fluke; 20 sea robins; 3 sea bass; and 1 porgy

Saturday 9/16/17: Today's 6 AM trip had 15 fishermen they caught 286 sea bass; 38 porgies; 52 fluke; 44 ling; 25 mackerel; and 1 flounder. Today's 7 AM trip had 28 fishermen they caught 138 sea bass; 34 porgies; 10 bluefish; and 3 fluke. Today's 1 PM trip had 30 fishermen they caught 32 fluke; and 24 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 24 fishermen they caught 29 sea bass; 4 porgies; and 7 bluefish. Tonight's 11PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 1 striper; 3 bluefish and 11 sea bass.

Friday 9/15/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 154 sea bass; 29 porgies; and 1 fluke. Today's 1 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 12 porgies; 92 sea bass; and 1 fluke. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 14 fishermen they caught 163 sea bass; 197 ling; 1 cod; 1 fluke; and 6 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 27 fishermen they caught 69 sea bass; and 20 ling. DUE TO FORECAST OCEAN SWELLS STARTING LATE TOMORROW, SATURDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH WEDNESDAY ALL TRIPS WILL BE IN THE BAY FOR FLUKE ON THE DAY TRIPS AND STRIPERS, BLUES, WEAKFISH & FLUKE ON THE NIGHT TRIPS. TONIGHT AND SATURDAY MORNING ALL TRIPS ARE IN THE OCEAN.

Thursday 9/14/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 11 fishermen they caught 39 sea bass; 8 porgies; and 1 cape shark. Today's 1 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 52 sea bass; and 15 porgies.

Wednesday 9/13/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 57 sea bass; 13 porgies; 2 fluke; and 5 cunner. Today's 1 PM trip had 11 fishermen they caught 33 fluke; 25 sea bass; 2porgies; and 25 sea robins.

Tuesday 9/12/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 22 fishermen they caught 120 sea bass; 20 porgies; 17 fluke; 7 mackerel; and 17 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 8 fishermen they caught 95 sea bass; 17 porgies; 2 fluke; 2 bluefish; 9 sea robins; and 5 blackfish.

Monday 9/11/17: Today's 6 AM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 346 sea bass; 35 porgies; 15 fluke; 91 cunner; 19 bluefish; 22 ling; 1 mackerel; and 1 blackfish. Today's 7 AM trip had 8 fishermen they caught 52 sea bass; 8 porgies; 1 triggerfish; and 4 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 8 fluke; 16 porgies; and 2 sliver eels.

Sunday 9/10/17: Today's 6 AM trip had 11 fishermen they caught; 151 sea bass 229 ling; 16 fluke up to 6.14 lbs.; 32 cunner; 5 pout; and 6 sea robins. Today's 7 AM trip caught 134 sea bass; 37 porgies; 3 bluefish; and 3 triggerfish. Today's 1 PM trip had 18 fishermen they caught 107 sea bass; 65 porgies; 7 bluefish; and 4 sea robins.

Saturday 9/9/17: Today's 6 AM trip had 21 fishermen they caught 269 sea bass; 46 porgies; 20 fluke; 6 pout; 26 cunner; 38 ling; 5 sea robins; and 3 blackfish. Today's 7 AM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 97 sea bass; 7 porgies; and 8 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 55 sea bass; 48 porgies; 7 fluke; 1 triggerfish; 3 bluefish; and 4 skates. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 10 fishermen they caught 16 porgies; 28 sea bass; 18 bluefish; and 1 sea robin. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 24 fishermen they caught; 587 ling; and 403 sea bass. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 230 ling; 81 sea bass; 1 fluke; and 1 silver eel.

Friday 9/8/17: TONIGHT'S 6PM AND 11PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED. THE 7PM DEEP WATER SEA BASS & LING TRIP IS ON THE EXPRESS. Today's 6 AM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 556 sea bass; 6 porgies; 6 blackfish; 63 cunner; 2 mackerel; 2 ling; and 3 fluke. Today's 7 am trip had 11 fishermen they caught 45 sea bass; 38 porgies; 19 triggerfish; and 8 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 24 fluke; 10 sea robins; 2 bluefish; and 7 sea bass. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 20 fishermen they caught 179 sea bass; 81 porgies; 19 sea robins; and 21 bluefish



Tuesday 9/5/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 105 fluke; 18 sea robins; and 13 sea bass. ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED TOMORROW DUE TO FORECAST RAIN AND ROUGH SEAS. Today's 1 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 36 fluke; 14 sea robins; and 6 sea bass.

Monday, Labor Day 9/4/17: ALL TRIPS ARE ON TODAY. THE 1PM TRIP WILL BE IN THE BAY FOR FLUKE. TOMORROW THE 6AM TRIP IS CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS ON THE OCEAN. THE 7AM AND 1PM LOCAL TRIPS WILL BE IN THE BAY FOR FLUKE. Today's 6 AM trip caught 287 sea bass; 29 porgies; 20 fluke; 355 ling; 39 mackerel; 15 pout; 48 cunner; and 10 sea robins. Today's 7 AM trip caught 164 sea bass; 65 porgies; 2 triggerfish; 1 bluefish; and 6 fluke. Today's 1 PM trip caught 32 fluke; 1 weakfish; and 14 sea robins.

Sunday 9/3/17: DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED THROUGH 1PM TODAY. TONIGHT'S 7PM TRIP IS ALSO CANCELED. TONIGHT'S 6PM AND 11PM EXPRESS TRIPS ARE ON. ALL TRIPS ARE ON TOMORROW. Tonight 6 PM trip caught 16 porgies; 30 bluefish; 41 sea bass; 1 fluke; and 4 mackerel. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 63 sea bass; 18 porgies; and 3 mackerel.

Saturday 9/2/17: DUE TO FORECAST RAIN, WIND AND ROUGH SEAS TONIGHT WE HAVE CANCELED TONIGHT'S 6PM, 7PM & 11PM TRIPS & TOMORROW'S 6AM AND 7AM TRIPS. Today's 6 AM trip caught 850 sea bass; 18 bluefish; 59 porgies; 11 fluke; 5 pout; 94 ling; 6 cod; 1 pollack; 20 cunner; 3 blackfish; 4 mackerel; and 3 sea robins. Today's 7 AM trip caught 56 sea bass; 3 fluke; 18 sea robins; 47 porgies; and 7 triggerfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 7 fluke; 8 sea robins; 634 sea bass; 196 porgies; 590 mackerel; 11 pout; 8 silver eels; and 2 flounder.

Friday 9/1/17: FULL BOAT LIMIT OF 8 BIG SEA BASS A MAN ON THE 6AM FULL DAY TRIP!!!! Today's 6AM trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 614 big sea bass; 40 giant porgies; 7 ling and a 4.44 lb. fluke. Today's 7 AM trip caught 216 sea bass; 114 porgies; and 2 triggerfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 65 porgies; 158 sea bass; and 2 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 7 bluefish; 42 sea bass; 46 porgies; and 1 sea robin. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 352 sea bass; 339 porgies; 24 bluefish; and 11 ling. Tonight's 11 PM caught 800 ling; 59 sea bass; and 9 silver eels.

Thursday 8/31/17: OUR LAST 8AM AND 2PM BAY FLUKE TRIPS ARE TODAY. TOMORROW STARTS OUR SEPTEMBER SCHEDULE. SEA BASS, PORGIES, FLUKE AND LING ON OCEAN WRECKS AND ROCKS. SAILING 6AM TO 4PM, 7AM TO 12:30PM, 1PM TO 5:30PM, 6PM TO 10:30PM, 7PM TO 2AM AND 11PM TO 4AM. Today's 7 AM trip caught 206 sea bass; 3 fluke; 5 sea robins; and 8 porgies. Today's 8 AM trip had 17 fishermen they caught; 38 fluke; and 16 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 216 sea bass; 186 porgies; 2 triggerfish; and 7 sea robins. Today's 2 Pm trip caught 43 fluke; and 42 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 24 fishermen they caught 41 sea bass; and 37 porgies. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 13 fishermen they caught; 14 sea bass; 1 bluefish; 1 porgy; and 1 squid.

Wednesday 8/30/17: Today's 1 PM trip caught 77 fluke; 1 bluefish; and 145 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 45 fluke; and 11 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 19 fishermen they caught 34 fluke; 31 sea robins; and 1 bluefish.


