Striped Bass

Sea Bass






2015 Fishing Reports

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Thursday 12/31/15: Today's last Local trip of the season caught 20 codfish; 32 big sea bass; 222 cunner; and 33 capeshark. Last night's final offshore sea bass trip of the season had a full boat limit of giant sea bass; 153 giant porgies; 22 codfish up to 21 lbs.; 6 bluefish and 27 ling. EVERY OFFSHORE LIMITED SEA BASS TRIP THIS YEAR HAD A FULL BOAT LIMIT OF GIANT SEA BASS. SATURDAY STARTS 4 AM TO 4 PM COD AND LING.

Wednesday 12/30/15: Today's 7 AM Local trip had 15 fishermen. They kept 9 big sea bass; 16 big porgies; 4 codfish; 8 cunner and released 35 capeshark; 20 pout and 2 blackfish. TONIGHT IS OUR LAST 19 HOUR OFFSHORE SEA BASS TRIP. TOMORROW IS OUR LAST 7 AM LOCAL WRECK TRIP. SATURDAY STARTS 4 AM TO 4 PM COD AND LING.

Sunday 12/27/15: Wednesday and Thursday forecasts look good.


Thursday 12/24/15: Saturday morning's 7 AM trip is canceled due to weather.




Thursday 12/17/15: ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED THROUGH SATURDAY MORNING. Last nights offshore trip caught their limit of jumbo sea bass; 50 porgies; 8 cod; 21 bluefish; and 1 pollack.

Wednesday 12/16/15: TONIGHT'S 8 PM TRIP IS ON. THERE ARE STILL TICKETS AVAILABLE. Friday night's 8 PM trip is canceled due to forecast rough seas offshore.

Tuesday 12/15/15: Tomorrow night's 8 PM offshore sea bass trip is on.

Sunday 12/13/15: Today's 6 AM Local half day trip was the last of the season. Next Saturday starts 7 AM to 3 PM Local cod sea bass & porgies weekends and Christmas week. Today the 6 AM trip caught 118 porgies keeping 115; 55 sea bass keeping 13; 10 codfish keeping 1; 48 capeshark keeping 16; 5 blackfish; 15 pout and 3 fluke. Saturday night's offshore trip caught 211 giant sea bass keeping 168; 559 giant porgies keeping 485; 27 codfish; 85 bluefish; 5 ling; 2 Pollack and 1 lobster.

Saturday 12/12/15: Today's 6 AM Local trip caught 7 codfish keeping 6; 30 sea bass keeping 4; 11 porgies keeping 4; 48 capeshark keeping 5; 16 blackfish; 1 fluke; 6 pout and 7 herring. Last night's offshore trip caught 161 GIANT sea bass keeping 140: 265 GIANT porgies keeping 240; 26 codfish keeping 6; 23 bluefish keeping 20 and 2 Pollack to 30 lbs.

Friday 12/11/15: Last night's 8 PM offshore trip caught a full boat limit of GIANT sea bass; a full boat limit of GIANT porgies; 24 codfish; 18 Pollack; 72 bluefish and 2 ling!

Thursday 12/10/15: Tonight's 8 PM offshore trip is on. Tickets are still available.


Monday 12/7/15: Today's 2 am offshore trip had another full boat limit of GIANT sea bass (10 a man) plus loads of GIANT porgies and 14 codfish.

Sunday 12/6/15: Today's 6 AM Local trip caught 47 sea bass; 24 big porgies; 38 capeshark; 15 blackfish; 11 cunner and 2 cod, largest 11 lbs. Last night's offshore trip had another full boat limit of Giant sea bass plus 281 big porgies; 75 bluefish; 4 big pollack and 23 cod up to 19 lbs.! TONIGHT'S (MONDAY 2 AM)TRIP IS ON.

Saturday 12/5/15: Today's 6 AM trip caught 33 blackfish and 31 capeshark. Tomorrow at 6 AM expect blackfish, ling and cod. Saturday night's offshore trip had a full boat limit of GIANT sea bass plus kept 50 big porgies; 5 cod; 20 bluefish; 20 ling and 1 Pollack.

Friday 12/4/15: On the 6 am trips Saturday and Sunday with forecast calm seas expect jigging stripers and or blackfish.


Tuesday 12/1/15: Wednesday night December 2, 2015 8 PM trip is canceled due to forecast rough seas offshore.

Sunday 11/29/15: Today's 6 AM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 11 stripers keeping 6. Today's last 4 AM offshore trip caught 200 big sea bass keeping 157; 153 big porgies keeping 140; 30 codfish keeping 15; 32 bluefish; 2 fluke; 2 triggerfish; 1 flounder and 31 capeshark. STARTING WEDNESDAY WEATHER PERMITTING ALL DEEP WATER OFFSHORE SEA BASS TRIPS WILL BE 19 HOURS, 19 FISHERMEN, 19 BUNKS AND SAIL AT EITHER 2 AM OR 8 PM.

Saturday 11/28/15: MONDAY'S 4 AM OFFSHORE TRIP IS CANCELED BECAUSE OF WEATHER. Today's 6 AM trip caught 12 stripers keeping 6. Today's 4 AM offshore trip caught 500 giant sea bass keeping a full boat limit of 360 (10 a man); 110 giant porgies keeping 100; 20 codfish keeping 15; 20 bluefish and 3 lobsters. Tonight's last night striper trip of the season caught one.

Friday 11/27/15: Today's 4 AM trip caught 148 big sea bass keeping 115; 545 big porgies keeping 500; 22 codfish keeping 12 up to 18 lbs.; 37 bluefish. Today the day trips did not catch any stripers. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 4 stripers keeping 2.

Thanksgiving 11/26/15: Today's 6 AM striper trip had 22 fishermen. They jigged 64 stripers up to 37 inches and 48 giant bluefish.

Wednesday 11/25/15: Today's 4 AM full day offshore trip caught 233 GIANT sea bass; 321 BIG porgies; 28 cod up to 33 lbs.; 25 bluefish; and 15 cunner. Tomorrow at 6 am to 12 noon we will be jigging ocean stripers. THERE WAS AN OCEAN STRIPER BLITZ THIS AFTERNOON IN 50 FEET OF WATER OUTSIDE FIRE ISLAND INLET FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS YEAR!!!!!

Tuesday 11/24/15: Today saw a full boat limit (10 a man) of giant sea bass to 6.6 lbs.; 333 big porgies keeping 273; 18 codfish keeping 15 up to 35 lbs.; 30 bluefish.


Sunday 11/22/15: Today's 6 AM trip had 8 fishermen. They caught 24 stripers keeping 8 up to 28 lbs. TOMORROW'S 4 AM TRIP IS CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS. TODAY'S 4 AM TRIP CAUGHT 311 BIG SEA BASS KEEPING 230; 682 PORGIES KEEPING 630; 64 BLUEFISH; 31 CODFISH KEEPING 22 AND KEPT 8 POLLACK. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 28 stripers keeping 6.

Saturday 11/21/15: Today's 6 AM trip caught 12 stripers keeping 4 up to 35 inches. Today's 4 AM offshore trip had 20 fishermen. They caught 300 big sea bass keeping 181; 581 big porgies keeping 566; 24 codfish keeping 18; kept 9 Pollack up to 21 lbs.; 8 bluefish and 31 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 10 stripers keeping 4 up to 18 lbs. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 7 stripers.

Friday 11/20/15: Today at 6 AM we sent 4 fishermen out with our good friends on the Captain Gillen. ALL STRIPER AND SEA BASS TRIPS ARE ON TONIGHT AND TOMORROW. Tonight's 6 pm trip caught 23 stripers up to 24 lbs. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 24 stripers keeping a full boat limit up to 18 lbs.


Wednesday 11/18/15: Today's 4 AM offshore trip caught it's full boat limit of jumbo sea bass; 315 huge porgies; 19 bluefish; 5 cod; 25 cunner; and 5 cape shark.

Tuesday 11/17/15: With more wind offshore this morning than earlier forecast today's 4 AM is canceled. Tomorrow sounds much better. Please call or check here after 4 PM the day before all offshore trips to confirm sailings. Anyone with tickets for today should call the office for a refund, credit or to reschedule. ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED THURSDAY DUE TO FORECAST WIND AND RAIN. WEDNESDAY'S (TOMORROW)4 AM OFFSHORE SEA BASS TRIP IS ON. THE WEATHER FORECAST IS GREAT.

Monday 11/16/15: Today's 4 AM offshore trip caught 227 big sea bass; 710 giant porgies; 4 cod; 70 bluefish; and 15 cunner.

Sunday 11/15/15: Today's 6 AM trip caught 9 stripers up to 31 inched and 40 big bluefish. Today's 4 AM offshore trip caught 563 sea bass keeping 363; 996 jumbo porgies keeping 971; 55 bluefish; 13 cod; 10 cunner; 3 fluke; and 74 cape shark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 5 striped bass; and 3 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 22 stripers up to 30 inches.

Saturday 11/14/15: ALL TRIPS ARE ON TODAY AND TOMORROW. Today's 6 AM local trip caught 64 stripers between 24 and 41 inches keeping 17. Today's 1 PM trip had 8 fishermen. They caught 28 stripers up to 33 inches. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 9 stripers keeping 2. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 93 stripers keeping 9.

Friday 11/13/15: All trips are canceled through Saturday at 4 AM due to forecast high winds and rough seas. ALL OF TOMORROW'S STRIPER TRIPS ARE ON STARTING AT 6 AM.

Thursday 11/12/15: Due to forecast gale warnings starting tonight all trips are canceled through Friday night and all offshore sea bass trips are canceled through Saturday. ANYONE WITH TICKETS SHOULD CALL THE OFFICE FOR A REFUND, CREDIT OR TO RESCHEDULE.

Wednesday 11/11/15: Today's 6 am striper trip caught 37 stripers all between 25 and 39 inches. DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS OFFSHORE TOMORROW AND FRIDAY'S OCEAN SEA BASS TRIPS ARE CANCELED. ALL BAY AND INLET STRIPER TRIPS ARE ON. Today's 1 PM trip caught 29 stripers between 25 inches and 23.5 lbs.