Monday 8/28/17: TODAY'S 1PM AND 2PM TRIPS WILL BE IN THE BAY FOR PRIME TIME FLUKE. TONIGHT THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST WIND, RAIN AND ROUGH SEAS ON THE OCEAN. Today's 7 AM trip had 23 fishermen they caught; 189 sea bass; 407 porgies; 4 fluke; and 7 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip had 22 fishermen they caught; 68 fluke; 1 bluefish; and 30 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught; 189 fluke; 80 sea bass; 3 porgies; 1 bluefish; and 87 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 28 fishermen they caught; 116 fluke; 4 sea bass; and 25 sea robins.

Sunday 8/27/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 82 sea bass; 816 porgies; 8 sea robins; 2 fluke; 2 bluefish; and 1 triggerfish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 450 porgies; 264 sea bass; 6 fluke up to 5 lbs.; 3 triggerfish; and 4 mackerel. MONDAY THE 8AM, 1PM AND 2PM TRIPS WILL BE IN THE BAY FOR FLUKE, THE NIGHT TRIPS WILL BE CANCELED. TUESDAY OUR ONLY SAILING WILL BE 2PM BAY FLUKE. Today's 1 PM trip caught 1252 porgies; 84 sea bass; 1 fluke; 1 triggerfish; and 7 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 85 fluke; and 16 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 455 porgies; and 72 sea bass. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 22 fishermen they caught 112 porgies; 73 sea bass; 1 mackerel; and 1 bluefish.

Saturday 8/26/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 1015 porgies; 53 sea bass; 7 triggerfish; 5 fluke; and 17 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 189 sea bass; 460 porgies; 11 fluke; and 4 skates. Today's 1 PM trip caught 1347 porgies; 66 sea bass; 4 mackerel; and 9 fluke. Today's 2 PM trip caught 69 fluke; and 84 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 575 porgies; 68 sea bass; 5 bluefish; and 6 mackerel. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 537 sea bass; 105 porgies; 465 ling; and 8 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 24 fishermen they caught 725 ling; 58 sea bass; 11 bluefish; and 1 squid

Friday 8/25/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 593 sea bass; 20 porgies; 2 pout; 9 mackerel; 2 ling; and 14 fluke. Today's 8 AM trip caught 520 porgies; 237 sea bass; 9 fluke; and 4 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 1048 sea bass; 992 porgies; 39 mackerel; and 6 fluke up to 8.34 lbs. Today's 2 PM trip caught 38 fluke; and 24 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 795 porgies; 87 sea bass; 2 fluke; 4 bluefish; 13 mackerel; and 1 sea robin. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 18 fishermen they caught; 238 sea bass; 141 porgies; and 203 ling. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 900 ling; 40 sea bass; and 6 bluefish.

Thursday 8/24/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 24 fluke up to 3.34 lbs.; 319 porgies; 223 sea bass; and 6 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip had 21 fishermen they caught 16 fluke; 132 sea bass; 243 porgies; 1 cunner ; and 5 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 4 fluke; 522 sea bass with many limits kept; 3 porgies; and 2 mackerel. Today's 2 PM trip caught 23 fluke; and 14 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 635 porgies; 77 sea bass; 4 fluke; 1 triggerfish; 4 bluefish; and 3 mackerel. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 22 fishermen they caught; 555 porgies; 112 sea bass; 6 bluefish; 3 sea robins; 1 fluke; and 3 mackerel.

Wednesday 8/23/17: Today's 8 AM trip caught 39 fluke; and 73 sea robins. Today's 1PM trip had 27 fishermen they caught; 167 sea bass;284 porgies; 16 fluke with a NEW FREE FOR LIFE LEADER JOHN WHARBUTON 9.34 LBS.; 17 sea robins; 2 mackerel; and 1 triggerfish. Today's 2 PM trip had 18 fishermen they caught 7 fluke; and 5 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 450 porgies; 126 sea bass; 3 bluefish; 7 mackerel; and 1 ling. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 38 sea bass; 235 porgies; and 1 mackerel.

Tuesday 8/22/17: DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS OVERNIGHT TONIGHT'S 6PM AND 7PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED. TOMORROW'S 8AM TRIP WILL BE FOR FLUKE IN THE BAY AND INLET. WE WILL DECIDE ABOUT THE 7AM EXPRESS TRIP BY 5PM TODAY. Today's 7 AM trip caught 141 sea bass; 487 porgies; 24 fluke up to 4.96 lbs.; and 8 triggerfish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 420 porgies; 224 sea bass; 4 fluke; 2 mackerel; and 1 bluefish. TOMORROW'S 7AM EXPRESS OCEAN TRIP IS CANCELED. Today's 1 PM trip had 24 fishermen they caught 89 sea bass; 404 porgies; 16 fluke; and 2 mackerel. Today's 2 PM trip had 14 fishermen they caught 50 fluke; and 32 sea robins.

Monday 8/21/17: Today's 7AM trip had 29 fishermen they caught; 152 sea bass; 219 porgies; 19 fluke; 6 mackerel; and 2 triggerfish. Today's 8AM trip had 24 fishermen they caught; 139 sea bass; 266 porgies;27 mackerel; and 17 fluke. Today's 1 PM trip caught 224 sea bass; 4 porgies; 12 fluke; 6 ling; 20 mackerel; and 3 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 18 triggerfish; 91 sea bass; 475 porgies; 1 fluke; 1 mackerel; and 3 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 14 fishermen they caught; 215 porgies; 62 sea bass; 12 bluefish; and 4 mackerel.

Sunday 8/20/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 219 sea bass; 941 porgies; 15 sea robins; 6 mackerel; 2 fluke; and 5 triggerfish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 459 porgies; 259 sea bass; and 9 fluke. Today's 1 PM trip caught 234 sea bass; 802 porgies; 14 sea robins; 2 mackerel; 4 fluke; and 3 bluefish. Today's 2 PM caught 18 fluke; and 17 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 52 sea bass; 691 porgies; 1 fluke; 2 sea robins; and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 560 porgies; 69 sea bass; 1 fluke; and 24 bluefish.

Saturday 8/19/17: Today's 7AM trip caught 360 sea bass; 878 porgies; 3 triggerfish; 2 fluke and 2 blues. Today's 8 AM trip caught 10 fluke; 309 sea bass; 465 porgies; 12 sea robins; and 1 triggerfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 123 sea bass; 525 porgies; 2 fluke; 21 triggerfish; and 18 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 21 fluke and 20 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 460 porgies; 122 sea bass; 1 triggerfish; and 4 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 126 ling; 134 sea bass; 5 cod; and 1 pout. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 571 sea bass keeping their full boat limit; 60 ling; and 1 mackerel.


Thursday 8/17/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 498 sea bass; 9 ling; 2 porgies; 11 mackerel; and 1 pout. Today's 8 AM trip caught 289 sea bass; 1 porgy; 8 sea robins; 8 mackerel; and 2 blackfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 348 sea bass; 174 porgies; and 9 fluke. Today's 2 PM trip had 21 fishermen they caught 60 fluke; 60 sea robins; and 8 sea bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 27 fishermen they caught 188 sea bass; 475 porgies; and 3 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 2 fishermen they caught 69 sea bass; 151 porgies; 10 bluefish; 1 cape shark; and 2 ling.

Wednesday 8/16/17: DUE TO OCEAN SWELLS TODAY'S SAILINGS WILL BE AT 8AM, 2PM AND 6PM FOR BAY AND INLET FLUKE. WE WILL RESUME OUR FULL SCHEDULE TOMORROW. Today's 8 AM trip caught 62 fluke; and 60 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 38 fluke; 18 sea robins; and 3 sea bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 38 fluke; 24 sea robins; and 1 sea bass.

Tuesday 8/15/17: DUE TO FORECAST OFFSHORE SWELLS THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON ALL OCEAN TRIPS ARE CANCELED FROM 1PM TODAY THROUGH TOMORROW AFTERNOON. WEDNESDAY'S 8AM AND 2PM TRIPS WILL BE FOR BAY AND INLET FLUKE. Today's 7 AM trip had 19 fishermen they caught 237 sea bass; 197 porgies; 35 fluke up to 4.26 lbs.; 4 sea robins; 2 triggerfish; 2 mackerel; and 3 bluefish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 14 fluke; 167 sea bass; 318 porgies; and 6 mackerel.

Monday 8/14/17: ALL TRIPS ARE ON TODAY STARTING AT 1 PM. ALL OF THE FUEL PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN RESOLVED. Today's 1 PM trip caught 91 sea bass; 15 fluke; 381 porgies; 6 mackerel; 3 bluefish; and 1 triggerfish. Tonight's 6PM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 249 porgies; 114 sea bass; 4 bluefish and 7 mackerel. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 249 porgies; 114 sea bass; 4 bluefish; and 7 mackerel. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 21 fishermen they caught 352 porgies; 46 sea bass; 4 bluefish; 1 mackerel; and 1 fluke.

Sunday 8/13/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 317 sea bass; 990 porgies; 11 sea robins; 9 mackerel; and 5 fluke. Today's 8 AM trip caught 8 fluke; 21 sea robins; 271 scup; 424 sea bass; and 7 skates. TONIGHT'S 7 PM TRIP IS CANCELED THE 6 PM TRIP IS STILL ON. TOMORROWS 7AM & 8 AM TRIPS ARE CANCELED BECAUSE OF BAD FUEL ISSUES. Today's 1 PM trip caught 147 sea bass; 842 porgies; 15 sea robins; 11 mackerel; and 3 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 537 porgies; 219 sea bass; and 4 bluefish.

Saturday 8/12/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 594 porgies; 228 sea bass; 4 fluke; 9 sea robins; 29 mackerel; 2 ling; 1 flounder; and 1 blackfish. Today's 8 AM trip had 27 fishermen they caught 215 porgies; 222 sea bass; 22 fluke; 2 bluefish; and 6 mackerel. Today's 1 PM trip caught 140 sea bass; 766 porgies; 9 sea robins; 6 triggerfish; 4 fluke; and 3 bluefish. Today's 2 PM trip had 27 fishermen they caught 118 fluke; 90 sea robins; 24 porgies; and 2 porgies. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 191 sea bass; 586 porgies; 2 bluefish; and 7 mackerel. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 28 fishermen they caught 546 sea bass; 302 porgies; 8 bluefish; and 1 skate. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 21 fishermen they caught 273 sea bass keeping their full boat limit; 1 porgy; 1 bluefish; and 3 ling.

Friday 8/11/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 372 sea bass; 594 porgies; 17 fluke; 14 bluefish; 1 triggerfish; and 10 mackerel. Today's 1 PM trip caught 16 fluke; 387 sea bass; 348 porgies; 3 triggerfish; 25 mackerel; and 3 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 560 porgies; 18 triggerfish; 163 sea bass; 1 bluefish; 8 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 27 fishermen they caught 702 sea bass; 2 ling; 310 porgies; and 8 mackerel. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 315 ling; 278 sea bass; and 55 pout.

Thursday 8/10/17: TODAY AND TOMORROW THE 8AM AND 2PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED. Today's 7 AM trip caught 59 fluke up to 6.12 lbs.; 314 sea bass; 303 porgies; 3 triggerfish; 3 cape shark; and 17 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 233 sea bass; 174 porgies; 9 fluke up to 3 lbs.; 13 sea robins; and 1 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 29 fishermen they caught 107 sea bass; 500 porgies; 7 bluefish; 12 triggerfish; 2 mackerel; and 12 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 280 porgies; 125 sea bass; 3 bluefish; and 10 mackerel.

Wednesday 8/9/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 580 sea bass; 673 porgies; 22 fluke; 5 triggerfish; 15 mackerel; and 14 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 315 sea bass; 20 fluke; 161 porgies; and 3 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 26 fishermen they caught 64 sea bass; 432 porgies; 6 bluefish; and 11 sea robins.

Tuesday 8/8/17: Today's 7 AM trip on the Laura Lee caught 240 sea bass; 5 fluke up to 2.8 lbs.; 281 porgies; 33 mackerel; 15 bluefish; and 19 triggerfish. THE EXPRESS IS CHANGING A PISTON IN THE PORT ENGINE. THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS WE WILL ONLY BE SAILING AT 7AM, 1PM AND 6PM FOR SEA BASS, PORGIES AND FLUKE ON THE LAURA LEE. SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE. Today's 1 PM trip caught 232 porgies; 170 sea bass; 6 fluke; 6 sea robins; 30 mackerel; and 10 bluefish. Today's 6 PM trip caught 6 fluke; 104 sea bass; 325 porgies; 5 bluefish; 7 sea robins; and 1 mackerel.

Monday 8/7/17: DUE TO WIND AND RAIN OUR ONLY SAILING TODAY WILL BE 2PM FOR FLUKE IN THE BAY AND INLET. TOMORROW'S 8AM AND 2PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED. Today's 2 PM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 31 fluke; 15 sea robins; and 1 bluefish.

Sunday 8/6/17: FOR TOMORROW, MONDAY WE WILL HAVE A LIMITED SCHEDULE TO ALLOW FOR MAINTENANCE. ONLY SAILING 2PM BAY FLUKE. Today's 7 AM trip caught 168 sea bass; 234 porgies; 19 sea robins; 1 bluefish; 13 mackerel; and 6 cape shark. Today's 8 AM trip caught 730 porgies; 263 sea bass; 13 fluke; 10 sea robins; and 2 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 319 sea bass; 645 porgies; 32 fluke; 11 sea robins; 10 capes shark; 21 mackerel; 2 bluefish; and 3 triggerfish. Today's 2 PM trip caught 16 fluke; and 14 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 642 porgies; 47 sea bass; 5 bluefish, and 23 mackerel. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 484 porgies; 41 sea bass; 18 mackerel; and 8 bluefish.

Saturday 8/5/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 13 fluke; 70 sea bass; 201 porgies; 12 sea robins; 12 bluefish; and 21 mackerel. Today's 8 AM trip caught 40 fluke; and 2; sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 5 fluke; 111 sea bass; 354 porgies; 1 triggerfish; 35 mackerel; and 11 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 59 fluke; and 41 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 390 porgies; 131 sea bass; 4 mackerel; and 2 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 612 sea bass keeping a full boat limit; 26 porgies; 28 bluefish; and 4 mackerel. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 552 sea bass keeping their full boat limit; kept 2 cod; 4 ling; 27 porgies; and 105 mackerel.

Friday 8/4/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 136 sea bass; 338 porgies; 16 fluke up to 6.48 lbs.; 17 sea robins; 2 cape shark; and 15 mackerel. Today's 8 AM trip had 28 fishermen they caught 159 sea bass; 321 porgies; 23 fluke; and 2 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 1 fluke; 122 sea bass; 195 porgies; 15 sea robins; 35 mackerel; 2 bluefish; and 2 triggerfish. Today's 2 PM trip had 25 fishermen they caught 38 fluke up to 2.5 lbs.; and 34 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 400 porgies; 9 bluefish; 104 sea bass; 21 mackerel; and 3 triggerfish. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 28 fishermen they caught 430 sea bass; 92 porgies; 334 ling; 9 mackerel; 13 pout; 2 bluefish; and 2 cod. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 255 ling; 177 sea bass; 65 squid; and 11 pout.

Thursday 8/3/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 531 sea bass; 414 porgies; 52 fluke up to 4.94 lbs.; 20 sea robins; 12 bluefish; 113 mackerel; and 2 triggerfish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 232 sea bass; 217 porgies; 19 fluke up to 3.6 lbs.; 24 bluefish; and 8 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 395 sea bass; 489 porgies; 8 fluke up to 7.00 lbs.; 3 triggerfish; 47 bluefish; 271 mackerel; and 5 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 20 fishermen they caught 65 fluke up to 3 lbs.; and 60 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 555 porgies; 104 sea bass; 8 mackerel; 4 bluefish; 2 fluke; and 11 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 36 sea bass; 278 porgies; 25 bluefish; 59 mackerel; and 8 cape shark.

Wednesday 8/2/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 23 fluke; 317 sea bass; 280 porgies; 23 bluefish; 17 sea robins; 5 mackerel; and 6 skates. Today's 8 AM trip had 22 fishermen they caught 99 sea bass; 123 porgies; and 21 fluke. Today's 1 PM trip caught 141 sea bass; 195 porgies; 17 fluke; 15 sea robins; 18 bluefish; and 22 mackerel. Today's 2 PM trip had 7 fishermen they caught 36 fluke; and 17 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 22 fishermen they caught 122 sea bass; 341 porgies; 20 bluefish; and 19 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 24 fishermen they caught 57 sea bass; 339 porgies; 3 fluke; 9 sea robins; 1 mackerel; and 12 bluefish.