Monday 11/9/15: DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS ON THE OCEAN OUR TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY OFFSHORE SEA BASS TRIPS ARE CANCELED. WEDNESDAY'S LOCAL STRIPER BAY TRIPS ARE ON. Today's 6 AM Express trip caught 634 sea bass keeping 240; 668 big porgies keeping 468; 25 codfish keeping 10; 5 bluefish and 41 capeshark.

Sunday 11/8/15: Today's 6 AM Local trip jigged 42 stripers, all between 25 and 31 inches; 16 sea bass; 1 blackfish; 3 fluke and 66 capeshark. WITH THE JUMBO SEA BASS MOVING OFFSHORE QUICKLY, STARTING SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14 THE EXPRESS WILL SAIL 4 AM TO 4 PM. DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS TUESDAY'S 6 AM SEA BASS TRIP IS CANCELED. Today's 6 AM offshore trip had 33 fishermen they caught 320 giant sea bass; 1,144 jumbo porgies; 68 cod keeping 33; 35 bluefish; 25 cunner; 78 cape shark; and 1 pollack. Today's 1 PM trip caught nothing. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 13 fishermen. They kept 2 stripers.

Saturday 11/7/15: Today's 6 AM Express offshore trip caught 203 sea bass keeping 97 up to 5 lbs.; 308 big porgies; 16 cod; 9 bluefish; and 30 cunner. Today's 6 AM Local trip caught 1 striper and 1 fluke. Today's 1 PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 21 stripers keeping 6. Tonight's 6 pm trip kept 2 stripers. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 2 stripers.

Friday 11/6/15: Today's 6 AM Local trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 38 stripers all between 25 and 31 inches and 2 big bluefish. Today's 6 AM Express sea bass trip caught 310 sea bass keeping 109; 238 porgies keeping 210; 14 codfish keeping 9; 11 bluefish and 1 blackfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip kept 5 stripers up to 26 lbs. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 15 stripers keeping 2.

Thursday 11/5/15: Today's 6 AM Local trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 18 stripers between 25 and 30 inches. Today's 6 AM offshore trip had 17 fishermen they caught 255 sea bass keeping 68; 127 big porgies; 25 cunner; and 5 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip kept 10 stripers up to 27.7 lbs.

Wednesday 11/4/15: Today's 6 AM offshore trip caught 418 sea bass keeping 228; 578 porgies keeping 418; 23 cod keeping 15 up to 23 lbs.; 12 cunner; and 2 triggerfish.

Tuesday 11/3/15: Today's 6 AM offshore sea bass trip caught 476 sea bass keeping 185; 482 porgies keeping 432; 18 cod ; 12 bluefish; and 22 cunner. Due to very calm seas and no jigging fish the Laura Lee wreck fished today. Today's 6 AM Local trip caught 660 sea bass keeping 67; 25 porgies keeping 15; 3 blackfish and 128 capeshark. Today's 1 PM Local trip caught 59 blackfish up to 9 lbs. 15 sea bass and 4 fluke.

Monday 11/2/15: Today's 6 AM sea bass trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 333 giant sea bass keeping a full boat limit up to 5.9 lbs. (now 10 sea bass limit per person); 169 big porgies keeping 139; 20 big codfish up to 22 lbs.; 12 bluefish and 1 Pollack.

Sunday 11/1/15: Today's 6 AM Local trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 58 stripers keeping a full boat limit of fish up to 37 inches. Today's 6 AM Express offshore sea bass trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 463 sea bass keeping 154; 78 porgies keeping 63; 3 codfish and 54 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 19 stripers up to 39 inches. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 7 stripers.

Saturday 10/31/15: Today's 6 AM local striper trip jigged and chummed 7 stripers up to 12 lbs. and 57 giant blues up to 15.8 lbs. Today's 6 AM Express offshore trip caught 629 sea bass keeping 125; 85 porgies keeping 65; 15 codfish keeping 9; 9 bluefish 3 flounder; 1 fluke and 92 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 27 stripers up to 14 lbs. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 25 stripers up to 29 lbs.

Friday 10/30/15: This morning's winds are more than forecast. The 6 AM ocean sea bass is canceled. Today's bay and inlet striper trips are on at 6 AM, 6 PM and 11 PM. Today's 6 AM striper trip had 10 fishermen. They jigged 27 stripers all between 25 and 30 inches and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 15 stripers up to 16 lbs. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 76 stripers keeping 9 up to 15 lbs.

Thursday 10/29/15; STARTING AT 6 PM TONIGHT ALL LOCAL STRIPER TRIPS ARE ON. TOMORROW WE START 6 AM STRIPERS CASTING AND CHUMMING. All trips are on tomorrow including 6 AM sea bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 26 stripers keeping 3.

Tuesday 10/27/15: SCHEDULE CHANGE STARTING THURSDAY: OUR 7 AM LOCAL STRIPER TRIP IS CHANGED TO 6 AM TO 12 NOON ON THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!! Our only sailing today was the 6 AM trip on the Express they had 26 fishermen. They caught 573 big sea bass keeping 183; 158 big porgies keeping 103; 8 codfish keeping 1; 11 bluefish; 2 flounder and 17 capeshark. DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED UNTIL THURSDAY 6 PM. FRIDAY MORNING STARTS 6 AM TO 12 NOON STRIPERS.

Monday 10/26/15: TOMORROW 6 AM FULL DAY OFFSHORE SEA BASS. 7 AM-12:30 PM JIGGING STRIPERS!!! Today's 6 AM trip had 21 fishermen. They caught 23 codfish keeping 15; 208 sea bass keeping 98; 41 porgies keeping 31; 18 bluefish keeping 12 and 41 capeshark. Today at 7 AM we sent 7 fishermen with our friends on the Captree Pride for good ocean jigging stripers.

Sunday 10/25/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 19 stripers keeping 7. Today's 6 AM trip caught 466 big sea bass keeping 160; 205 big porgies keeping 181; 15 codfish keeping 7; 21 bluefish; 1 flounder and 14 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip kept 1 striper. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 18 stripers keeping 3. THIS WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 6 AM OCEAN WRECK TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS. TOMORROW LOOKS PERFECT.

Saturday 10/24/15: Today's 6 AM Express trip had 26 fishermen. They caught 625 jumbo sea bass keeping a full boat limit of 208; 379 big porgies keeping 260; 8 codfish keeping 4; 7 blackfish; 5 blues; 3 fluke; 1 triggerfish and 21 capeshark.: Today's 7 AM trip caught 6 stripers. Today's 1 PM trip caught 1 fluke and 1 sundial. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 9 stripers keeping 3. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 61 stripers keeping 15. Tonight's last 7 PM ocean bluefish trip of the season had 11 fishermen. They caught 47 big bluefish; 64 sea bass and 72 capeshark.

Friday 10/23/15: Today's 6 AM trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 760 big sea bass keeping a full boat limit of 176; 295 porgies keeping 245; 7 codfish keeping 3; 2 fluke and 25 capeshark. Today's 7 AM trip caught 5 stripers up to 31 inches; 2 bluefish and 2 fluke. Tonight's 7 PM ocean trip is canceled due to rough seas. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 4 stripers up to 20 lbs. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 48 stripers keeping 16 (full boat limit).

Thursday 10/22/15: Today's 7 AM trip chummed 47 stripers keeping 18. TODAY'S 6 AM TRIP CAUGHT 1239 SEA BASS KEEPING 354; 425 PORGIES KEEPING 255; 7 CODFISH KEEPING 2; 17 BLUEFISH; 3 FLUKE; 7 POUT AND 41 CAPESHARK!!!!!!!!!! Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 7 stripers and kept 5.

Wednesday 10/21/15: Today's 7am trip had 22 fishermen. They chummed 27 stripers keeping 12. TOMORROW 6 AM GIANT SEA BASS 7 AM & 6 PM STRIPERS. Today's 1 PM trip had 21 fishermen. They caught 17 big blues; 405 big sea bass; 146 big porgies; 1 ling and 55 capeshark.

Tuesday 10/20/15: Thursday is opening day for sea bass in the EEZ. Our 6 AM Express trip is highly recommended.

Monday 10/19/15: No sail today but expect 7 AM and 1 PM chumming stripers tomorrow.

Sunday 10/18/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 18 fishermen they caught 171 sea bass; 20 porgies; and 13 cape shark. Today's 8 AM trip caught 170 sea bass; 52 porgies; 35 blackfish up to 6 lbs.; 1 blowfish; and 14 cape shark. Today's 1 PM trip had 16 fishermen. They caught 86 big ocean blues and 8 big sea bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 5 stripers keeping 4 up to 26 lbs.

Saturday 10/17/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 29 fishermen. They caught 49 big ocean blues and 8 big sea bass. Today's 8 AM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 56 blackfish keeping 15; 78 sea bass keeping 16 and 72 porgies keeping 25. Today's 1 PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 2 bluefish and 1 sea bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 2 stripers keeping 1. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 12 fishermen they caught 4 striped bass keeping 1. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 68 big ocean bluefish.

Friday 10/16/15: Today's 7 AM trip fished the inlet. 12 fishermen chummed 6 stripers keeping 3. Tomorrow expect jigging ocean stripers and blues on the Express 7 AM and 1 PM and sea bass, porgies and blackfish on the Local at 8 AM. Tonight's 6 PM and 11 PM bay striper trips caught nothing. Tonight's 7 PM ocean trip caught 152 big bluefish; 35 big sea bass and 51 capeshark.

Thursday 10/15/15: Today's 7 AM trip diamond jigged 127 big ocean bluefish; 25 big sea bass; 2 porgies; 1 fluke and 12 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 48 big ocean bluefish. 10 big sea bass and 5 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 12 fishermen. They kept 2 stripers up to 14 lbs.

Wednesday 10/14/15: Today's 7 am trip had 8 fishermen. They diamond jigged 30 big ocean blues and 10 big sea bass. Today's 1 PM trip was canceled. TOMORROW EXPECT EXPRESS JIGGING OCEAN STRIPERS AND BLUES 7 AM & 1 PM THEN 6 PM LOCAL STRIPERS.