Tuesday 8/1/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 319 sea bass; 171 porgies; 32 fluke; 23 sea robins; 1 triggerfish; 1 mackerel; and 6 bluefish. Today's 8 AM trip had 21 fishermen they caught 23 fluke; 204 porgies; 147 sea bass; 30 bluefish; and 25 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 297 sea bass; 191 porgies; 8 bluefish; 9 fluke; 6 mackerel; and 9 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 146 fluke; and 48 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 10 fishermen they caught 235 porgies; 101 sea bass; 7 bluefish; 3 fluke; 4 mackerel; and 4 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 29 fishermen they caught 608 porgies; 121 sea bass; 2 fluke; 32 mackerel; 3 cape shark; and 4 sea robins.

Monday 7/31/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 410 sea bass; 172 porgies; 83 fluke; 28 bluefish; 3 triggerfish; and 25 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 17 fluke; 235 sea bass; 142 porgies; and 12 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 300 sea bass; 330 porgies; 50 fluke; 15 bluefish; 1 triggerfish; and 15 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 26 fishermen they caught 80 fluke; and 33 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 99 sea bass; 625 porgies; 27 bluefish; 1 fluke; 13 sea robins; 1 squid; and 2 mackerel. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 160 sea bass; 561 porgies; 68 mackerel; 26 bluefish; and 4 skates.

Sunday 7/30/17: ON SUNNY SUNDAY AFTERNOONS IN THE SUMMER THERE IS OFTEN BEACH TRAFFIC ON ROBERT MOSES CAUSEWAY. FOR OUR 1PM AND 2PM TRIPS OCEAN PARKWAY IS USUALLY THE BEST ROUTE. Today's 7 AM trip caught 88 fluke keeping 8 and 122 sea robins keeping 30. STARTING AT 6PM TODAY ALL TRIPS EXCEPT OUR 2PM BAY FLUKE WILL BE BACK IN THE OCEAN FOR SEA BASS, FLUKE AND PORGIES. Today's 8 AM trip caught 93 fluke; 111 sea robins; and 3 skates. Today's 1PM trip caught 123 fluke up to 5.28 lbs.; 44 sea bass; 3 triggerfish; 5 bluefish; and 102 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 196 sea bass; 446 porgies; 4 fluke; 7 bluefish; and 1 triggerfish. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 21 fishermen they caught 525 porgies; 100 sea bass; 2 fluke; 12 bluefish; 1 triggerfish; and 6 sea robins.

Saturday 7/29/17: DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS ON THE OCEAN ALL TRIPS TODAY WILL BE IN THE BAY FOR FLUKE AT 7AM, 8AM, 1PM, 2PM AND 6PM. THE 7PM AND 11PM DEEP WATER TRIPS ARE CANCELED. Today's 7 AM trip had 24 fishermen they caught 94 fluke; 122 sea robins; 2 sea bass; and 5 cape shark. TOMORROW THE 7AM, 8AM, 1PM AND 2PM TRIPS WILL BE FOR FLUKE IN THE BAY AND INLET. Today's 8 AM trip had 8 fishermen they caught 53 fluke; and 77 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 95 fluke; 4 sea bass; and 92 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 26 fishermen they caught 159 fluke; and 110 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 140 fluke; and 40 sea robins.

Friday 7/28/17: DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS ON THE OCEAN EXPECT TOMORROW'S 7AM, 8AM, 1PM, 2PM AND 6PM TRIPS WILL BE FOR FLUKE IN THE BAY AND INLET. Today's 7 AM trip caught 270 sea bass; 147 porgies; 32 fluke; 17 bluefish; and 1 triggerfish. Today's 8 AM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 314 sea bass; 265 porgies; 16 fluke; and 11 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 23 fishermen they caught 69 fluke; 184 sea bass; 207 porgies; 12 bluefish; and 6 cape shark. Today's 2 PM trip caught 119 fluke; 90 sea robins; and 2 sea bass. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 292 sea bass; 435 porgies; 10 fluke; 15 bluefish and 1 triggerfish. Tonight's 7PM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 448 sea bass keeping a full boat limit; 184 ling; 309 mackerel and 17 capeshark. Tonight's 11PM trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 272 ling; 230 sea bass keeping a full boat limit; 45 squid and 4 pout.

Thursday 7/27/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 437 sea bass; 381 porgies; 22 fluke; 35 bluefish; 11 mackerel; and 3 triggerfish. Today's 8 AM trip had 24 fishermen they caught 258 sea bass; 203 porgies; 8 fluke; and 7 sea robins. EXPECT PRIME TIME AND EXCELLENT FLUKE FISHING ON THE 2 PM TRIPS THE NEXT FEW DAYS. THESE BAY TRIPS ARE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Today's 1 PM trip caught 333 sea bass; 71 porgies; 57 fluke; 10 bluefish; and 20 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 7 fishermen they caught 47 fluke; and 65 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 12 fluke; 259 sea bass; 3 triggerfish; 13 bluefish; and 538 porgies. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 23 fishermen they caught 393 porgies; 143 sea bass; 20 bluefish; and 11 sea robins.

Wednesday 7/26/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 549 sea bass; 11 ling; 17 cunner; and 2 bonita. Today's 8 AM trip caught 203 sea bass; 115 porgies; and 43 fluke. Today's 1 PM trip caught 137 fluke; 248 sea bass; 121 porgies; 17 sea robins; and 3 bluefish. Today's 2 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 44 fluke; 31 sea robins; and 1 skate. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 465 porgies; 232 sea bass; 1 bluefish; and 19 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 5 fluke; 541 porgies; 203 sea bass; 17 bluefish; 7 squid; and 9 sea robins.

Tuesday 7/25/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 198 sea bass; 190 porgies; 28 fluke; 3 triggerfish; and 19 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 125 fluke; 40 sea robins; 1 porgy; and 2 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip had 15 fishermen they caught 36 fluke; 73 sea bass; 96 porgies; and 16 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 25 fluke; and 25 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 10 fluke; 102 sea bass; and 129 porgies. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 21 fishermen they caught 120 sea bass; 169 porgies; 9 bluefish; 12 cape shark; and 21 sea robins.

Monday 7/24/17: Today's 1 PM trip is canceled due to rough seas. Tonight's 6PM & 7 PM trips are canceled. All trips for tomorrow 7/25 are on the 8 am trip will sail for prime time fluke in the bay. Today's 2 PM trip had 28 fishermen they caught 35 fluke; and 38 sea robins.

Sunday 7/23/17: ALL TRIPS ARE ON TODAY. MONDAY THE 7AM AND 8 AM TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST EARLY MORNING HEAVY RAIN. Today's 7 AM trip caught 461 sea bass; 477 porgies; 11 fluke; 3 triggerfish; and 19 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 241 sea bass; 356 porgies; and 10 fluke. Today's 1 PM trip caught 340 sea bass; 324 porgies; 21 sea robins; and 2 fluke. Today's 2 PM caught 27 fluke; and 31 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 158 sea bass; 122 porgies; and 5 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 30 fishermen they caught 202 porgies; 165 sea bass; 1 cod; and 4 cape shark.

Saturday 7/22/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 494 sea bass; 513 porgies; 2 fluke; 1 triggerfish; 3 blackfish; and 13 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 651 sea bass; 390 porgies; 14 sea robins; 20 fluke; 1 ling; and 4 skates. Today's 1 PM trip caught 250 sea bass; 128 porgies; 6 fluke; 15 sea robins; and 1 blackfish. Today's 2 PM trip had 20 fishermen they caught 44 fluke; and 22 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 425 sea bass; 396 porgies; and 35 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 343 sea bass; 834 ling; 5 pout; and 3 cod. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 143 sea bass; 120 ling; and 25 pout.

Friday 7/21/17: FOR TODAY'S 1PM AND 2PM TRIPS EXPECT DELAYS ON OCEAN PARKWAY. ROBERT MOSES CAUSEWAY SHOULD BE THE BETTER ROUTE. Today's 7 AM trip caught 337 sea bass; 407 porgies; 30 fluke; and 15 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip had 22 fishermen they caught 212 sea bass; 141 porgies; 13 sea robins; and 13 fluke. Today's 2 PM trip caught 42 fluke; and 120 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 437 porgies; 119 sea bass; and 1 ling. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 452 sea bass; 1088 ling; 4 pout; 1 bluefish; and 5 cape shark. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 405 ling; 290 sea bass and 44 pout.