Tuesday 10/13/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 195 sea bass; 23 blackfish; 11 porgies; 15 capeshark and 1 weakfish. Today's 1 PM trip did not sail.

Monday 10/12/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 6 bluefish; 407 big sea bass; 51 porgies; 9 blackfish; 2 weakfish and 49 capeshark. Today's 8 AM trip caught 105 sea bass; 11 porgies 22 blackfish and 5 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 256 sea bass; 81 porgies; 5 cod; 1 bluefish; 2 ling; and 5 cunner. Today's 2 PM trip caught 47 porgies; 30 sea bass; 12 blackfish and 4 capeshark.

Sunday 10/11/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught nothing. Today's 8 AM trip caught 207 sea bass 75 porgies; 26 blackfish and 13 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 9 cod; 30 sea bass; 4 blues; and 4 porgies. Today's 2 PM trip caught 75 sea bass; 68 porgies and 25 blackfish for 15 fishermen. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught nothing.

Saturday 10/10/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 8 fishermen. They kept 7 big stripers and 18 big bluefish. Today's 8 AM trip had 11 fishermen. They limited out on huge stripers up to 46.54 lbs. Pictures are on our Facebook button. Today the fish were all on live bunker. TOMORROW 7 AM WILL BE OCEAN STRIPERS AND BLUES. IF THE EXPRESS IS CATCHING THE LOCAL 8 AM BOAT WILL STRIPER FISH ALSO. IF NOT THE 8 AM TRIP WILL BE OCEAN WRECK FISHING. Today's 1 PM trip caught 22 big bluefish and 5 big stripers all on live bunker. Today's 2 PM trip had 12 fishermen. They fished live bunker for 3 big stripers and 3 big bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 1 fluke and 1 stargazer. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 137 big bluefish; 25 sea bass and 330 capeshark. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 2 stripers.

Friday 10/9/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 87 giant ocean blues. Today's 8 AM trip caught 145 sea bass 29 blackfish and 1 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip was canceled because of weather. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 8 fishermen. They caught 24 stripers keeping 2.

Thursday 10/8/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 17 fishermen. They diamond jigged 87 giant ocean bluefish and 2 weakfish. TOMORROW'S 1 PM AND 7 PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS. Today's 1 PM trip had 17 fishermen. They jigged 41 giant ocean bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip released 6 stripers.

Wednesday 10/7/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 16 fishermen. They caught 23 sea bass keeping 12; 19 blackfish keeping 1;1 triggerfish; 3 capeshark and 1 fluke. Today's 1 PM trip did not sail. TOMORROW EXPECT JIGGING OCEAN STRIPERS!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday 10/4/15: Due to forecast ocean swells all trips are canceled through Tuesday. We will resume sailing all trips on Wednesday 10/7/15.





Sunday 9/27/15: Due to forecast rough seas all trips are canceled Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Today's 7 AM trip had 24 fishermen. They caught 142 porgies keeping 39; 16 sea bass keeping 3; 16 bluefish keeping 8. Today's 8 AM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 80 sea bass keeping 1; 23 porgies keeping 7; 3 triggerfish; 2 blackfish; 1 fluke; 3 bluefish: 1 weakfish and 9 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 8 fishermen. They caught 64 porgies keeping 28; 12 sea bass keeping 2 and 6 bluefish. Today's 2 PM trip caught 75 sea bass; 22 porgies keeping 2; 2 capeshark and 1 bluefish.

Saturday 9/26/15: DUE TO ROUGH SEAS ON THE OCEAN TODAY'S 1 PM AND 7 PM TRIPS ON THE EXPRESS ARE CANCELED. ALL OF TODAY'S BAY TRIPS ON THE LOCAL ARE ON. Today's 7 AM trip caught 96 porgies keeping 51; 25 sea bass keeping 3; 36 bluefish keeping 25;3 blackfish; 7 shad and 9 capeshark. Today's 8 AM trip caught 207 sea bass keeping 4; 27 porgies keeping 7; 3 triggerfish; 3 blackfish; 1 fluke and 10 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 123 sea bass keeping 6; kept 7 porgies; caught 3 blowfish and 9 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 1 striper and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 9 stripers keeping 1 and 28 bluefish.

Friday 9/25/15: TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT'S 7 PM OFFSHORE TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS. FISHERMEN WITH TICKETS SHOULD CALL THE OFFICE. ALL OTHER TRIPS ARE ON. Today's 7 AM trip caught 200 porgies keeping 91; 92 bluefish keeping 52; 8 shad and 4 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 30 porgies keeping 9 and 6 bluefish. Tonight at 6 PM we sent 4 fishermen out with our friends on the Island Princess. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 14 stripers keeping 1; kept 43 bluefish; caught 9 shad and 1 fluke.

Thursday 9/24/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 78 porgies keeping 37; 41 sea bass keeping 2; 70 bluefish keeping 59; 15 shad; 2 weakfish and 1 blackfish. FRIDAY NIGHT'S 7 PM OFFSHORE BLUEFISH TRIP IS CANCELED. Today's 1 PM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 158 porgies keeping 93; 76 bluefish keeping 67; 28 sea bass keeping 1; 21 hickory shad and 3 capeshark.

Wednesday 9/23/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 145 porgies keeping 85; 42 sea bass keeping 12 and 25 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 138 porgies keeping 90; 56 sea bass keeping 25; 54 bluefish keeping 45; 7 capeshark and 3 blackfish.


Sunday 9/20/15: ALL TRIPS ARE ON TODAY. ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED MONDAY AND TUESDAY. Today's 7 AM trip caught 72 sea bass keeping 7; 67 porgies keeping 14; 9 fluke; 15 sea robins; 4 mackerel; 3 blackfish and 2 ling. Today's 8 AM trip had 24 fishermen. They caught 52 fluke keeping 3 and 50 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 69 ocean fluke keeping 10 up to 5.6 lbs.; 10 mackerel; 6 ling; 20 sea robins and 1 bonito. Today's 2 PM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 38 fluke keeping 1; 10 sea bass and 32 sea robins.

Saturday 9/19/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 190 ocean fluke keeping 22 up to 7 lbs.; 11 mackerel; 4 ling; 3 sundials; 3 capeshark and 28 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 21 fluke and 15 sea robins.Today's 2 PM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 26 bay fluke; 73 sea bass keeping 6; 12 porgies keeping 5 and 1 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 107 ocean fluke keeping 10; 15 mackerel and 21 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 21 fishermen. They caught 103 porgies keeping 49; 84 sea bass keeping 18 and 15 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 27 fishermen. They caught 39 sea bass keeping 22; 9 ling. ALL TRIPS ARE ON TOMORROW. ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED MONDAY AND TUESDAY DUE TO FORECAST ROUGH SEAS.

Friday 9/18/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 29 fishermen. They caught 174 ocean fluke up to 5.8 lbs.: 14 mackerel; 2 sea bass and 55 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 173 ocean fluke keeping 16 up to 4.38 lbs.; 11 mackerel; 2 ling and 58 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 66 sea bass keeping 23; 77 porgies keeping 44 and 12 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip kept 23 ocean blues; caught 95 sea bass keeping 45; caught 60 porgies keeping 30 and 1 codfish.

Thursday 9/17/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 281 ocean fluke keeping 22 up to 4.4 lbs.; 12 mackerel; 36 sea robins and 2 sea bass; Today's 1 PM trip caught 124 ocean fluke keeping 10 up to 4.5 lbs.; 5 ling; 1 bonito and 24 sea robins.

Wednesday 9/16/15 Today's 7 AM trip caught 378 big ocean fluke keeping 54; 3 bonito and 41 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 157 ocean fluke keeping 19 up to 9.14 lbs.; 20 sea robins; 1 ling and 1 bluefish.

Tuesday 9/15/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 198 ocean fluke keeping 24; 51 mackerel and 2 bonito. Today's 8 AM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 100 fluke keeping 3 and 35 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 30 fishermen. They caught 291 big ocean fluke keeping 31 up to 5.65 lbs. with 5 over 5 lbs.; 6 mackerel and 26 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 54 bay fluke keeping 1 and 25 sea robins.

Monday 9/14/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 8 fishermen. They caught 60 sea bass keeping 20: 90 porgies keeping 40; 2 bluefish and 2 fluke. Today's 8 am trip caught 25 fluke; 7 bluefish and 15 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 15 fluke; 5 sea robins; 2 sundials and 1 kingfish. Today's 1 PM trip had 27 fishermen. They caught 266 sea bass keeping 58; 100 porgies keeping 42; 9 fluke; 3 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 60 sea bass keeping 19; 51 porgies keeping 35 and 8 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 21 fishermen. They caught 42 bluefish; 104 sea bass and 140 porgies.

Sunday 9/13/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 28 fluke; 5 bluefish; 15 porgies; and 9 mackerel. Today's 1 PM trip caught 72 ocean fluke keeping 5 up to 6.1 lbs.; 80 sea bass keeping 15; 6 ling; 15 mackerel; 1 flounder and 3 capeshark. Today's 2 PM trip caught 49 bay fluke; 23 sea bass; 35 sea robins and 1 bluefish. Tonight's trips are canceled due to wind and rain.

Saturday 9/12/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 26 fishermen. They caught 44 ocean fluke keeping 9; 73 sea bass keeping 14; 45 porgies keeping 20; 4 mackerel and 31 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 97 fluke keeping 7; 7 sea bass and 15 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 24 fishermen. They caught 85 porgies keeping 35; 57 sea bass keeping 12; 35 fluke keeping 5. Today's 2 PM trip caught 53 bay fluke keeping 2; 6 sea bass and 12 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip fished in the bay and docked early because of bad weather catching 1 fluke.

Friday 9/11/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 41 fluke up to 7.56 lbs.; 40 sea bass; 31 porgies; 25 sea robins and 5 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 42 ocean fluke keeping 7; 57 sea bass keeping 12; 32 porgies keeping 7; 1 triggerfish; 3 capeshark and 25 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 149 sea bass keeping 48; 130 porgies keeping 59; 12 bluefish and 12 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 291 big sea bass keeping 88 (full boat limit); 7 fluke keeping 4; 12 bluefish and 15 squid.