Thursday 7/20/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 146 fluke; 356 sea bass; and 292 porgies. Today's 8 AM trip had 25 fishermen they caught 8 fluke; 188 sea bass; 15 sea robins; and 127 porgies. Today's 1 PM trip caught 47 fluke; 15 sea robins; 230 sea bass; and 104 porgies. Today's 2 PM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 55 fluke; and 15 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 20 fishermen they caught 116 sea bass; 191 porgies; 1 fluke; 4 cape shark; and 10 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 19 fishermen they caught 179 sea bass; 206 porgies; 4 sea robins; and 12 cape shark.

Wednesday 7/19/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 367 sea bass keeping the full boat limit; 8 ling; and 14 mackerel. Today's 8 AM trip had 11 fishermen they caught 129 sea bass; and 85 porgies. Today's 1 PM trip had 28 fishermen they caught; 28 fluke; 235 sea bass; and 155 porgies. Today's 2 PM trip had 17 fishermen they caught; 56 fluke; and 45 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 22 fishermen they caught 155 sea bass; and 204 porgies. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 129 sea bass; 155 porgies; 9 sea robins; and 7 cape shark.

Tuesday 7/18/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 23 fishermen they caught 270 sea bass; 21 ling; and 25 mackerel. Today's 8 AM trip had 24 fishermen they caught 230 sea bass; 450 porgies; 3 fluke; and 5 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 66 sea bass; 198 porgies; and 6 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 66 fluke; and 180 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 18 fishermen they caught 195 porgies; 114 sea bass; 2 triggerfish; and 5 cape shark. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 277 porgies; 79 sea bass; and 12 sea robins.

Monday 7/17/17: Today's 7AM trip caught 396 sea bass and 43 ling. Today's 8 AM trip caught 259 sea bass; 163 porgies; and 3 fluke. BY POPULAR DEMAND OUR 7PM TRIP ON WEEKENDS WILL NOW DOCK AFTER 2AM FISHING 20 MILE WRECKS! Today's 1 PM trip caught 704 sea bass; 191 porgies; 5 fluke; 2 triggerfish; 2 blackfish; 1 bluefish; 15 cape shark; and 15 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 28 fishermen they caught 333 fluke; and 163 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had19 fishermen they caught 377 porgies; 103 sea bass; and 1 fluke. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 20 fishermen they caught 118 sea bass; 375 porgies; 2 skates; and 6 sea robins.

Sunday 7/16/17: THERE IS BEACH TRAFFIC ON ROBERT MOSES CAUSEWAY TODAY. FOR OUR 1PM AND 2PM TRIPS ANYONE COMING FROM THE WEST WOULD BE BETTER OFF USING MEADOWBROOK OR WANTAGH PARKWAYS TO OCEAN PARKWAY. Today's 7 AM trip caught 686 sea bass; 241 porgies; 25 fluke; 8 sea robins; and 6 cape shark. Today's 8 AM trip caught 425 sea bass; 240 porgies; and 1 fluke. Today's 1 PM trip caught 221 sea bass; 225 porgies; 26 fluke; and 21 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 190 fluke; and 128 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 140 sea bass; and 250 porgies. Tonight's 7PM trip caught 679 sea bass; 16 ling and 15 capeshark.

Saturday 7/15/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 487 sea bass; 601 porgies; 2 fluke; 13 sea robins; and 7 cape shark. Today's 8 AM trip caught 920 sea bass; 740 porgies; 1 fluke; and 38 cape shark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 295 sea bass; 236 porgies; 2 triggerfish; and 1 mackerel. Today's 2 PM trip caught 149 fluke; 189 sea robins; and 8 sea bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 354 sea bass and 425 porgies. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 909 sea bass and 100 ling. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 378 sea bass; 375 ling and 7 bluefish. Tonight's 11PM trip caught 378 sea bass; 379 ling; 7 bluefish; 3 cod; and 28 pout.

Friday 7/14/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 418 sea bass; 99 porgies; 3 fluke; and 1 triggerfish. Today's 2 PM trip had 21 fishermen they caught 101 fluke; 76 sea robins; and 2 sea bass. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 312 sea bass; 247 porgies; and 4 cape shark. Tonight 11 PM trip had 15 fishermen they caught 232 sea bass keeping their full boat limit; 32 ling; and 27 cape shark.

Thursday 7/13/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 23 fishermen they caught 362 sea bass; 58 porgies; and 13 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 172 sea bass; and 116 porgies. Today's 1 PM trip had 26 fishermen they caught 261 sea bass; 112 porgies; and 6 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 14 fishermen they caught 104 sea bass; 214 porgies; and 2 ling.

Saturday 7/8/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 299 sea bass; 5 fluke; 38 porgies; 13 sea robins; and 9 cape shark. Today's 8 AM trip caught 393 sea bass; 17 porgies; 5 fluke; and 5 cape shark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 558 sea bass; 102 porgies; 1 fluke; and 22 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 52 fluke; and 31 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 283 sea bass; 84 porgies; and 2 ling. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 268 sea bass; 194 porgies; and 3 skates. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 831 ling; 171 sea bass; and 5 cod.

Friday 7/7/17: Today's 7AM trip had 25 fishermen they caught 308 sea bass; 30 porgies; 11 sea robins. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 264 sea bass and 46 porgies. Tonight's 7PM trip had 25 fishermen. They caught 308 sea bass and 139 porgies. Tonight's 11PM trip had 23 fishermen. They caught 295 sea bass and 211 ling.

Thursday 7/6/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 377 sea bass; 29 porgies; and 2 ling. Today's 8 AM trip caught 273 sea bass; and 33 porgies. Today's 1 PM trip caught 257 sea bass; 11 porgies; and 1 blackfish. Today's 2 PM had 17 fishermen. They caught 18 fluke; and 20 sea robins. Tonight's 6PM trip caught 325 sea bass and 3 ling. Tonight's 7PM trip had 16 fishermen. They caught 149 sea bass; 27 porgies; 5 capeshark and 2 mackerel. TOMORROW'S 7AM AND 2PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED FOR MAINTENANCE. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 325 sea bass keeping their full boat limit; and 3 ling. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 149 sea bass; 27 porgies; 11 sea robins; and 2 mackerel.

Wednesday 7/5/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 229 sea bass; 3 fluke; 40 porgies; and 2 blackfish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 360 sea bass; 42 porgies; 1 fluke; and 1 ling. Today's 1 PM trip caught 401 sea bass; 6 porgies; 1 fluke; and 1 ling. Today's 2 PM trip caught 33 fluke; and 21 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 185 sea bass; and 62 porgies. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 22 fishermen they caught 181 sea bass; and 31 porgies.

Tuesday 7/4/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 179 sea bass; 4 fluke; 4 porgies; and 1 ling. Today's 8 AM trip caught 145 sea bass; 11 porgies; and 3 ling. Today's 1 PM trip caught 430 sea bass; and 13 porgies. Today's 2 PM trip caught 1 fluke; 54 sea bass; and 3 sea robins.

Monday 7/3/17: ON SUNNY SUMMER WEEKENDS FOR THE AFTERNOON TRIPS THERE ARE OFTEN DELAYS FOR BEACH TRAFFIC. IF YOU ARE COMING FROM THE WEST, OCEAN PARKWAY PAST JONES BEACH IS USUALLY A BETTER ROUTE THAN ROBERT MOSES CAUSEWAY. PLEASE ALLOW EXTRA TIME. Today's 7 AM trip caught 414 sea bass; 13 porgies; 4 ling; and 1 cod. Today's 8 AM trip caught 510 sea bass; 1 fluke; 7 porgies; and 1 cod. Today's 1 PM trip caught 425 sea bass; 9 porgies; and 1 ling. Today's 2 PM trip caught 8 fluke; 33 sea bass; and 6 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 260 sea bass; and 25 porgies. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 244 sea bass; 74 porgies; 20 ling; and 9 cape shark. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 641 sea bass; and 303 ling

Sunday 7/2/17: WITH CALM SEAS FORECAST THE NEXT FEW DAYS EXPECT OCEAN SEA BASS AND PORGIES ON ALL TRIP EXCEPT 2 PM LOCAL FLUKE. Today's 7 AM trip caught 562 sea bass; 13 porgies; 3 blackfish; 3 fluke; 8 sea robins; 17 ling; 26 cape shark; 3 cunner; and 2 mackerel. Today's 8 AM trip caught 515 sea bass; and 1 porgy. Today's 1 PM trip caught 536 sea bass; 22 porgies; 4 sea robins; 6 cape shark; and 5 ling. Today's 2 PM trip caught 32 fluke; and 35 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 408 sea bass; 47 porgies; and 4 cape shark. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 350 sea bass; 71 porgies; and 34 ling. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 25 fishermen they caught 296 big sea bass keeping their full boat limit; and 9 ling.