Wednesday 9/9/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 73 ocean fluke keeping 11 up to 5.04 lbs.; 158 sea bass keeping 9; 55 porgies keeping 5; 3 bluefish and 66 sea robins. DUE TO FORECAST RAIN ALL TRIPS ARE CANCELED TOMORROW (THURSDAY). Today's 1 PM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 103 ocean fluke keeping 18 up to 6.24 lbs.; 2 bluefish and 25 sea robins.

Tuesday 9/8/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 27 ocean fluke keeping 13; 61 sea bass keeping 7; 48 porgies keeping 7 and 1 triggerfish. Today's 1 PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 83 sea bass keeping 12; 25 porgies keeping 1; 6 ocean fluke keeping 3 up to 7.5 lbs. and 1 bluefish.

Monday 9/7/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 117 ocean fluke keeping 14. Today's 8 AM trip had 27 fishermen. They caught 100 bay fluke keeping 7 and 50 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 105 bay fluke keeping 5 and 60 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip docked late due to a close encounter with a whale. They caught 80 sea bass keeping 15; 50 ling keeping 20 and 3 fluke keeping 1. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 99 sea bass keeping 29; 80 porgies keeping 44 and 6 bluefish


Sunday 9/6/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 80 ocean fluke keeping 21 up to 6.9 lbs.; 15 porgies keeping 10; 10 sea bass keeping 2 and 8 mackerel. Today's 8 AM trip caught 103 bay fluke keeping 10 and 84 sea robins keeping 23. Today's 1 PM trip caught 66 ocean fluke keeping 15; 232 sea bass keeping 60; 87 porgies keeping 12; 5 triggerfish; 4 bluefish and 85 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 126 bay fluke keeping 15; 11 sea bass and 52 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 84 sea bass keeping 21; 86 porgies keeping 24 and 15 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 26 codfish keeping 6; 115 ling keeping 97; 22 sea bass keeping 7; 1 bluefish and 2 lobster.


Saturday 9/5/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 153 sea bass keeping 22; 81 porgies keeping 17; 18 ocean fluke keeping 3; 4 triggerfish and 9 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 100 bay fluke keeping 4 and 56 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 247 sea bass keeping 38; 177 porgies keeping 21; 6 mackerel; and 13 fluke. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 215 sea bass keeping 36; 110 porgies keeping 52; 28 bluefish; 3 fluke; 2 squid and 16 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 20 sea bass; 215 ling; 5 squid; 5 pollack; and 2 cod. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 44 bluefish; 119 sea bass keeping 33; 80 porgies keeping 42 and 1 fluke.


Friday 9/4/15: Tonight's 6pm, 7pm and 11pm trips are canceled due to forecast rough seas overnight. All other trips are on. Today's 7 AM trip caught 61 ocean fluke keeping 11 up to 5.30 lbs.; 18 sea bass keeping 10 and 17 bluefish keeping 7. Today's 8 AM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 43 fluke keeping 2 and 31 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 107 bay fluke keeping 12; 46 sea robins and 9 sea bass. Due to rough seas on the ocean the 1 PM trip fished in the bay. They caught 24 fluke keeping 4; 58 sea bass keeping 18; 14 triggerfish; 11 porgies keeping 8; 8 sea robins and 3 bluefish.


Thursday 9/3/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 93 ocean fluke keeping 18; 31 sea bass; 13 porgies; 17 ling and 17 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 78 fluke keeping 3; 22 sea bass and 43 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 16 fishermen. They caught 105 ocean fluke keeping 25 up to 6.59 lbs. and 10 sea bass keeping 5. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 23 fishermen. They caught 47 codfish keeping 12; 407 ling keeping 322; 15 sea bass keeping 3; 6 bluefish; 8 squid; 2 Pollack and 1 fluke.


Wednesday 9/2/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 20 big ocean fluke keeping 17 up to 6.6 lbs.; 69 sea bass keeping 8; 11 porgies keeping 3; 11 sea robins and 1 mackerel. Today's 8 AM trip had 16 fishermen. They caught 122 fluke keeping 11 and 55 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 89 bay fluke keeping 5; 39 sea robins; 1 bluefish and 5 sea bass. Today's 1 PM trip caught 116 ocean fluke keeping 13 up to 7.01 lbs.; 250 sea bass keeping 5 and 5 porgies. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 19 sea bass keeping 5; 27 porgies keeping 6; 3 fluke keeping 2 and 2 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 151 sea bass; 8 bluefish; 21 cod; 8 pout; 35 mackerel; 276 ling; 1 pollack; and 4 squid.


Tuesday 9/1/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 60 ocean fluke keeping 10 up to 7.02 lbs.; 149 sea bass keeping 12; 58 porgies keeping 11 and 1 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 69 sea bass; 50 porgies; and 21 fluke up to 5 lbs. Today's 2 PM trip had 14 fishermen they caught 71 fluke keeping 4; 21 sea robins; and 8 sea bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 34 sea bass keeping 11; 54 porgies keeping 22 and 3 fluke.


Monday 8/31/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 28 fishermen. They caught 53 ocean fluke keeping 16 up to 8.04 lbs.; 85 sea bass keeping 2; 72 porgies keeping 9; 5 mackerel; 1 bluefish; 1 blowfish and 15 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 115 bay fluke keeping 5 and 72 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 100 bay fluke keeping 2; 1 porgy; 1 kingfish and 40 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 24 fishermen. They caught 45 fluke keeping 10 up to 10.24 lbs.; 79 sea bass keeping 4; 65 porgies keeping 6; 1 mackerel and 15 sea robins.


Sunday 8/30/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 39 fluke keeping 9 up to 4.7 lbs.; 45 sea bass keeping 10; 15 porgies keeping 5; 1 ling and 8 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 207 fluke keeping 17: 94 sea robins; 7 sea bass; 1 triggerfish and 2 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 92 ocean fluke keeping 32 up to 6.2 lbs.; 84 sea bass keeping 25; 3 bluefish; 10 porgies; 1 triggerfish and 16 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 100 bay fluke keeping 2; 60 sea robins and 2 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 65 sea bass keeping 16; 59 porgies keeping 26; 9 fluke keeping 3; 1 bluefish and 6 sea robins.


Saturday 8/29/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 54 ocean fluke keeping 26 up to 6.10 lbs.; 323 sea bass keeping 109; 78 porgies keeping 37; 150 mackerel; 3 bluefish; 3 triggerfish and 9 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 345 bay fluke keeping 16; 141 sea robins; 13 capeshark; 8 porgies and 7 sea bass. Today's 1 PM trip caught 32 ocean fluke keeping 7 up to 5 lbs.; 204 sea bass keeping 45; 148 porgies; 22 mackerel; 3 bluefish; and 1 triggerfish. Today's 2 PM trip caught 37 fluke up to 2.3 lbs.; 27 sea robins; and 1 sea bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 111 sea bass keeping 23; 110 porgies keeping 28; 6 fluke keeping 4; 1 triggerfish and 16 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 28 codfish keeping 7; 85 ling; 5 sea bass; 1 bluefish; 21 pout and 45 squid. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 43 sea bass keeping 16; 24 porgies keeping 14; 2 fluke and 3 bluefish.


Friday 8/28/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 69 ocean fluke keeping 21 up to 4.66 lbs.; 81 sea bass keeping 31; 35 porgies keeping 15; 8 sea robins and 1 giant blowfish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 152 bay fluke keeping 12; 93 sea robins and 2 blowfish. Today's 2 PM trip caught 114 fluke keeping 7; 21 sea robins and 2 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 170 sea bass keeping 74; 48 ocean fluke keeping 18 up to 8.52 lbs.; 45 porgies keeping 20; 5 bluefish; 3 capeshark; 1 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 175 sea bass keeping 33; 99 porgies keeping 42; 12 fluke keeping 4 and 2 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 85 sea bass keeping 34; 35 porgies keeping 9; 4 bluefish and 2 fluke. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 24 fishermen. They caught 125 ling keeping 90; 7 codfish keeping 2; 28 sea bass keeping 3; 25 mackerel and 50 squid.


Thursday 8/27/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 54 fluke keeping 33 up to 6.98 lbs.; 66 sea bass; 61 porgies; 7 skates; and 9 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 249 fluke keeping 16 and 65 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 36 fluke up to 4 lbs.; 309 sea bass keeping 15; 74 porgies; and 9 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 21 fishermen. They caught 84 fluke keeping 8 and 32 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 8 fishermen. They caught 47 sea bass keeping 14; 66 porgies keeping 24; 7 fluke keeping 1; 4 bluefish and 8 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 170 sea bass; 143 ling; 7 cod; 1 bluefish; and 12 pout.


Wednesday 8/26/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 298 sea bass keeping 110; 115 fluke keeping 23 up to 7.32 lbs.; 96 porgies keeping 54 and 15 cunner. Today's 8 AM trip caught 246 fluke keeping 13 and 73 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 129 ocean fluke keeping 17; 159 sea bass keeping 56; 93 porgies keeping 34 and 18 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 123 bay fluke keeping 2; 3 bluefish and 55 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 23 fishermen. They caught 166 sea bass keeping 27; 104 porgies keeping 54; 8 fluke; 4 bluefish and 18 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 20 fishermen. They caught 262 sea bass keeping 89; 10 bluefish; 8 ling; 6 squid; 1 codfish; 1 Pollack.


Tuesday 8/25/15: Today's 7 AM trip 13 fishermen. They caught 28 fluke keeping 7 up to 6.64 lbs.; 45 sea bass keeping 10; 37 porgies keeping 17; 4 mackerel and 15 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 100 fluke keeping 4 and 70 sea robins keeping 3. Today's 1 PM trip caught 151 sea bass keeping 61; 188 fluke keeping 33 up to 3.9 lbs.; 32 mackerel; and 21 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 176 fluke keeping 9 and 52 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 21 fishermen. They caught 130 sea bass keeping 23; 27 porgies keeping 9; 5 fluke keeping 2; 8 bluefish and 13 sea robins.