Saturday 7/1/17: DUE TO SMALL CRAFT WARNINGS ALL LAURA LEE TRIPS TODAY WILL BE IN THE BAY FOR DAY FLUKE & NIGHT STRIPERS & BLUES 8AM, 2PM, 6PM & 11PM. ALL LAURA LEE EXPRESS TRIPS WILL BE IN THE OCEAN FOR SEA BASS AND PORGIES 7AM, 1PM & 7PM. Today's 7 AM trip caught 610 sea bass; 13 porgies; 6 sea robins; 2 pout; 15 ling; and 2 mackerel. Today's 8 AM trip had 30 fishermen they caught 36 fluke; 14 sea robins; and 4 skates. TONIGHT'S 7PM TRIP IS CANCELED. THE 6PM AND 11PM ARE IN THE BAY. Today's 1 PM trip caught 265 sea bass; 86 king; 2 blackfish; 7 cape shark; 1 porgy; 3 pout; and 1 fluke. Today's 2 PM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 5 fluke; and 10 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 27 fishermen they caught 4 striped bass. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 2 striped bass.

Friday 6/30/17: TOMORROW'S 8AM TRIP IS CHANGED TO BAY FLUKE. Today's 1 PM trip had 29 fishermen they caught 46 fluke; and 27 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 27 fishermen they caught 47 fluke up to 4.9 lbs.; 16 sea robins; 1 blackfish; 3 cape shark; and 2 sea bass. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 24 fishermen they caught 4 striped bass keeping 2.

Thursday 6/29/17: DUE TO A SMALL CRAFT WARNING TONIGHT THE 6PM & 7PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED. TOMORROW'S 7AM, 8AM, 6PM and 7PM TRIPS ARE ALSO CANCELED. ALL OTHER TRIPS ARE ON. Today's 7 AM trip caught 720 sea bass keeping the full boat limit; 67 ling; 1 cod; and 3 blackfish. TOMORROW'S 1PM & 2PM TRIPS ARE FOR PRIME TIME BAY FLUKE. TOMORROW'S 11PM TRIP IS FOR BAY STRIPERS AND BLUES. Today's 8 AM trip caught 266 sea bass; 19 porgies; 9 ling; 3 blackfish; and 2 cunner. Today's 1 PM trip had 33 fishermen they caught 194 sea bass; 15 porgies; 2 ling; and 3 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 23 fluke; and 6 sea robins.

Wednesday 6/28/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 1993 sea bass; 80 porgies; 3 fluke; 4 skates; and 7 blackfish. Today's 8 AM trip caught their full boat limit of sea bass safely releasing another 657; 83 porgies; 26 king; and 3 fluke. Today's 1 PM trip caught 824 sea bass; 53 ling; and 35 pout. Today's 2 PM trip had 7 fishermen they caught 28 fluke up to 5 lbs.; and 7 sea robins. TOMORROW'S 6PM AND 7PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 24 fishermen they caught 145 sea bass; and 23 porgies. Tonight's 7PM trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 69 sea bass keeping 27 and 24 porgies keeping 4.

Wednesday 6/28/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 1993 sea bass; 80 porgies; 3 fluke; 4 skates; and 7 blackfish.

Tuesday 6/27/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 619 sea bass keeping our full boat limit; 104 porgies; 7 silver eels; 2 fluke; 7 ling; and 1 cod. Today's 8 AM trip caught 354 sea bass keeping the full boat limit.; 21 porgies; 12 ling; and 1 cod. Today's 1 PM trip had 28 fishermen they caught their full boat limit of seabass safely releasing 168; 22 porgies; 5 fluke; 3 cape shark; 1 cod; and 3 ling. Today's 2 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 12 fluke up to 4.76 lbs.; 5 sea robins; and 1 sundial. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 20 fishermen they caught 357 sea bass; 103 porgies; 7 skate; and 7 ling. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 64 sea bass; 45 porgies 3 skates; 3 cape shark; 1 ling ; and 1 squid.

Monday 6/26/17: SEA BASS SEASON IN NY OPENS AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. WE SAIL AT 7PM TO FISH IN THE EEZ, RETURNING TO NY WATERS AFTER MIDNIGHT AND DOCKING AROUND 2AM. THE FIRST FEW TRIPS ARE USUALLY EXCELLENT. Today's 7 AM trip had 11 fishermen they caught 107 sea bass; 9 ling; 9 cape shark; 3 skates; 8 porgies; 16 fluke; 1 squid; and 3 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip had 25 fishermen they caught 31 fluke; 12 sea robins; and 15 cape shark. Today's 1 PM trip had 14 fishermen they caught caught 20 fluke; 45 sea bass; 5 sea robins; 1 fourspot; 4 ling; and 13 porgies. Today's 2 PM trip 7 fishermen they caught 4 fluke; and 2 sea robins. Tonights 6 PM trip had 9 fishermen they caught 125 porgies; 91 sea bass; 1 blackfish; 2 ling; and 2 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 606 sea bass; 54 porgies; 23 ling; and 3 squid.

Sunday 6/25/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 14 fluke; 10 capeshark; 6 sea robins; 1 ling; 77 sea bass; 1 porgy; 2 fourspot; and 1 squid. Today's 8 AM trip caught 25 fluke; and 10 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 2 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 9 fluke; 38 porgies; 12 sea robins; 98 sea bass; 3 blackfish; 20 ling; and 1 mackerel. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 26 fishermen they caught 3 bluefish; and 1 striped bass.

Saturday 6/24/17: STARTING AT 8AM TODAY ALL TRIPS ARE ON. STARTING MONDAY NIGHT 6/26 AT 7PM ALL TRIPS EXCEPT 2PM LOCAL FLUKE WILL TARGET SEA BASS & PORGIES ON OCEAN WRECKS. Today's 8 AM trip had 10 fishermen they caught 27 fluke; 1 bluefish; and 30 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 30 fishermen they caught 20 fluke; and 26 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 10 fluke; 1 weakfish; 14 sea robins; and 1 sundial. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 28 fishermen they caught 2 bluefish; 1 striped bass; and 1 sea robin. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 62 sea bass; 57 porgies; 12 cape shark; 2 skates; and 2 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 18 fishermen they caught 5 striped bass.

Friday 6/23/17: TODAY'S 1 PM & 7 PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED. Today's 7 AM trip caught 29 fluke; 83 sea bass; 1 ling; 17 sea robins; and 3 cape shark. Today's 8 AM trip had 23 fishermen they caught 53 fluke; and 20 sea robins. TOMORROW'S 7AM TRIP IS CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS ON THE OCEAN. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 4 striped bass. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 20 fishermen they caught 1 striped bass.

Thursday 6/22/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 29 fishermen they caught 39 fluke; 21 sea robins; 10 skates; 15 cape shark; 81 sea bass; 1 ling; and 9 squid. Today's 8 AM trip had 7 fishermen they caught 40 fluke; and 10 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 19 fishermen they caught 29 fluke; 15 sea robins; 4 ling; 5 skates; 13 cape shark; 6 four spot; and 3 sea bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 1 striped bass; 1 fluke; and 3 sea robin.

Wednesday 6/21/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 21 fishermen they caught 34 fluke; 13 sea robins; 9 cape shark; and 2 ling. Today's 8 am trip caught 22 fluke; and 10 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 33 fluke; 2 ling; and 8 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 19 fishermen they caught 3 striped bass up to 18 lbs.; 1 fluke; and 3 cape shark.

Tuesday 6/20/17; Today's 7 AM trip had 21 fishermen they caught 29 fluke; 1 bluefish; 20 sea robins; and 1 striped bass. Today's 1 PM trip caught 3 fluke; 3 sea robins; and 1 weakfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 29 fishermen they caught 12 striped bass up to 17 lbs.; 1 bluefish; 1 fluke; and 2 sea robins.

Monday 6/19/17: TODAY'S 1 PM & 6 PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED. Today's 7 AM trip had 10 fishermen they caught 5 fluke; and 15 sea robins. Today 8 AM trip had 8 fishermen they caught 1 fluke; and 12 sea robins.

Sunday 6/18/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 22 fluke; 31 sea robins; 9 cape shark; and 1 sea bass. Today's 8 AM trip caught 22 fluke; 1 bluefish; and 12 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 33 fluke; 1 sundial; and 33 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 33 fluke; and 10 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 3 striped bass; 5 fluke; 1 bluefish; and 8 sea robins.

Saturday 6/17/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 46 fluke; 126 sea bass; 8 sea robins; 1 sundial; 1 ling; 2 four spot; 3 squid; and 10 cape shark. Today's 8 AM trip had 25 fishermen they caught 20 fluke; 19 sea robins; 8 bluefish; and 2 skates. DUE TO A SWELL IN THE OCEAN EXPECT ALL FLUKE TRIPS TOMORROW TO BE IN THE BAY. Today's 1 PM trip caught 9 ling; 4 fluke; 6 sea robins; 60 sea bass; and 10 skates. Today's 2 PM trip had 22 fishermen they caught 24 fluke; 12 sea robins; and 1 skate. Today's 6 PM trip caught 2 striped bass; 2 bluefish; and 3 cape shark. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 28 fishermen they caught 67 sea bass; 1 ling; 3 porgies; and 13 cape shark. Tonight's 11PM trip had 18 fishermen they caught 5 striped bass; 3 bluefish; and 1 Gar.

Friday 6/16/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 9 fishermen they caught 11 fluke; 75 sea bass; 12 ling; 9 cape shark; and 1 porgy. Tonight's 6 PM trip had a light crowd they caught their limit striped bass up to 18 lbs.; and 3 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 19 fishermen they caught 7 ling; 55 sea bass; 2 cape shark; 1 cod; and 6 porgies. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 13 striped bass; and 7 bluefish.

Thursday 6/15/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 28 fluke; 5 sea robins; 2 four spotted sole; 2 ling; and 8 cape shark. Today's 8 AM trip had 18 fishermen they caught 31 fluke; 6 sea robins; and 12 cape shark. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 23 fishermen they caught 3 striped bass up to 14 lbs.; and 6 bluefish.

Wednesday 6/14/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 23 fishermen they caught 109 fluke; and 5 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 50 fluke; and 10 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 29 fishermen they caught 25 fluke; 3 sea robins; and 1 cape shark. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 1 striped bass; 16 bluefish; 3 sea robins; and 2 cake shark.

Tuesday 6/13/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 14 fishermen they caught 74 fluke; 12 sea bass; and 5 cape shark. Today's 8 AM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 75 fluke; 3 sea robins; and 12 cape shark. Today's 1 PM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 47 fluke; 5 sea robins; and 7 cape shark. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 2 striped bass and 8 bluefish.

Monday 6/12/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 20 fishermen they caught 51 fluke; 30 sea bass; 9 skates; 8 cape shark; and 3 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 27 fishermen they caught 62 fluke; 3 sea robins; and 9 cape shark. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 9 fishermen they caught 4 striped bass up to 20 lbs.

Sunday 6/11/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 45 fluke; 98 sea bass; 6 sea robins; 9 cape shark; 2 four spot; and 4 ling. Today's 8 AM trip caught 34 fluke; and 1 sea robin. Today's 1 PM trip caught 8 fluke; 104 sea bass; 5 ling; 10 sea robins; 5 porgies; 1 blackfish; and 1 bluefish. Today's 2 PM trip had 25 fishermen they caught 25 sea robins.

Saturday 6/10/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 61 fluke; 9 sea robins; 12 cape shark; 1 four spot; 1 sundial; and 3 sea bass. Today's 8 AM trip caught 27 fluke; and 8 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 18 fluke; 35 sea bass; 3 sea robins; and 1 mackerel. Today's 2 PM trip caught nothing. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 1 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 27 fishermen they caught 35 sea bass; 6 ling; 3 porgies; and 2 cape shark. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 1 bluefish.

Friday 6/9/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 9 fishermen they caught 55 fluke; 22 cape shark; and 13 sea bass. Today's 8 AM trip had 20 fishermen they caught 33 fluke; 8 sea robins; and 10 skates. Today's 1 PM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 39 fluke; 1 sea bass; and 7 skates. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 20 fishermen they caught 33 bluefish; and 1 striped bass. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 25 fishermen they caught 137 sea bass; 10 ling; 4 porgies; 30 cape shark; and 4 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 17 fishermen they caught nothing.

Thursday 6/8/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 22 fishermen they caught 13 fluke; 3 sea robins; 16 cape shark; and 5 giant skates. Today's 8 AM trip had 7 fishermen they caught 2 fluke; 14 sea robins; and 6 skates. Today's 1 PM trip had 14 fishermen they caught 36 fluke; 25 cape shark; and 17 sea bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 26 fishermen they caught; 3 striped bass; and 66 bluefish.

Wednesday 6/7/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 8 fishermen they caught 28 fluke; 13 sea bass; 1 striped bass that weighed 35 lbs.; 2 ling and 5 cape shark. Today's 8 AM trip had 7 fishermen they caught 34 fluke; and 7 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 8 fishermen they caught 6 fluke; 9 sea bass; 7 sea robins; and 4 cape shark. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 11 fishermen they caught 1 keeper striped bass up to 19 lbs.; and 12 bluefish.

Tuesday 6/6/17: Starting at 6PM tonight all trips are on. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 15 fishermen they caught 2 striped bass up to 15 lbs. and 72 bluefish.

Monday: 6/5/17: ALL DAY FLUKE TRIPS ARE CANCELED TODAY AND TOMORROW DUE TO WEATHER. THE 6 PM TRIPS ARE ON. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 8 fishermen they caught 1 striped bass; 63 bluefish; and 1 fluke.

Sunday 6/4/17: MONDAY 7AM, 1PM & 6PM TRIPS ARE ON. THE 8AM TRIP IS CANCELED. Today's 7 AM trip caught 52 fluke; 19 sea robins; 1 sundial; and 22 sea bass. Today's 8 AM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 26 fluke; 16 sea robins; 35 cape shark; and 1 sundial. Today's 1 PM trip caught 25 fluke; 14 sea bass; 2 sundials; 11 sea robins; 12 ling; and 23 cape shark. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 4 striped bass; and 35 bluefish.

Saturday 6/3/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 48 fluke; 11 sea robins; 1 sundial; and 19 sea bass. Today's 8 AM trip caught 13 fluke; 14 sea bass; 3 ling; 1 bluefish; 16 sea robins; and 2 cunner. Today's 1 PM trip caught 37 fluke; 1 sundial 9 sea bass; and 6 cape shark. Today's 2 PM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 8 fluke; 10 sea robins; and 2 skates. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 24 fishermen they caught 13 striped bass; and 3 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 10 ling; 16 sea bass; 1 cod; and 26 cape shark. Tonight's 11PM trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 160 bluefish.

Friday 6/2/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 19 fishermen they caught 33 fluke up to 3.48 lbs.; 53 sea bass; 9 sea robins; and 6 cape shark. Today's 8 AM trip had 6 fishermen they caught 43 fluke; 30 sea bass; 4 sea robins; and 10 cape shark. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 2 striped bass; and 4 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 69 ling; 1 fluke; 87 sea bass; 3 porgies; 5 skates; 14 capeshark; 1 blackfish; and 4 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 14 fishermen they caught 195 bluefish; and 5 striped bass.

Thursday 6/1/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 20 fishermen they caught 52 fluke; 65 sea bass; 2 ling; and 7 cape shark. Today's 8AM trip had 27 fishermen they caught 19 fluke; 80 sea bass; 1 ling; 7 sea robins; and 5 cape shark. Today's 1 PM trip had 26 fishermen they caught 46 fluke; 81 sea bass; and 23 cape shark. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 7 striped bass; and 2 bluefish.

Wednesday 5/31/17: Today's 1 PM trip had 10 fishermen they caught 28 fluke up to 6.7 lbs.; 24 sea bass; 3 skates; and 5 cape shark. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 9 fishermen they caught 5 striped bass; and 2 bluefish.