Monday 8/24/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 53 ocean fluke keeping 12 up to 4.4 lbs.; 108 sea bass keeping 29; 47 porgies keeping 16 and 16 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip had 16 fishermen. They caught 88 bay fluke keeping 5 and 71 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 21 ocean fluke keeping 3 up to 5.38 lbs.; 40 sea bass keeping 5; 40 porgies keeping 21 and 3 bluefish. Today's 2 PM trip caught 200 bay fluke keeping 9 and 150 sea robins.


Sunday 8/23/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 202 sea bass keeping 48; 84 porgies keeping 33; 52 ocean fluke keeping 14 up to 5.38 lbs. and 12 mackerel. Today's 8 AM trip caught 84 fluke keeping 14; 104 sea bass keeping 6; 16 porgies keeping 4; 25 mackerel; 36 sea robins and 3 capeshark. Today's 2 PM trip caught 160 bay fluke keeping 14; 220 sea robins and 5 sea bass. Today's 1 PM trip caught 51 ocean fluke keeping 8; 233 sea bass keeping 61; 11 porgies; 3 triggerfish; 2 blues and 28 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 41 big ocean fluke keeping 16 with 4 over 5 lbs. up to 9.75 lbs. 174 sea bass keeping 51; 49 porgies keeping 16 and 1 bluefish


Saturday 8/22/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 31 fishermen. They caught 205 sea bass keeping 30; 30 porgies keeping 15; 62 big ocean fluke keeping 19 up to 7.9 lbs. and 1 bluefish. Today's 8 AM trip had 35 fishermen. They caught 130 bay fluke keeping 6 up to 3.35 lbs.; 280 sea robins; 6 sea bass and 1 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 203 sea bass keeping 49; 82 porgies keeping 15 and 51 big ocean fluke keeping 16. Today's 2 PM trip caught 110 bay fluke keeping 10; 205 sea robins and 9 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 239 sea bass keeping 48; 53 porgies keeping 22; 40 fluke keeping 9 up to 6.4 lbs. and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 391 sea bass keeping 126; 15 fluke keeping 9; 20 mackerel; 9 squid; 3 capeshark and 16 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 179 sea bass keeping 58; 17 ling; 3 codfish keeping 2; 2 fluke; 6 squid and 9 pout.


Friday 8/21/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 15 fishermen in the rain. They caught 157 sea bass keeping 48; 38 fluke keeping 7; 15 porgies; 1 bluefish and 3 capeshark. Today's 8 AM and 2 PM trips were canceled due to rain. Today's 1 PM trip had 28 fishermen. They caught 274 sea bass keeping 95; 36 ling; 13 fluke keeping 3 up to 3.66 lbs. and 6 mackerel. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 141 sea bass keeping 33; 42 porgies keeping 24; 6 fluke keeping 4 and 16 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 548 sea bass keeping 152 (full boat limit) and 2 fluke.


Thursday 8/20/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 197 sea bass keeping 45; 186 porgies keeping 63; 22 ocean fluke keeping 7 up to 4.84 lbs.; 25 mackerel and 2 triggerfish. Today's 8 AM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 97 bay fluke keeping 5 and 98 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 149 bay fluke keeping 10; 48 sea robins and 2 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip had 23 fishermen. They caught 116 sea bass keeping 37; 142 porgies keeping 51; 16 fluke keeping 12 up to 6.4 lbs. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 214 sea bass keeping 58; 61 porgies keeping 39 and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 23 fishermen. They caught 423 sea bass keeping 130; 7 porgies; 6 fluke; 13 squid and 2 capeshark.


Wednesday 8/19/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 50 ocean fluke keeping 9 up to 5.9 lbs.; 25 sea bass keeping 10; 5 ling and 13 capeshark. Today's 8 AM trip caught 80 bay fluke keeping 5 and 43 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 70 sea bass; 31 porgies; 16 ocean fluke and 6 capeshark. Today's 2 PM trip caught 94 bay fluke keeping 9 and 85 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 86 sea bass keeping 33; 51 porgies keeping 28 and 2 fluke. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 481 sea bass keeping 120 (full boat limit); 2 bluefish; 2 fluke; 10 porgies; 47 squid; and 12 eels.


Tuesday 8/18/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 80 fluke keeping 10; 45 sea bass and 50 porgies. Today's 8 AM trip caught 111 fluke keeping 6 and 46 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 24 fishermen. They caught 176 fluke keeping 8; 29 sea robins; 1 triggerfish and 1 sea bass. Today's 1 PM trip caught 80 ocean fluke keeping 11 up to 4.95 lbs. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 137 sea bass keeping 18; 85 porgies keeping 36 and 3 fluke up to 6.5 lbs.


Monday 8/17/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 168 sea bass keeping 48; 95 porgies; 14 fluke; and 10 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 119 fluke keeping 8; and 78 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 106 sea bass; 58 porgies; 1 fluke; 1 blackfish; 2 cunner; and 3 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 52 fluke; 2 sea bass; and 43 sea robins.


Sunday 8/16/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 349 sea bass keeping 120; 131 porgies keeping 63; 36 fluke keeping 15. Today's 8AM trip caught 201 fluke keeping 23; 292 sea robins keeping 12; 10 capeshark; 3 sea bass and 2 porgies. Today's 2 PM trip caught 129 fluke keeping 11 up to 4.4 lbs.; 39 sea robins and 2 sea bass. Today's 1 PM trip caught 429 sea bass keeping 122; 100 porgies keeping 19; 73 fluke keeping 22; 27 sea robins; 4 bluefish and 3 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 163 sea bass keeping 42 and 157 porgies keeping 101.


Saturday 8/15/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 267 sea bass keeping 65; 35 porgies keeping 15; 33 fluke keeping 10; 3 triggerfish and 3 bluefish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 300 bay fluke keeping 24; 190 sea robins and 7 capeshark. Today's 2 PM trip caught 167 fluke keeping 7; 180 sea robins and 6 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 271 sea bass keeping 51; 41 porgies keeping 11 and 16 fluke keeping 9 up to 10.46 lbs. which is a new leader in our "FREE FISHING FOR LIFE" contest caught by Yukio Akaike. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 141 sea bass keeping 36; 79 porgies keeping 28 and 16 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 152 sea bass keeping 43; 204 ling keeping 173; 23 codfish keeping 9 and 7 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 125 sea bass keeping 34; 24 porgies keeping 14 and 1 bluefish.


Friday 8/14/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 359 sea bass keeping 101; 69 fluke keeping 21; 10 porgies; 3 bluefish and 6 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 117 bay fluke keeping 12 and 25 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 92 fluke keeping 15 up to 6.84 lbs.; 40 sea robins and 1 sea bass. Today's 1 PM trip caught 353 sea bass keeping 80; 38 porgies keeping 15; 15 fluke keeping 2; 20 ling and 3 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 232 sea bass keeping 61; 275 porgies keeping 125 and 2 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 21 fishermen. They caught 206 ling; 155 sea bass keeping 43; 12 codfish keeping 4; 19 pout and 1 lobster.


Thursday 8/13/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 390 sea bass keeping 59; 12 fluke up to 2.6 lbs; 66 porgies; and 1 bluefish. Today's 8 AM trip had 25 fishermen. They caught 270 bay fluke keeping 26 and 51 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 18 fluke up to 5.08 lbs.; 91 sea bass; 2 ling; 1 cod; and 1 pollack. Today's 2 PM trip caught 104 fluke keeping 8 and 60 sea bass keeping 14. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 400 porgies keeping 220 and 266 sea bass keeping 116. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 349 sea bass keeping 106; 39 ling keeping 27; 4 codfish; 4 porgies and 9 pout.


Wednesday 8/12/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 348 sea bass keeping 95; 24 fluke keeping 3 up to 3.5 lbs.; 81 porgies keeping 20; and 4 triggerfish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 137 bay fluke keeping 12 and 212 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 145 bay fluke keeping 7 and 47 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 17 fluke up to 3.6 lbs.;  252 sea bass keeping 72; 116 porgies; 3 cunner and 2 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 124 sea bass keeping 29 and 169 porgies keeping 88. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 280 big sea bass keeping 96 (full boat limit); 2 fluke; 3 squid and 1 bluefish.




Monday 8/10/15: All trips are on today. Tomorrow (Tuesday) the 7 AM, 8 AM, 1 PM, 2 PM and 6 PM trips are canceled due to forecast wind rain and rough seas. Today's 7 AM trip caught 271 sea bass; 16 fluke up to 3.32 lbs.; 49 porgies; 1 bluefish; and 1 triggerfish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 64 bay fluke up to 2.3 lbs.; and 115 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 174 sea bass; 110 porgies; 15 fluke up to 8.10 lbs.; and 15 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 113 fluke up to 3.64 lbs.; and 197 sea robins.


Sunday 8/9/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 230 sea bass keeping 60; 26 porgies keeping 7; 15 fluke keeping 4; 5 mackerel; 19 sea robins and 1 triggerfish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 379 bay fluke keeping 19 up to 4.16 lbs.; 190 sea robins; 4 sea bass; 3 porgies; 2 capeshark and 1 blowfish. Today's 2 PM trip had 32 fishermen. They caught 126 bay fluke keeping 9 and 132 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 390 sea bass keeping 129 up to 4.8 lbs.; 17 porgies keeping 10; 24 fluke keeping 9 up to 7.76 lbs.; 3 triggerfish and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 207 sea bass keeping 52; 105 porgies keeping 44; 4 bluefish and 1 fluke.


Saturday 8/8/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 370 sea bass keeping 81; 28 porgies keeping 7; 28 fluke keeping 7; 6 sea robins and 3 mackerel. Today's 8 AM trip caught 437 bay fluke keeping 21 and 211 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 440 sea bass keeping 77; 34 porgies keeping 15; 12 fluke keeping 5 up to 4.62 lbs. and 1 bluefish. Today's 2 PM trip caught 284 bay fluke keeping 14 and 190 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 191 sea bass keeping 62; 90 porgies keeping 56; kept 1 fluke and caught 6 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 285 sea bass keeping 98 and kept 1 codfish.