Tuesday 5/30/17: Today's 8 AM trip had 8 fishermen they caught 7 bluefish; and 3 fluke.

Monday 5/29/17: Today's 7AM, 8AM and 1PM trips were canceled due to weather. Today's 2 PM trip had 14 fishermen they caught 24 fluke; 8 sea robins; and 3 bluefish

Sunday 5/28/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 62 fluke up to 6.24 lbs.; 135 sea bass; 23 ling; 23 cape shark; 2 squid; 1 mackerel; and 9 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 37 fluke; and 3 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 29 fluke; 81 sea bass; 6 sea robins; 10 ling; and 17 cape shark. Today's 2 PM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 27 fluke; and 18 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 23 fishermen they caught 67 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 24 fishermen they caught 47 sea bass; 39 ling; 4 cape shark; 1 porgy; 4 bluefish; 1 pout; and 20 skates. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 2 striped bass; and 3 bluefish.

Saturday 5/27/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 15 fluke; 3 bluefish; 65 sea bass; 1 porgy; 5 sea robins; 1 cod; 2 blackfish; and 11 ling. Today's 8 AM trip caught 22 fluke; 21 bluefish; and 12 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 23 fluke; 33 sea bass; 6 sea robins; and 10 cape shark. Today's 2 PM trip caught 17 fluke; and 6 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 16 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 14 fishermen they caught 17 ling; 12 bluefish; 78 sea bass; and 12 cape shark. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 11 fishermen they caught 3 Stripers up to 27 lbs.; and 3 bluefish.

Friday 5/26/17: Today's 7am, 1pm, 6pm, 7pm and 11pm trips are on. Today's 7 AM trip had 13 fishermen they caught 10 fluke; and 5 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 19 fishermen they caught 2 striped bass; and 21 bluefish. Tonight's 7 pm trip had 16 fishermen they caught 7 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 23 fishermen they caught 5 striped bass; and 1 bluefish.

Thursday 5/25/17: All trips are canceled today. TOMORROW'S 8AM TRIP IS CANCELED. ALL OTHER TRIPS ARE ON TOToday's 2 PM

Wednesday 5/24/17: TOMORROW'S 7 AM, 8AM & 1PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO BAD WEATHER. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 9 fishermen they caught 9 striped bass up to 18 lbs.; and 7 bluefish.

Tuesday 5/23/17: SAILING TODAY 7AM, 8AM & 1PM. TOMORROW STARTS 6PM EVERY NIGHT. WE WILL DECIDE ABOUT TOMORROW 7AM & 8AM BY 5PM TODAY. Today's 7 AM trip had 21 fishermen they caught 59 fluke; 37 sea bass; 9 sea robins; and 25 cape shark. Today's 8 AM trip had 5 fishermen they caught 28 fluke; 16 sea robins; and 1 bluefish. TOMORROW'S 7AM AND 8AM TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST MORNING RAIN. Today's 1 PM trip had 19 fishermen they caught 39 fluke; 40 sea bass; 5 ling; 1 sundial; and 21 cape shark.

Sunday 5/21/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 72 fluke; 53 sea bass; 1 cod; 8 sea robins; 1 bluefish; 1 ling; 1 mackerel; and 32 cape shark. Today's 8 AM trip had 28 fishermen they caught 50 fluke; and 18 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 29 fluke; 21 sea bass; 23 sea robins; 7 cape shark; 3 ling; and 2 sundials. Today's 2 PM trip caught 6 fluke; and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 4 striped bass; 1 weakfish; and 1 bluefish. TOMORROW ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO WEATHER.

Saturday 5/20/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 115 fluke; 6 sea bass; 1 squid; and 28 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip had 25 fishermen they caught 52 fluke; and 25 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 47 fluke; and 7 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 1 striped bass; and 7 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 1 striped bass; and 16 bluefish.

Friday 5/19/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 20 fishermen they caught 63 fluke up to 4 lbs.; 1 bluefish; and 17 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 37 fluke; 28 sea robins; and 2 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip had 26 fishermen they caught 35 fluke; 3 bluefish; and 27 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 33 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 1 bluefish.

Thursday 5/18/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 35 fishermen they caught 108 fluke, Nicole Kim caught her limit and had the 3.5 lb. pool fish; 26 sea robins; and 13 cape shark. Today's 8 AM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 22 fluke; and 14 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 22 fishermen they caught 25 fluke; 25 sea robins; and 13 cape shark. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 8 bluefish.

Wednesday 5/17/17: Today's 7 AM trip caught 41 fluke; 51 sea robins; and 1 bluefish. Today's 8 AM trip had 6 fishermen they caught 15 fluke; 15 sea robins; and 1 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip had 35 fishermen they caught this years FREE FOR LIFE LEADER JOHN WARBURTON 8 LBS. They also caught 82 fluke; 37 sea robins; and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 9 bluefish.

Tuesday 5/16/17: FLUKE SEASON OPENS TOMORROW! Fluke 7AM, 8AM & 1PM, also 2PM weekends. Night stripers & blues Wednesday to Sunday night at 6PM also 11PM weekends.

Sunday 5/14/17: Today's 1 PM trip had 17 fishermen they caught 8 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 6 fishermen they caught 1 striped bass and 4 bluefish.

Saturday 5/13/17: Last night's 6 PM trip kept 29 big bluefish and caught 2 stripers keeping 1. TODAY'S 1 PM AND 6 PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO WIND AND RAIN. ALL BAY TRIPS ARE ON FOR SUNDAY 7AM, 1PM & 6PM. Today's 7 AM trip caught 1 bluefish.

Friday 5/12/17: Tonight's 6PM and tomorrow's 7AM striper trips are on. We will decide about Saturday afternoon and night by 10 AM tomorrow.


Sunday 5/7/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 40 bluefish; kept 1 striped bass; and released 1 fluke. Today's 1 PM trip had 25 fishermen then caught 18 bluefish.

Saturday 5/6/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 24 fishermen they caught 10 striped bass; and 2 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip had 10 fishermen they caught 5 striped bass; 25 bluefish; and 7 skates. Due to forecast rough seas on the ocean the 6 AM wreck fishing trips are canceled today and tomorrow. The 7AM, 1PM & 6PM bay striper trips are all on for Sunday. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 1 striped bass and 2 bluefish.

Thursday 5/4/17: Due to forecast rain and rough seas all trips are canceled through 6 AM Saturday.

Sunday 4/30/17: Today's 7 AM trip had 16 fishermen they caught 1 striped bass; and 3 skates.

Saturday 4/29/17: Today's 7AM trip had 15 fishermen they caught 6 striped bass; and 2 skates. Today's 1 PM trip had 24 fishermen they caught 2 striped bass up to 15 lbs.

Friday 4/28/17: The Laura Lee starts tomorrow for stripers at 7AM, 1PM & 6PM.

Wednesday 4/26/17: The Laura Lee Express is backed up in the shipyard trying to paint. The 6 AM trips this weekend are canceled. The Laura Lee starts Saturday for stripers at 7 AM, 1 PM and 6 PM.

Sunday 4/23/17: Today's 6 AM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 17 codfish keeping 9 up to 10 lbs.; 15 blackfish; 4 sea bass; 25 capeshark and 35 cunner.

Saturday 4/22/17: Tomorrow's (Sunday) 6 AM trip is on. Today's 6 AM trip caught 13 codfish keeping 5; 16 blackfish; 65 capeshark; 15 cunner; 10 pout; 4 mackerel; 3 sea bass and a big lobster.

Thursday 4/20/17: The Laura Lee Express will be sailing Saturday 4/22/17 fishing ocean wrecks and reefs for cod, flounder and ling and looking for stripers in our travels. We will confirm Sunday's trip by 4 PM on Saturday.


Friday 1/13/17: Saturday, Sunday and Monday are on. For all winter sailings call the office after 5 PM the day before to confirm sailings. 631-661-1867

Saturday 1/7/17: Tomorrow is canceled. SATURDAY 1/14/17 STARTS 7 AM TO 3 PM MACKEREL WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday 1/6/17: Our 5 AM codfish trips for tomorrow and Sunday are canceled. If you have tickets please call the office for a refund, credit or a different date.

Monday 1/2/17: Today's 5 AM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 305 ocean pout; 151 capeshark; 25 cunner; 13 silver eels; 9 blackfish; 5 codfish keeping 4 and 5 mackerel.

Office: 631-661-1867

Sam Cell: 631-495-2313



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