Friday 8/7/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 400 sea bass keeping 130 and 11 fluke keeping 2. Today's 8 AM trip caught 95 bay fluke keeping 4 and 108 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 260 sea bass keeping 75; 65 fluke keeping 15 up to 5.38 lbs. and 19 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 164 bay fluke keeping 14; 47 sea robins and 6 sea bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 180 sea bass; 121 porgies; 3 fluke; and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 211 sea bass keeping 84; 85 ling keeping 67; 16 cod keeping 4; 3 pout; 1 lobster and 1 bluefish.


Thursday 8/6/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 392 sea bass keeping 137; 42 porgies keeping 17; 16 fluke keeping 9 up to 6.14 lbs. Today's 8 AM trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 68 fluke keeping 5 and 84 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 294 sea bass keeping 69; 8 porgies keeping 6; 13 fluke; 3 capeshark. Today's 2 PM trip caught 97 fluke keeping 11 up to 4.16 lbs. and 111 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 305 sea bass keeping 85 and 175 porgies keeping 120. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 437 big sea bass keeping 144 (FULL BOAT LIMIT) up to 4.7 lbs.


Wednesday 8/5/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 67 sea bass keeping 28; 44 fluke keeping 3; 4 porgies; 4 blackfish and 90 sea robins. Today's 8 am trip caught 159 fluke keeping 6 and 221 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 23 fishermen. They caught 223 fluke keeping 16 and 132 sea robins keeping 45. Today's 2 PM trip caught 211 fluke keeping 9 and 121 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 222 porgies keeping 86; 54 sea bass keeping 15; 1 fluke and 2 capeshark.


Tuesday 8/4/15: All trips today will be in the bay for fluke. Best tide (prime time) will be 1 PM to 4 PM. Today's 7 AM trip caught 94 fluke keeping 7; 45 sea bass keeping 4; 7 porgies keeping 2 and 37 sea bass. Today's 8 AM trip caught 89 fluke keeping 8 and 100 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 90 fluke keeping 9; 56 sea robins and 1 big blackfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 240 fluke keeping 16; 132 sea robins keeping 45; 3 sea bass and 5 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 43 fluke keeping 2 and 22 sea robins.


Monday 8/3/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 29 fishermen. They caught 174 sea bass keeping 53; 38 porgies keeping 25; 11 fluke keeping 4 and 3 blackfish. Today's 8 AM trip had 25 fishermen. They caught 167 bay fluke keeping 32 and 75 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 24 fishermen. They caught 63 fluke keeping 7 up to 6.22 lbs. and 56 sea robins. TOMORROW EXPECT BAY FLUKE ON OUR 7 AM, 8 AM, 1 PM AND 2 PM TRIPS. Today's 1 PM trip caught 250 sea bass keeping 53; 40 porgies keeping 15: 110 fluke keeping 13; 17 sea robins and 2 blackfish.


Sunday 8/2/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 412 sea bass keeping 115; 60 porgies keeping 35 and 9 fluke keeping 2. Today's 8 AM trip caught 337 fluke keeping 47 up to 4.40 lbs.; 92 sea robins; 12 capeshark and 1 triggerfish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 309 sea bass keeping 70; 39 porgies keeping 21; 45 fluke keeping 6 and 41 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 75 fluke keeping 4; 50 sea robins and 4 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 361 sea bass keeping 115; 381 porgies keeping 223 and 1 fluke.


Saturday 8/1/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 291 fluke keeping 41; 4 sea bass; 52 sea robins and 1 bluefish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 233 fluke keeping 41; 76 sea robins; 2 capeshark and 3 sea bass. Today's 1 PM trip caught 265 sea bass keeping 98; 57 porgies keeping 30; 19 fluke keeping 6 up to 4.4 lbs. and 3 blackfish. Today's 2 PM trip caught 88 bay fluke keeping 9; 30 sea robins; 2 capeshark and 1 triggerfish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 188 sea bass keeping 67; 89 porgies keeping 44 and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 196 sea bass keeping 107; 5 porgies; 3 ling; 1 fluke and 7 pout. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 400 sea bass keeping 127 and 26 porgies keeping 16.


Friday 7/31/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 275 sea bass keeping 71; 49 porgies keeping 27; 97 fluke keeping 6 and 3 triggerfish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 175 fluke keeping 34 and 95 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 28 fishermen. They caught 166 sea bass keeping 60; 16 fluke keeping 6 up to 4.11 lbs.; 32 porgies keeping 22 and 13 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 67 fluke keeping 4 and 51 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 315 sea bass keeping 54 and 121 porgies keeping 33. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 324 sea bass keeping 106 and 12 porgies keeping 4. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 89 ling; 9 sea bass; 3 codfish and 1 bluefish.


Thursday 7/30/15: Due to forecast rough seas on the ocean Tonight's 7 PM trip is canceled. Today's 7 AM trip caught 366 fluke keeping 21 up to 6.26 lbs. and 77 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 98 fluke keeping 21 and 76 sea robins. DUE TO BAD WEATHER TONIGHT'S 6 PM AND 7 PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED. Today's 1 PM trip caught 86 fluke keeping 2; 59 sea robins and 2 sea bass. Today's 2 PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 29 sea robins; 1 bluefish and 85 fluke keeping 2.


Wednesday 7/29/15: Today at 6 PM expect prime time bay fluke. Today's 7 AM trip caught 216 fluke keeping 28 up to 3.54 lbs.; 8 sea bass; 9 capeshark and 63 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 165 prime time bay fluke keeping 27 up to 3.6 lbs. and 44 sea robins. EXPECT PRIME TIME BAY FLUKE AT 6 PM TONIGHT AND THURSDAY NIGHT. Today's 1 PM trip caught 636 sea bass keeping 124; 50 porgies keeping 35; 22 fluke keeping 5 up to 4.6 lbs. and 13 sea robins. Today's 2 pm trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 68 fluke keeping 5 up to 3.6 lbs.; 43 sea robins and 1 bluefish. Tomorrow night's 7 PM trip is canceled. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 119 fluke keeping 5 up to 3.09 lbs. and 39 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 103 sea bass keeping 6; 21 porgies keeping 2; 14 sea robins; 3 mackerel and a 4.62 lb. fluke.


Tuesday 7/28/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 374 sea bass keeping 10; 29 porgies keeping 2; 18 fluke keeping 3; 1 triggerfish and 5 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip had 14 fishermen. They caught 97 fluke keeping 16 and 60 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 8 fishermen. They caught 35 fluke and 26 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 399 sea bass keeping 186; 37 fluke keeping 16 up to 6.26 lbs. and 219 mackerel. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 126 sea bass keeping 42; 145 porgies keeping 39 and 2 blackfish.


Monday 7/27/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 105 fluke keeping 8 up to 3.2 lbs.; 252 sea bass keeping 47; 7 triggerfish and 5 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip had 21 fishermen. They caught 34 fluke keeping 10; 118 sea bass keeping 13; 23 porgies keeping 6 and 17 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 16 fishermen. They caught 74 bay fluke keeping 13 and 45 sea robins.


Sunday 7/26/15: TONIGHT AT 6 PM EXPECT PRIME TIME BAY FLUKE. Today's 7 AM trip caught 127 fluke keeping 26 up to 5.26 lbs.; 363 sea bass keeping 55; 52 sea robins; 2 porgies and 1 bluefish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 122 bay fluke keeping 9 and 86 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 294 sea bass keeping 51; 71 fluke keeping 12; 41 sea robins; 3 porgies and 3 capeshark. Today's 2 PM trip caught 134 bay fluke keeping 22 and 76 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 138 bay fluke keeping 17 and 90 sea robins.


Saturday 7/25/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 21 fluke keeping 8 up to 5.1 lbs.; 540 sea bass keeping 79; 54 porgies keeping 43; 3 triggerfish and 11 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 130 fluke keeping 8 and 46 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 381 sea bass keeping 60; 80 porgies keeping 30; 5 fluke and 4 blackfish. Today's 2 PM trip caught 119 bay fluke keeping 26 up to 5.29 lbs. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 240 sea bass keeping 84 and 351 porgies keeping 207. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 7 codfish; 166 ling keeping 137; 107 sea bass keeping 32; 22 mackerel keeping 15; 22 pout and kept 1 fluke. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 186 sea bass keeping 84; kept 13 porgies and 2 fluke.


Friday 7/24/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 333 sea bass keeping 148; 63 porgies keeping 47; 19 fluke keeping 3; 3 triggerfish and 4 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 71 bay fluke keeping 10 and 65 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 368 sea bass keeping 128; 36 ling keeping 33; 31 mackerel; 14 fluke. Today's 2 PM trip caught 144 bay fluke keeping 17 and 93 sea robins. Today's 6 PM trip caught 597 sea bass keeping 221; 133 porgies keeping 78; 2 fluke; 7 capeshark and 3 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 41 codfish keeping 15; 291 ling keeping 275; 2 lobsters; 1 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught 192 sea bass keeping 88 (full boat limit); 57 porgies keeping 25 and 6 bluefish.


Thursday 7/23/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 11 fluke keeping 4 up to 6.78 lbs.; 363 sea bass keeping 75; 40 porgies keeping 27 and 3 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 89 fluke keeping 7 and 71 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 225 sea bass keeping 74; 9 fluke keeping 1; 27 porgies keeping 19; 1 triggerfish and 13 blackfish. Today's 2 PM trip had 25 fishermen. They caught 209 bay fluke keeping 21 up to 4.42 lbs.; 56 sea robins and 7 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 387 porgies keeping 238; 400 sea bass keeping 133; 1 bluefish and 7 capeshark. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 696 sea bass keeping 176 (full boat limit); 33 porgies; 3 fluke and 1 bluefish.


Wednesday 7/22/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 487 sea bass keeping 115; 63 porgies keeping 40; 8 triggerfish; 3 fluke and 7 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 80 bay fluke keeping 7 and 61 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 207 sea bass keeping 57; 50 porgies keeping 35; 17 fluke keeping 7; 2 capeshark; 2 bluefish and 1 triggerfish. Today's 2 PM trip caught 204 bay fluke keeping 18 and 47 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 596 sera bass keeping 241; 92 porgies keeping 44 and 2 codfish. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 504 sea bass keeping 189; 25 ling; 13 porgies and 1 fluke.


Tuesday 7/21/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 580 sea bass keeping 177; 130 porgies keeping 48; 1 fluke and 3 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 153 bay fluke keeping 18 up to 3.82 lbs. and 90 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 72 fluke keeping 7 and 32 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 29 fishermen. They caught 107 sea bass keeping 86; 37 ling and 11 pout. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 235 sea bass keeping 63; 98 porgies keeping 55; 3 fluke; 11 capeshark and 6 sea robins.


Monday 7/20/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 550 sea bass keeping 70; 73 porgies keeping 50; 5 triggerfish; 7 blackfish and 4 fluke. Today's 8 AM trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 114 bay fluke and 76 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 574 sea bass keeping 334; 42 porgies; 11 fluke; 7 triggerfish and 6 blackfish. Today's 2 pm trip caught 122 bay fluke and 36 sea robins.


Sunday 7/19/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 489 sea bass keeping 180; 56 porgies keeping 35; 67 ling; 3 bluefish; 2 fluke; 1 codfish; 1 flounder; 5 capeshark and 4 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 185 bay fluke keeping 18; 80 sea robins; 4 sea bass; 7 capeshark and 2 sundials. Today's 1 PM trip caught 486 sea bass keeping 131; 89 porgies keeping 56; 14 fluke; 7 triggerfish. Today's 2 pm trip caught 95 fluke and 41 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 290 porgies keeping 202; 112 sea bass keeping 44; 1 lobster; 1 fluke and 1 bluefish.


Saturday 7/18/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 582 sea bass keeping 159; 87 porgies keeping 29; 2 blackfish; 1 bluefish and 11 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 150 fluke keeping 18 and 78 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 83 fluke up to 3.1 lbs. and 62 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 721 sea bass keeping 247; 110 porgies keeping 83; 7 ling; 1 codfish and 2 fluke. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 573 sea bass keeping 184; 140 porgies keeping 86 and 7 capeshark. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 328 sea bass keeping 127; 93 porgies keeping 71; 1 bluefish and a 5.5 lb. fluke. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 1257 sea bass keeping a full boat limit of 408; 32 porgies; 30 ling; 12 bluefish; 1 lobster; 6 pout and 1 flounder.


Friday 7/17/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 1193 sea bass keeping 308; 73 porgies keeping 52; 5 blackfish; 8 capeshark; 12 sea robins and 1 bluefish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 210 bay fluke keeping 27 and 23 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 778 sea bass keeping 179; 47 porgies keeping 30; 3 triggerfish; 1 codfish; 1 bluefish and 5 capeshark. Today's 2 PM trip caught 76 fluke and 23 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 294 porgies; 242 sea bass; 1 cod; 1 blackfish; and 6 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip had 24 fishermen. They caught 612 sea bass keeping 192; 7 porgies; 1 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 42 codfish keeping 23; 481 sea bass keeping 109 and 138 ling keeping 96.


Thursday 7/16/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 716 sea bass keeping 314; 87 porgies; 14 trigger fish; 1 fluke and 3 blackfish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 172 fluke up to 3.9 lbs. and 80 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 232 sea bass; 105 porgies; 3 fluke up to 3.5 lbs.; 15 triggerfish; 4 blackfish; and 9 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 104 fluke; 26 sea robins; 1 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 167 fluke up to 4.1 lbs. and 172 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip was canceled . We sent 11 fishermen out with our good friends on the Jib VI.


Wednesday 7/15/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 1356 sea bass keeping 546; 112 porgies; 17 ling; 6 fluke; 7 triggerfish and 1 codfish. Today's 8 AM trip had 11 fishermen. They caught  77 bay fluke and 28 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 34 fishermen. They caught 621 sea bass keeping 272 (full boat limit) 76 porgies; 7 blackfish; 2 triggerfish; 3 fluke and 2 bluefish. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 112 bay fluke and 22 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip had a full boat limit of sea bass. 10 fishermen caught 317 sea bass keeping 80. 78 porgies; 4 fluke; 7 ling; 2 blues and 1 capeshark.


Tuesday 7/14/15: NEW YORK SEA BASS SEASON OPENS AT MIDNIGHT. SPECIAL TRIP TONIGHT 7 PM TO 3 AM EEZ SEA BASS. Today's 7 AM trip had 24 fishermen. They caught 202 fluke keeping 21; 35 sea robins & 7 capeshark. Today's 8 AM trip caught 131 bay fluke keeping 18 up to 3.12 lbs. and 75 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 127 fluke and 54 sea robins. TODAY AT 1 PM IN THE RAIN WE SENT 4 FISHERMEN OUT WITH OUR GOOD FRIENDS ON THE JIB VI. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 21 fishermen. They caught 92 fluke and 31 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM Sea bass special had a full boat limit. 36 fishermen caught 667 giant sea bass keeping 288. Caught 32 cod, 104 ling, 31 porgies, 2 fluke, 2 Pollack, 3 capeshark and 1 bluefish.


Monday 7/13/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 141 fluke keeping 24 up to 4.42 lbs. and 19 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 62 fluke keeping 9 and 28 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 33 fluke up to 6.5 lbs.; 117 sea bass and 26 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 94 fluke up to 3.1 lbs. and 67 sea robins.


Sunday 7/12/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 192 fluke keeping 39 up to 6 lbs.; 73 sea bass; 13 capeshark; 35 sea robins; 5 sundials; 2 porgies and 1 blackfish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 146 fluke keeping 19; 72 sea robins; 6 capeshark; 3 sea bass and 1 blowfish. Today's 1 PM trip had 25 fishermen. They caught 113 ocean fluke; 123 sea bass; 57 sea robins; 6 capeshark; 1 ling and 1 porgy. Today's 2 PM trip caught 210 bay fluke keeping 20 and 61 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 312 bay fluke keeping 23 and 66 sea robins.


Saturday 7/11/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 231 fluke keeping 42 up to 6.32 lbs.; 79 sea bass; 12 capeshark and 54 sea robins. Today's 8 am trip caught 183 fluke up to 2.9 lbs.; and 80 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 86 ocean fluke keeping 15 up to 4.01 lbs.; 203 sea bass; 1 triggerfish; 9 capeshark and 9 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 124 bay fluke keeping 14; 75 sea robins and 6 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 205 bay fluke and 42 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 19 cod; 76 ling; 129 sea bass and 17 pout. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 155 porgies; 419 sea bass; 1 cod and 1 ling.


Friday 7/10/15: TONIGHT AND SATURDAY NIGHT EXPECT OCEAN PORGIE FISHING ON THE 11 PM TRIP AND PRIME TIME BAY FLUKE ON THE 6 PM TRIP. FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 1 PM AND 2 PM TRIPS ROBERT MOSES PARKWAY MAY HAVE BEACH TRAFFIC. PLEASE ALLOW EXTRA DRIVE TIME OR TAKE OCEAN PARKWAY. Today's 7 AM trip caught 142 ocean fluke, keeping 21 up to 5.34 lbs.; 241 sea bass and 9 capeshark. Today's 8 AM trip caught 114 bay fluke up to 3.6 lbs. and 63 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 199 fluke keeping 38 up to 4.56 lbs. 157 sea bass; 2 porgies; 1 ling; 32 sea robins and 5 capeshark. Today's 2 PM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 107 bay fluke keeping 12 and 46 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 22 fishermen. They caught 130 fluke keeping 12 and 31 sea robins. Tonights 7 PM trip caught 53 ling; 5 cod; 88 sea bass; 1 pollack; and 2 flounder. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 101 porgies; 434 sea bass; 3 cod; 1 ling; 2 bluefish; 2 fluke and 3 sea robins.


Thursday 7/9/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 134 ocean fluke keeping 21 up to 6.38 lbs.; 225 sea bass; and 15 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 90 bay fluke up to 2.88 lbs. and 34 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip is canceled due to forecast heavy rain between 11 PM and 1 AM. Today's 1 PM trip had 11 fishermen they caught 79 big ocean fluke up to 4.3 lbs.; 139 sea bass; and 5 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 168 bay fluke up to 3.52 lbs. and 33 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM and 7 PM trips were canceled.


Wednesday 7/8/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 64 fluke up to 3.42 lbs.; 179 sea bass; 7 capeshark and 17 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 104 bay fluke up to 3.28 lbs. and 38 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 90 ocean fluke keeping 21 up to 6.5 lbs.; 95 sea bass and 3 capeshark. Today's 6 PM trip had 14 fishermen they caught 92 fluke; and 42 sea robins.


Tuesday 7/7/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 73 fluke up to 3 lbs.; 139 sea bass; and 15 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip had 7 fishermen. They caught 26 fluke and 18 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 11 fishermen they caught 70 fluke, keeping 27; and 21 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 59 bay fluke and 33 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 87 fluke up to 4.5 lbs. and 11 sea robins.


Monday 7/6/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 35 fluke; 137 sea bass; 9 capeshark and 20 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 81 fluke up to 5.00 lbs. and 38 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 77 fluke and 39 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 72 fluke up to 6.38 lbs.; 144 sea bass; and 16 sea robins.


Sunday 7/5/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 111 fluke keeping 22 up to 5.02 lbs.; 374 sea bass and 11 capeshark. Today's 8 AM trip caught 111 fluke up to 3 lbs.; and 50 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 49 ocean fluke up to 5.5 lbs.; 179 sea bass and 11 capeshark. Today's 2 PM trip caught 86 bay fluke and 37 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 94 fluke up to 2.9 lbs.; 63 sea robins; and 1 sea bass.


Saturday 7/4/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 63 fluke; 211 sea bass; 6 capeshark and 13 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 149 fluke up to 3 lbs.; and 59 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 98 fluke up to 3.8 lbs.; and 35 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 45 fluke; 43 sea bass and 17 sea robins.


Friday 7/3/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 157 fluke keeping 27 up to 4.51 lbs.; 11 ling; 349 sea bass; 19 capeshark. Today's 8 AM trip caught 298 fluke up to 4.89 lbs.; and 88 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 64 fluke keeping 21; 285 sea bass; 13 capeshark and 14 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 159 fluke and 55 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 76 fluke and 44 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 7 stripers and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 24 codfish; 36 ling; 258 sea bass; 2 porgies; 2 dogfish and 3 squid.


Thursday 7/2/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 83 fluke up to 4.98 lbs. keeping 27; 2 bluefish; and 27 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 143 fluke keeping 18 and 38 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 160 fluke keeping 13; 46 sea robins and 1 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 87 fluke up to 9.8 lbs.; 33 sea robins; and 57 skates. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 103 fluke; and 28 sea robins.  Tonight's 7 PM trip had 18 fishermen. They caught 180 sea bass; 28 cod; 78 ling; and 5 porgies.


Wednesday 7/1/15: Due to thunderstorms today's 7 AM and 8 AM trips were canceled. Today's 2 PM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 83 fluke up to 3.7 lbs.; 27 sea robins and 1 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 126 fluke up to 5.2 lbs.; 17 sea robins; and released 103 sea bass. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 133 fluke up to 3.52 lbs. and 32 sea robins. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 16 fishermen. They caught 48 cod; 40 ling; 30 porgies; and 225 sea bass up to 6 lbs.


Tuesday 6/30/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 169 fluke upto 4.98 lbs.; and 19 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 157 fluke up to 3.1 lbs. and 32 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 96 ocean fluke; 78 sea bass; 20 capeshark and 15 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip caught 119 fluke and 39 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 82 fluke; 31 sea robins and 1 striper.


Monday 6/29/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 116 fluke up to 3.75 lbs.; 9 sea robins; 5 capeshark and 1 big bluefish. Today's 8 am trip caught 169 fluke up to 4.94 lbs.; 2 bluefish and 42 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 14 fishermen. they caught 30 fluke up to 3.82 lbs. Today's 1 PM trip caught 43 fluke up to 3.5 lbs. and 8 sea robins.


Sunday 6/28/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 102 fluke, keeping 22 up to 3.38 lbs.; 41 sea robins; 3 sundials and 1 bluefish. Today's 8 AM trip caught 116 fluke up to 3.14 lbs. and 29 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 127 fluke keeping 21 up to 4.25 lbs.; 38 sea robins; 4 capeshark and 2 sundials. Today's 2 PM trip caught 136 fluke and 15 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 255 fluke up to 4.3 lbs.; and 31 sea robins.


Saturday 6/27/15: ANOTHER 10 LB. FLUKE CAUGHT ON TODAY'S 7 AM TRIP. ALL TRIPS TODAY AND TOMMORROW WILL BE IN THE BAY. TONIGHT'S 7 PM AND 11 PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST RAIN LATE TONIGHT. Today's 7 AM trip caught 366 fluke up to 10.34 lbs.; 42 sea robins and 3 sundials. Today's 8 AM trip caught 158 fluke; 65 sea robins and 1 bluefish. Today's 1 PM trip caught 157 fluke keeping 26 up to 4.52 lbs.; 36 sea robins 6 capeshark and 1 bluefish. Today's 2 PM trip had 9 fishermen. They caught 52 fluke and 24 sea robins.


Friday 6/26/15: Saturday night's 7 PM trip is canceled due to forecast rough seas offshore. Expect all trips to be in the bay from Saturday 1 PM through Sunday 6 PM. Today's 7 AM trip caught 49 fluke up to 2.74 lbs.; 4 cape sharks; and released 15 sea bass. Today's 2 PM trip had 15 fishermen they caught 82 fluke up to 4.28 lbs.; and 40 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 129 fluke up to 3.3 lbs.; 47 sea bass; 4 ling; 7 capeshark; 4 sundials and 38 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 160 fluke keeping 22 up to 4.90 lbs.; 5 bluefish; and 43 sea robins. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 6 bluefish; and 4 cape shark. Tonight's 7 PM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 78 sea bass; 14 ling; 6 codfish; 12 pout and 3 squid.


Thursday 6/25/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 75 ocean fluke up to 3.6 lbs.; 7 sea robins; and released 128 sea bass. Today's 8 AM trip caught 281 bay fluke up to 4.2 lbs.; 1 bluefish and 65 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 111 fluke up to 8.3 lbs.; 3 sea robins; and released 114 sea bass. Heather McKenny caught her limit of fluke. Today's 2 PM trip caught 112 bay fluke up to 6.7 lbs. and 22 sea robins. THE NEXT THREE NIGHTS ON THE 6 PM TRIP EXPECT PRIME TIME FLUKE AND THEN STRIPERS AND BLUES AFTER DARK. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 1 striper; 5 blues and 16 fluke.


Wednesday 6/24/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 179 ocean fluke up to 4.6 lbs.; 8 ling; 1 monkfish and released 89 sea bass. Today's 8 AM trip caught 128 bay fluke; 35 sea robins and 1 bluefish. Today's 2 PM trip had 19 fishermen. They caught 143 prime time bay fluke up to 7.3 lbs. and 33 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 93 ocean fluke up to 4.66 lbs.;13 sea bass and 12 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 1 striper and 6 bluefish.


Tuesday 6/23/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 10 fishermen they caught 77 ocean fluke up to 3.9 lbs.; 25 cape shark; and 17 skates. Today's 8 AM trip had 6 fishermen. They caught 116 bay fluke; 1 bluefish and 43 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 6 fishermen. They caught 64 bay fluke and 28 sea robins.


Monday 6/22/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 121 ocean fluke up to 3.8 lbs.; 28 capeshark; 16 sea robins. Today's 8 AM trip caught 223 bay fluke up to 3.12 lbs. and 23 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 127 fluke up to 3.1 lbs.; 4 cape shark; and released 81 sea bass. Today's 2 PM trip caught 119 bay fluke up to 2.9 lbs. and 42 sea robins for 14 fishermen.


Sunday 6/21/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 92 fluke up to 5.2 lbs.; 21 capeshark; 3 bluefish; 19 sea robins and 8 sundials. Today's 8 AM trip caught 115 fluke; 28 sea robins and 3 capeshark. Today's 2 PM trip caught 213 fluke; and 37 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 228 fluke up to 5.76 lbs.; 33 sea robins; 22 capeshark and 13 sundials. Tonight's 6 PM trip kept 14 giant stripers to over 40 lbs. fishing on the bunker pods.


Saturday 6/20/15: TONIGHT'S 7 PM AND 11 PM TRIPS ARE CANCELED DUE TO FORECAST HEAVY RAIN LATE. Today's 7 AM trip caught 111 fluke up to 10.38 lbs. with a NEW FREE FISHING FOR LIFE LEADER JIM NOVAK; 48 sea robins; and 31 cape shark. Today's 8 AM trip caught 149 fluke up to 3.4 lbs.; 41 sea robins; and 4 cape shark. Today's 2 PM trip caught 86 fluke up to 3.7 lbs.; and 34 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 103 fluke up to 5.34 lbs.; 4 sea bass; 1 bluefish; 23 capeshark; 16 sea robins and 2 sundials. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 6 striped bass; and 23 bluefish.


Friday 6/19/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 121 fluke up to 4.02 lbs.; 3 ling; and released 140 sea bass. Today's 8 AM trip caught 176 fluke up to 2.1 lbs.; 2 bluefish; and 50 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 10 fishermen. They caught 105 fluke up to 3.3 lbs. and 28 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 66 fluke up to 3.6 lbs.; 22 sea bass and 11 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip kept 8 big stripers all between 30 and 43 lbs. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 78 codfish, keeping 36; 30 ling; 27 pout; 75 sea bass; 2 squid and 1 bluefish. Tonight's 11 PM trip caught 4 stripers and 9 bluefish.


Thursday 6/18/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 15 fishermen. They caught 105 fluke up to 2.14 lbs.; 18 skates; and 17 cape shark. Today's 8 AM trip had 8 fishermen. They caught 66 fluke up to 5.1 lbs. and 18 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip had 15 fishermen they caught 66 fluke up to 2.9 lbs.; 19 cape shark; and released 24 sea bass. Today's 2 PM trip had 7 fishermen. They caught 49 fluke; 20 sea robins and 1 bluefish. Tonight at 6 PM we sent 5 fishermen out with our good friends on the Island Princess.


Wednesday 6/17/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 165 ocean fluke up to 5.5 lbs.; 31 sea bass and 44 capeshark. Today's 8 AM trip had 13 fishermen. They caught 87 fluke up to 3.1 lbs. and 17 sea robins. Today's 2 PM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 102 fluke up to 2.8 lbs. and 17 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 324 ocean fluke up to 6.25 lbs. and 12 capeshark. Tonight's 6 PM trip had 12 fishermen. They caught 4 bluefish; 2 stripers and 1 fluke.


Tuesday 6/16/15: Today's 7 AM trip had 19 fishermen they caught 43 fluke up to 3 lbs.; and released 53 sea bass.




Sunday 6/14/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 89 fluke; 14 sea bass; 30 capeshark and 11 sea robins. Today's 1 PM trip caught 128 fluke; 39 capeshark and 12 sea robins.


Saturday 6/13/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 229 fluke keeping 24 up to 3.91 lbs.; 12 sea robins and 42 capeshark. Today's 1 PM trip caught 168 fluke up to 3.1 lbs.; 91 capeshark; 3 bluefish; 16 sea bass and 19 sea robins. Tonight's 6 PM trip caught 25 bluefish and 1 striper. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 42 cod; 16 ling; 3 pollack; and released 39 sea bass.


Friday 6/12/15: We have canceled most trips on the Laura Lee through Monday to change a fuel injector. The 6 PM trip on Saturday night will sail on our Captain Zach's CAPT. EDDIE B III. The Laura Lee Express will Sail 7 AM, 1 PM and 7 PM Ocean fluke and wreck fishing.  Today's 7 AM trip had 17 fishermen. They caught 49 fluke up to 4.02 lbs.; released 66 sea bass; and 1 ling. Today's 1 PM trip caught 197 ocean fluke up to 6.12 lbs. and 29 capeshark. Tonight's 7 PM trip caught 55 codfish, keeping 23; 12 ling; relrased 46 sea bass; 81 capeshark; 22 pout and kept 1 bluefish.


Thursday 6/11/15: Today's 7 AM trip caught 114 fluke up to 2.4 lbs.; a

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